In the 52-force-text-mode-console hook, gracefully exit when the /boot/grub2 directory does not exist on the Fedora 19 cloud image filesystem. By default the Fedora 19 cloud image is using extlinux to boot the image instead of GRUB. The decision was taken because GRUB is quite big (would pull in ~30MB of dependencies) and there's very little benefit in using it because cloud images don't need to cover all the corner cases. Change-Id: I52723d4d14c21b1787b4c7e0dd21a09cdbdae0d1
This is the base element.
Almost all users will want to include this in their disk image build, as it includes a lot of useful functionality.
- If you are getting warnings during the build about your locale being missing, consider installing/generating the relevant locale. This may be as simple as having language-pack-XX installed in the pre-install stage