Matthew Thode de0cddc390
Add Gentoo to the dhcp-all-interfaces element
This makes use of the dhcpcd package and it's ability to run on all
interfaces by default.  We disable the privacy extensions and dhcp
overriding the hostname (both are enabled by default).  Other than
that it 'just works' and was the method used to bring up interfaces
on Gentoo Openstack images before we switched to building with DIB.

Change-Id: I02c14927d70b22f560c6fc149fefca0f93933f56
2016-04-21 16:40:06 -05:00

32 lines
1.3 KiB
Executable File

if [ ${DIB_DEBUG_TRACE:-1} -gt 0 ]; then
set -x
set -eu
set -o pipefail
SCRIPTDIR=$(dirname $0)
# this script is not needed on Gentoo.
if [ "$DISTRO_NAME" != "gentoo" ]; then
install -D -g root -o root -m 0755 ${SCRIPTDIR}/ /usr/local/sbin/
if [ "$DIB_INIT_SYSTEM" == "upstart" ]; then
install -D -g root -o root -m 0755 ${SCRIPTDIR}/dhcp-all-interfaces.conf /etc/init/dhcp-all-interfaces.conf
elif [ "$DIB_INIT_SYSTEM" == "systemd" ]; then
install -D -g root -o root -m 0755 ${SCRIPTDIR}/dhcp-interface@.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/dhcp-interface@.service
install -D -g root -o root -m 0644 ${SCRIPTDIR}/dhcp-all-interfaces-udev.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/99-dhcp-all-interfaces.rules
elif [ "$DIB_INIT_SYSTEM" == "sysv" ]; then
install -D -g root -o root -m 0755 ${SCRIPTDIR}/dhcp-all-interfaces.init /etc/init.d/dhcp-all-interfaces
update-rc.d dhcp-all-interfaces defaults
elif [ "$DISTRO_NAME" == "gentoo" ]; then
# let ipv6 use normal slaac
sed -i 's/slaac/#slaac/g' /etc/dhcpcd.conf
# don't let dhcpcd set domain name or hostname
sed -i 's/domain_name\,\ domain_search\,\ host_name/domain_search/g' /etc/dhcpcd.conf
rc-update add dhcpcd default