As described in the comment, there is a dnf equivalent of this command that doesn't require us installing yum-utils (which drags in yum on dnf-only systems such as f23) This is a small consequence to this -- due to us not installing yum-utils some installs will now be completely yum free. This causes a breakage in ironic-agent 99-remove-extra-packages where we remove the yum package. There is a long-standing bug/feature where missing packages in a group of packages do not cause yum/dnf to exit with failure, but uninstalling a single package will. Because we have made the systems yum-free, the uninstall of yum can fail in this corner case. It has always been like this, so I'm in favour of the "ain't broke" approach. To work-around this, I have just put yum into the existing list of packages to be cleaned up. I have added a note to the yum installer taking note of this behaviour for future reference. Change-Id: I8bbdc07ccdb89a105b4fc70d5a215077c42fcd03
Image installation steps common to RHEL, CentOS, and Fedora.
If used to build an image form a cloud image compress with xz (the default in centos), this element uses "unxz" to decompress the image. Depending on your distro you may need to install either the xz or xz-utils package.
Environment Variables
- Required
- Default
- Description
Use the local path of a qcow2 cloud image. This is useful in that you can use a customized or previously built cloud image from diskimage-builder as input. The cloud image does not have to have been built by diskimage-builder. It should be a full disk image, not just a filesystem image.
- Example