The centos-minimal approach of using rinse does not, it turns out, work on centos. That's a bummer. It's also rather heavyweight. Instead, with minor machinations, we can just use yum itself pointed at a chroot. Also adding fedora-minimal element which creates a fedora image using the new yum-minimal approach. Co-Authored-By: Gregory Haynes <greg@greghaynes.net> Change-Id: I026fd9d323e786dae5bb67824c6501067e1ceaa3
Create a minimal image based on Fedora.
Use of this element will require 'yum' and 'yum-utils' to be installed on Ubuntu and Debian. Nothing additional is needed on Fedora or CentOS. The element will need python-lzma everywhere.
Due to a bug in the released version of urlgrabber, on many systems an installation of urlgrabber from git is required. The git repository can be found here: http://yum.baseurl.org/gitweb?p=urlgrabber.git;a=summary
The DIB_OFFLINE or more specific DIB_YUMCHROOT_USE_CACHE variables can be set to prefer the use of a pre-cached root filesystem tarball.
This element sets the DIB_RELEASE var to 'fedora'. The release of fedora to be installed can be controlled through the DIB_RELEASE variable, which defaults to '21'.