Previously, this code was not checking for the proper environment variable for an element's installtype. There was a line replacing '-' with '_' as is required, but that value was not actually used when searching for the environment variable. Change-Id: I0bbd56969188389db81844d9276269464870f776
The package-installs element allows for a declarative method of installing and uninstalling packages for an image build. This is done by creating a package-installs.yaml or package-installs.json file in the element directory.
example package-installs.yaml:
phase: pre-install.d
uninstall: True
installtype: source
example package-installs.json:
"libxml2": null,
"grub2": {"phase": "pre-install.d"},
"networkmanager": {"uninstall": true}
"os-collect-config": {"installtype": "source"}
Setting phase, uninstall, or installtype properties for a package overrides the following default values:
phase: install.d
uninstall: False
installtype: * (Install package for all installtypes)
Setting the installtype property causes the package only to be installed if the specified installtype would be used for the element. See the diskimage-builder docs for more information on installtypes.
DEPRECATED: Adding a file under your elements pre-install.d, install.d, or post-install.d directories called package-installs-<element-name> will cause the list of packages in that file to be installed at the beginning of the respective phase. If the package name in the file starts with a "-", then that package will be removed at the end of the install.d phase.