Adds new disk-image-create --install-type option which can be used to enable alternate install types. The default install type is 'source'. The motivation is to eliminate elements like enable-package-installs which require coupling and also don't work with elements in multiple element repositories. This patch does not prevent you from using the previous DIB_INSTALLTYPE_ variables to customize the install type, rather it just changes the default so you don't have to set it so often when using things like packages. Change-Id: Icee98440fc2251728f2dca30e7c4789a0fd89b93
This is the base element.
Almost all users will want to include this in their disk image build, as it includes a lot of useful functionality.
If you are getting warnings during the build about your locale being missing, consider installing/generating the relevant locale. This may be as simple as having language-pack-XX installed in the pre-install stage
This element ensures /tmp/ccache will be available in the chroot during the root, extra-data, pre-install, install and post-install stages. /tmp/ccache is unavailable during block-device, finalise and cleanup stages as it will have been automatically unmounted by then.