When the kernel gets installed on Fedora, the rpm post scripts call "/bin/kernel-install" [1] to install it. This is a script provided by systemd. However, in [2], Fedora ships a patch to kernel-install that makes a call-out to /sbin/new-kernel-pkg -- the install script provided by grubby [3] Without grubby installed, systemd's kernel-install script goes off and runs dracut plugins directly [4], which eventually creates the initrd. For reasons that are not clearly explained, the initrd will end up in a a "machine-id" sub-directory of /boot (possibly, so you can symlink it?). It is also called "initrd", even though it's an initramfs, for historical reasons in dracut I think. It is at this point that I think 99-ramdisk has been written to move the generated initrd file back into /boot. Later on, when we build the image, we run grub-install and it picks up the kernel and the initrd and installs everything. grubby's new-kernel-pkg [6] it's very similar -- it uses dracut to make the initramfs ... but in this case it is put in /boot and is actually called initramfs. The subtle change that led me down this path is that dracut has been modified to have a "Recommends" for grubby for >F22 [7]. After discussing this change with the author, it turns out it was *always* intended to use the grubby-based kernel install scripts for Fedora -- our builds have been incorrect in not including the package. The author got sick of people removing the package and making unbootable systems, hence the change. Thus this removes the workarounds in 99-ramdisk and replace it with an install of the grubby package. grubby's kernel install script will put the kernel & generated initramfs in /boot, and it will be installed correctly via the usual grub install later when we build the disk image. I have built F22 & F23 fedora-minimal images with this and they boot. [1] http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/kernel.git/tree/kernel.spec#n1832 [2] http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/systemd.git/tree/kernel-install-grubby.patch [3] http://linux.die.net/man/8/new-kernel-pkg [4] https://github.com/haraldh/dracut/blob/master/50-dracut.install [5]81516adcb7
[6] https://github.com/rhinstaller/grubby/blob/master/new-kernel-pkg [7]47ff68e78b
Change-Id: I1a6e45d04755515286b3d49f8280c16b527e2f48
Create a minimal image based on Fedora.
Use of this element will require 'yum' and 'yum-utils' to be installed on Ubuntu and Debian. Nothing additional is needed on Fedora or CentOS. The element will need python-lzma everywhere.
Due to a bug in the released version of urlgrabber, on many systems an installation of urlgrabber from git is required. The git repository can be found here: http://yum.baseurl.org/gitweb?p=urlgrabber.git;a=summary
The DIB_OFFLINE or more specific DIB_YUMCHROOT_USE_CACHE variables can be set to prefer the use of a pre-cached root filesystem tarball.
This element sets the DIB_RELEASE var to 'fedora'. The release of fedora to be installed can be controlled through the DIB_RELEASE variable, which defaults to '21'.