I would like to recommend to use + instead of \; in the find command. As this will ensure the removal of all selected directories in a single invocation. Hence improve the speed of deletion. Change-Id: I409fe11aae217afb6f790491591005c679264ed4
Provide dpkg specific image building glue.
The ubuntu element needs customisations at the start and end of the image build process that do not apply to RPM distributions, such as using the host machine HTTP proxy when installing packages. These customisations live here, where they can be used by any dpkg based element.
The dpkg specific version of install-packages is also kept here.
Environment Variables
- DIB_ADD_APT_KEYS: If an extra or updated apt key is needed then define DIB_ADD_APT_KEYS with the path to a folder. Any key files inside will be added to the key ring before any apt-get commands take place.
- DIB_APT_LOCAL_CACHE: You can use this variable to disable the internal cache of the /var/cache/apt/archives directory by setting it to 0. The default is to bind mount the ~/.cache/image-create/apt/$DISTRO_NAME directory in /var/cache/apt/archives, this to cache the .deb files downloaded during the image creation.