Fixes problems found by set -eu and pipefail, including: -Many unset variables -Commands that can fail under normal circumstances, which breaks with set -e. This change swallows those expected errors to allow our existing error code to handle them. -The dkms element was not finding Fedora kernel versions correctly. This may be an issue for other distros too, but since Fedora was working fine without this functionality I only changed it to print a warning message rather than failing the build when it happens. -The ramdisk init script will not be set -eu because if it fails the result is a kernel panic, which can be tricky to debug. However, in testing with set -e a few failing commands were found and have been fixed in this patch. Change-Id: I44cf98dfc80cfcaec54b88cc83be80a3dbf2cec3
A helper script to download images into a local cache.