It may be desirable to specify file://tmp/pypi as one of the list of mirrors specified by PYPI_MIRROR_URL, so the local pypi mirror should be mounted as long as the directory exists. Even though the path is mounted, it is only used by pip if there is no specified PYPI_MIRROR_URL, or if one PYPI_MIRROR_URL entry specifies file://tmp/pypi. The pypi element previously assumed that a local mirror would be a complete offline mirror. This change allows for a mixture of local mirror plus remote mirrors. This means that the local mirror could (for example) contain a few locally built pip packages from arbitrary git checkouts for gate testing of those projects. In this scenario, most packages would be downloaded from the configured remote mirrors. This change is required for synchronous gating on the os-*-config tools. Change-Id: I0f6d153c06993ffd0d90bd8ca1717462e8b6b541
Inject a PyPI mirror
Use a custom PyPI mirror to build images. The default is to bind mount one from ~/.cache/image-create/pypi/mirror into the build environment as mirror URL file:///tmp/pypi. The element temporarily overwrites /root/.pip.conf and .pydistutils.cfg to use it.
When online, the official pypi.python.org pypi index is supplied as an extra-url, so uncached dependencies will still be available. When offline, only the mirror is used - be warned that a stale mirror will cause build failures. To disable the pypi.python.org index without using --offline (e.g. when working behind a corporate firewall that prohibits pypi.python.org) set DIB_NO_PYPI_PIP to any non-empty value.
To use an arbitrary mirror set PYPI_MIRROR_URL=http[s]://somevalue/
Additional mirrors can be added by exporting PYPI_MIRROR_URL_1=... etc. Only the one mirror can be used by easy-install, but since wheels need to be in the first mirror to be used, the last listed mirror is used as the pydistutils index. NB: The sort order for these variables is a simple string sort - if you have more than 9 additional mirrors, some care will be needed.
A typical use of this element is thus: export PYPI_MIRROR_URL=http://site/pypi/Ubuntu-13.10 export PYPI_MIRROR_URL_1=http://site/pypi/ export PYPI_MIRROR_URL_2=file:///tmp/pypi
pypi-mirror can be useful in making a partial PyPI mirror suitable for building images. For instance:
sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev libmysqlclient-dev libpq-dev
libnspr4-dev pkg-config libsqlite3-dev libzmq-dev libffi-dev libldap2-dev
libsasl2-dev -
pip install git+https://git.openstack.org/openstack-infra/pypi-mirror
cat << EOF > mirror.yaml cache-root: /home/USER/.cache/image-create/pypi/download
- name: openstack
- https://git.openstack.org/openstack/requirements output: /home/USER/.cache/image-create/pypi/mirror EOF
- name: openstack
mkdir -p /home/USER/.cache/image-create/pypi/{download,mirror}
run-mirror -b remotes/origin/master --verbose -c mirror.yaml
This creates and updates the mirror.
If you have additional packages that are not identified in the global openstack requirements project, you can include them:
- pip install -d ~/.cache/image-create/pypi/download/pip/openstack
heat-cfntools distribute os-apply-config run-mirror -b remotes/origin/master --verbose -c mirror.yaml --no-download
A dedicated user with no privileges may be desirable when running this for unattended installs, since pypi-mirror will compile fairly arbitrary code from the internet.