Hello everyone, I’m Sampath Priyankara. I would like to announce my candidacy to continue as PTL of Masakari for the Ussuri development cycle. In Train, we mainly focused on documentation, bug fix, and add more functional tests for masakri. In Ussuri, we will work on more documentation and increase test coverage. I think it is equally important to focus on raising awareness and adoption of Masakari, improve diversity of the team, and improve cross project/community communication and support. I will make my best effort to find more users, more reviewers and more developers for Masakari. Finally, I would like to thank you all Masakari contributors for your hard work over past cycles, and all OpenStack community members for your valuable comments, opportunities, and all the help you gave. Also, thank you for considering my candidacy. - Sampath Priyankara (samP)