.. include:: configuration.rst ================== OpenStack Election ================== .. include:: events.rst See `Election system`_, `PTL details`_ and `TC details`_. .. Below is the official list of candidates for the current round. .. candidates:: Previous elections ================== .. include:: archive_toc.rst Election Officials ================== * Kendall Nelson (diablo_rojo), knelson at openstack dot org * Emmet Hikory (persia), persia at shipstone dot jp * Tony Breeds (tonyb), tony at bakeyournoodle dot com For any questions, please contact officials by mail or over irc at #openstack-dev Freenode channel. .. _Election system: Election System =============== Elections will be held using CIVS and a Condorcet algorithm (Schulze/Beatpath/CSSD variant). Any tie will be broken using Governance_TieBreaking_. Electorate ========== The electorate for this election are the Foundation individual members that are also committers for one of the `official project teams`_ repositories over the |Timeframe|. The electorate is requested to confirm their email address in gerrit, review.openstack.org > Settings > Contact Information > Preferred Email, prior to |PreferredEmailDeadLine| so that the emailed ballots are mailed to the correct email address. The electorate is expected to abide by the following general resolution: https://governance.openstack.org/resolutions/20140711-election-activities.html. Candidates ========== Any member of an election electorate can propose their candidacy for the same election. Nominees propose their candidacy by submitting a text file to the openstack/election repository. See documentation below. .. _How to submit a candidacy: How to submit a candidacy ========================= Each candidate must nominate themselves for each elected position, and are encouraged to submit their own candidacy to gerrit, although where appropriate, others may submit a candidacy for those who have already self-nominated by other means. If you are not already familiar with OpenStack development workflow, see this more detailed documentation: http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers.html Candidacies now need to be submitted as a text file to the openstack/election repository. Here are the required steps: * Clone the election repository: git clone git://git.openstack.org/openstack/election ; cd election * Create a new file candidates/// containing the candidate statement. * Commit the candidacy: git add candidates//*/*; git commit -m "Adding candidacy for " * Submit your candidacy: git review For example Dana Developer (ddev on IRC) would compose a platform in a file named "candidates/newton/Nova/dana\@inconnu.org" to submit a Newton Nova PTL candidacy. The election webpage will display the candidacy as "Dana Developer (ddev)" based on the IRC nick stored in Dana's foundation member profile. After the candidacy is submitted to gerrit, verification and approval will be performed by elections officials, followed by an update to the approved candidate list. .. _PTL details: Project Team Leads' election ============================ Elected Positions ----------------- Every `official project team`__ must elect a PTL. PTLs are elected for 6 months. Reference: |Projects.yaml|. __ `official project teams`_ Electorate ---------- Except otherwise-noted in the project team description, the electorate for a given PTL election are the Foundation individual members that are also committers for one of the team's repositories over the |Timeframe|. .. _TC details: Technical Committee's election ============================== Elected Positions ----------------- Under the rules of the `TC charter`_, we need to renew |TCSeats| TC seats for this election. Seats are valid for one-year terms. * Technical Committee member - |TCSeats| positions. Electorate ---------- The electorate for this election are the Foundation individual members that are also committers for one of the `official project teams`_ repositories over the |Timeframe|. Candidates ---------- Any individual member of the foundation can propose their candidacy Nominees proposes their candidacy by submitting a text file to the openstack/election repository. The file must be placed in candidates//TC/ The candidacy is then confirmed by elections officials through gerrit. See above `How to submit a candidacy`_ documentation. .. seealso:: See the `Election Officiating Guidelines`_ page in the wiki for details on the election process. .. _Election Officiating Guidelines: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Election_Officiating_Guidelines .. _Governance_TieBreaking: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/TieBreaking .. _TC charter: https://governance.openstack.org/reference/charter.html .. _official project teams: https://governance.openstack.org/reference/projects/index.html