Hi All, I would like to announce my candidacy for a seat on the OpenStack Technical Committee for the upcoming year. I'm working for the OpenStack Foundation as Ecosystem Technical Lead where my responsibility is to help our members to succeed with OpenStack both as software and community. My main focus areas are Telecom/NFV, on boarding and collaboration with adjacent communities. I joined the community nearly four years ago. By my contributions I’m the constant voice of usability and maintainability aspects while encouraging collaboration within and between project teams. During the past few years I’ve been leading the activities to add the Cinder volume multi-attach functionality to Nova, which turned into a collaborative activity between the two teams to simplify the interaction between the two services [1]. By this work we are increasing maintainability of the code bases and stability of the services. Driven by the experiences of this work I see cross-project collaboration as an area to further improve. As part of the TC I would like to continue driving cross-project activities, where I would like to help with making the interactions between the teams more efficient to ensure end-to-end feature implementation and continuous code maintenance and improvement. I’m one of the drivers of the Upstream Institute activities to provide guidance to newcomers to the community. As our community is a continuously changing environment it is crucial to be welcoming and ensure we distribute the knowledge about our processes and code base while remaining open to transfer responsibilities to newer community members. As a TC member I would like to help the project teams to share and maintain this mindset to help the contributor ecosystem to remain healthy and balanced and our teams to become more efficient. In the course of my current role within the Foundation I continuously learn about the goals and challenges of our ecosystem companies who are productifying, distributing and operating OpenStack. It is very important to keep a close feedback loop between our users, operators and developers in order to define our focus and priorities to features requests and issues that are in high demand. At the same time it is also crucial to keep OpenStack an innovative environment which is open to explore new emerging technologies and also integrates well with other communities in the ecosystem. If I get elected to the TC I would like to help collaborating with organizations on different fields, from standardization (i.e. ETSI NFV) through SDN/NFV (i.e. OPNFV) to the research and scientific area. As an example I’ve been involved in OPNFV [2] for about two and a half years and I’m also one of their ambassadors [3]. I’m continuously working on to find the connection points between the two communities [4] to build a large ecosystem which fits OpenStack's current priorities in the sense of actively supporting and being the foundation for NFV. As part of the TC I would like to continue to help the ongoing joint activities to create an interoperability test suite for the NFV area and have OPNFV’s CI system integrated with OpenStack to get close to immediate feedback while developing new Telecom and NFV related features. As the adoption of OpenStack in the Telecom area is continuously growing and operators are looking at OpenStack as a main building block for their systems, I would like to serve as a representative in the technical driving force of OpenStack, who can operate as a translator to build a common roadmap. Last but not least, I would like to increase diversity in the TC, but more importantly my goal is to add fresh blood to the group driving this community. In my opinion it is crucial to constantly revisit items from a different perspective and let new voices articulate their views and ideas in order to see the big picture. Long term this can ensure that OpenStack keeps its adaptability to continue to be a smoothly functioning ecosystem providing a stable, successful and continuously evolving software package. Thank you for reading through my thoughts. It is an honor to be part of OpenStack, which is why I would like to take part in helping to further the efforts of providing a package that can serve the whole industry and which is backed up by a growing and smoothly functioning ecosystem. Thank you for your consideration. Best Regards, Ildikó (ildikov) [1] http://stackalytics.com/?release=all&user_id=ildiko-vancsa&metric=person-day [2] https://www.opnfv.org [3] https://www.opnfv.org/community/ambassadors [4] https://www.openstack.org/summit/austin-2016/summit-schedule/events/7510