During the transition from OpenStackID to OpenInfraID, some aspects of the backend "summit" API changed. Historical affiliations ceased to be reflected in the "affiliations" array, and now need to be extracted from "all_affiliations" instead. Further, organization names are not included unless "all_affiliations.organization" is expanded. Change-Id: If6260e6a44fd66ab5df8aa207cb8f4f4bb6ef220
384 lines
12 KiB
384 lines
12 KiB
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import datetime
import json
import os
import pickle
import pytz
import requests
import sys
import time
import yaml
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
from urllib.request import urlopen
from openstack_election import config
from openstack_election import exception
# Library constants
CANDIDATE_PATH = 'candidates'
GERRIT_BASE = 'https://review.opendev.org'
ELECTION_REPO = 'openstack/election'
GIT_URL = 'https://opendev.org/'
PROJECTS_URL = GIT_URL + 'openstack/governance/raw/%s/reference/projects.yaml'
conf = config.load_conf()
exceptions = None
# Generic functions
def requester(url, params={}, headers={}, verbose=0):
"""A requests wrapper to consistently retry HTTPS queries"""
# Try up to 3 times
retry = requests.Session()
retry.mount("https://", requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=3))
raw = retry.get(url=url, params=params, headers=headers)
if verbose >= 2:
print("Queried: %s" % raw.url)
return raw
def decode_json(raw):
"""Trap JSON decoding failures and provide more detailed errors"""
# Gerrit's REST API prepends a JSON-breaker to avoid XSS vulnerabilities
if raw.text.startswith(")]}'"):
trimmed = raw.text[4:]
trimmed = raw.text
# Try to decode and bail with much detail if it fails
decoded = json.loads(trimmed)
except Exception:
print('\nrequest returned %s error to query:\n\n %s\n'
'\nwith detail:\n\n %s\n' % (raw, raw.url, trimmed),
return decoded
def query_gerrit(method, params={}, verbose=0):
"""Query the Gerrit REST API"""
return decode_json(requester("%s/%s" % (GERRIT_BASE, method),
headers={'Accept': 'application/json'},
def load_yaml(yaml_stream):
"""Wrapper to load and return YAML data"""
return yaml.safe_load(yaml_stream)
def get_from_git(project, obj, params={}, verbose=0):
"""Retrieve a file from the Gitea interface"""
url = "%s%s/raw/%s" % (GIT_URL, project, obj)
return load_yaml(requester(url, params=params,
headers={'Accept': 'application/json'},
def get_series_data():
return get_from_git('openstack/releases',
def get_schedule_data(series):
return get_from_git('openstack/releases',
'branch/master/doc/source/%s/schedule.yaml' % (series))
def lookup_osf(email, group_slug=None, verbose=0):
"""A requests wrapper to querying the OSF member directory API"""
params = {
'expand': 'groups,all_affiliations,all_affiliations.organization',
'filter[]': ['email==%s' % email],
'relations': 'affiliations,groups',
if group_slug:
params['filter[]'].append('group_slug==%s' % group_slug)
# URL pattern for querying foundation profiles by E-mail address
raw = requester(
params, headers={'Accept': 'application/json'}, verbose=verbose)
result = decode_json(raw)
# Print the profile if verbosity is 1 or higher
if verbose >= 1 and result['data']:
print("Found: "
% result['data'][0]['id'])
return result
def lookup_member(email, verbose=0):
"""Lookup profiles of OSF members"""
return lookup_osf(
email=email, group_slug='foundation-members', verbose=verbose)
def load_exceptions():
global exceptions
exceptions = {}
for e in open("exceptions.txt").readlines():
if e[0] == "#" or ":" not in e:
exceptions[e.split(':')[0]] = " ".join(e.split(':')[1:])[:-1].strip()
def get_event(event_name):
for e in conf['timeline']:
if e['name'] == event_name:
return e
raise ValueError("Couldn't find event_name %s" % event_name)
# Gerrit functions
def gerrit_datetime(dt):
return dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z')
# TODO(tonyb): this is now basically a duplicate of query_gerrit()
def gerrit_query(url, params=None, verbose=0):
r = requester(url, params=params, verbose=verbose)
if r.status_code == 200:
data = json.loads(r.text[4:])
data = []
return data
def get_email(filepath):
return os.path.basename(filepath)
def get_project(filepath):
path = os.path.dirname(filepath)
return os.path.basename(path)
def get_gerrit_account(email):
accounts = gerrit_query('%s/accounts/' % (GERRIT_BASE),
params={'q': email, 'o': ['DETAILS']})
if not accounts:
raise ValueError("Couldn't find gerrit account with '%s'" % email)
if len(accounts) != 1:
print("[I] %s has multiple account: %s" % (email, accounts))
return accounts[0]
def get_irc(member, filepath=None):
irc = ''
member_data = member.get('data', [])
if member_data:
irc = member_data[0].get('irc', '')
# The API can return None for nonexistent nicks
if irc is None:
irc = ''
return irc
def get_fullname(member, filepath=None):
# Check if filepath is an exception
if filepath and exceptions is None:
if filepath and filepath in exceptions:
return exceptions[filepath]
full_name = ''
member_data = member.get('data', [])
if member_data:
first_name = member_data[0].get('first_name', '')
last_name = member_data[0].get('last_name', '')
if first_name or last_name:
full_name = first_name + ' ' + last_name
return full_name
def get_reviews(query, verbose=0):
opts_str = '&o=%s' % ('&o='.join(opts))
url = ('%s/changes/?q=%s%s' %
(GERRIT_BASE, quote_plus(query, safe='/:=><^.*'), opts_str))
return gerrit_query(url, verbose=verbose)
def candidate_files(review):
return list(filter(lambda x: x.startswith(CANDIDATE_PATH),
# Governance functions
def check_ac_date(ac):
if 'expires-in' not in ac:
return False
expires_in = datetime.datetime.strptime(ac['expires-in'], '%B %Y')
expires_in = expires_in.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
return conf['timeframe']['end'] < expires_in
def _get_projects(tag=None):
if tag:
url = PROJECTS_URL % '/'.join(('tag', tag))
cache_file = '.projects.%s.pkl' % tag
url = PROJECTS_URL % 'branch/master'
cache_file = '.projects.pkl'
# Refresh the cache if it's not there or if it's older than a week
if (not os.path.isfile(cache_file) or
os.stat(cache_file).st_size < 100 or
os.stat(cache_file).st_mtime + (7*24*3600) < time.time()):
print("[+] Updating %s" % (cache_file))
data = load_yaml(urlopen(url).read())
pickle.dump(data, open(cache_file, "wb"), protocol=2)
return pickle.load(open(cache_file, "rb"))
def get_projects(tag=None, fallback_to_master=False):
projects = _get_projects(tag)
except HTTPError as exc:
if exc.code == 404 and tag and fallback_to_master:
projects = _get_projects()
return projects
# Election functions
def name2dir(name):
"""Convert project name to directory name: only [a-zA-Z_] in camelcase"""
name = name.replace(' ', '_').replace('-', '_')
return "_".join(map(lambda x: x[0].upper()+x[1:], name.split('_')))
def dir2name(name, projects):
"""Convert directory name to original project name"""
name = name.replace('_', '').lower()
for project_name in projects:
pname = project_name.lower().replace(' ', '').replace('-', '').lower()
if name == pname:
return project_name
raise ValueError(('%s does not match any project' % (name)))
def is_tc_election():
return conf.get('election_type', '').lower() == 'tc'
def election_is_running():
# Assume that the start of the first item in and the end of the last
# defines is a reasonable approximation to "election is running"
timeline = conf.get('timeline')
if timeline:
start = timeline[0]['start']
end = timeline[-1]['end']
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
return start <= now <= end
return False
def find_all_projects(election=conf['release']):
election_path = os.path.join(CANDIDATE_PATH, election)
if os.path.exists(election_path):
project_list = os.listdir(election_path)
project_list = []
return project_list
def find_candidate_files(election=conf['release']):
project_list = find_all_projects(election)
election_type = conf.get('election_type', '').lower()
if election_type == 'tc':
project_list = list(filter(
lambda p: p in ['TC'],
elif election_type == 'ptl':
project_list = list(filter(
lambda p: p not in ['TC'],
election_path = os.path.join(CANDIDATE_PATH, election)
candidate_files = []
for project in project_list:
project_prefix = os.path.join(election_path, project)
candidate_files += list(filter(
lambda x: '@' in x,
[os.path.join(project_prefix, i)
for i in os.listdir(project_prefix)],
return candidate_files
def build_candidates_list(election=conf['release']):
candidate_files = find_candidate_files(election=election)
candidates_lists = {}
projects = set()
for filepath in candidate_files:
project = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(filepath))
if project not in candidates_lists:
candidates_lists[project] = []
email = get_email(filepath)
member = lookup_member(email)
if member.get('data', []) == []:
raise exception.MemberNotFoundException(email=email)
'url': ('%s%s/raw/branch/master/%s' %
quote_plus(filepath, safe='/'))),
'email': email,
'ircname': get_irc(member),
'fullname': get_fullname(member, filepath=filepath)
leaderless = set(find_all_projects(election)) - projects
return {'election': election,
'projects': list(projects),
'leaderless': list(leaderless),
'candidates': candidates_lists}
def get_ptl_results(election=conf['release']):
resultfd = open('doc/source/results/%s/ptl.yaml' % election)
except FileNotFoundError:
return {'candidates': {}}
return yaml.safe_load(resultfd)