
https: //docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.0/releases/4.0/ Change-Id: I23c767d25fa9585ff322e628714a30f966974fd8
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# Copyright 2012 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from importlib import import_module
import os
import traceback
import unittest
from unittest import mock
from urllib import parse
import django
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.messages.storage import default_storage
from django.core.handlers import wsgi
from django.test.client import RequestFactory
from heatclient import client as heat_client
from keystoneclient.v2_0 import client as keystone_client
from neutronclient.v2_0 import client as neutron_client
from openstack_auth import user
from openstack_auth import utils
from requests.packages.urllib3.connection import HTTPConnection
from horizon.test import helpers as horizon_helpers
from openstack_dashboard import api as project_api
from openstack_dashboard import context_processors
from openstack_dashboard.test import helpers
from heat_dashboard import api
from heat_dashboard.test.test_data import utils as test_utils
# Makes output of failing mox tests much easier to read.
wsgi.WSGIRequest.__repr__ = lambda self: "<class 'django.http.HttpRequest'>"
# Shortcuts to avoid importing openstack_dashboard.test.helper and
# for backwards compatibility.
create_mocks = helpers.create_mocks
IsA = helpers.IsA
IsHttpRequest = helpers.IsHttpRequest
def _apply_panel_mocks(patchers=None):
"""Global mocks on panels that get called on all views."""
if patchers is None:
patchers = {}
mocked_methods = getattr(settings, 'TEST_GLOBAL_MOCKS_ON_PANELS', {})
for name, mock_config in mocked_methods.items():
method = mock_config['method']
mock_params = {}
for param in ['return_value', 'side_effect']:
if param in mock_config:
mock_params[param] = mock_config[param]
patcher = mock.patch(method, **mock_params)
patchers[name] = patcher
return patchers
class RequestFactoryWithMessages(RequestFactory):
def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
req = super(RequestFactoryWithMessages, self).get(*args, **kwargs)
req.user = utils.get_user(req)
req.session = []
req._messages = default_storage(req)
return req
def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
req = super(RequestFactoryWithMessages, self).post(*args, **kwargs)
req.user = utils.get_user(req)
req.session = []
req._messages = default_storage(req)
return req
@unittest.skipIf(os.environ.get('SKIP_UNITTESTS', False),
"The SKIP_UNITTESTS env variable is set.")
class TestCase(horizon_helpers.TestCase):
"""Specialized base test case class for Horizon.
It gives access to numerous additional features:
* A full suite of test data through various attached objects and
managers (e.g. ``self.servers``, ``self.user``, etc.). See the
docs for
for more information.
* The ``mox`` mocking framework via ``self.mox``.
* A set of request context data via ``self.context``.
* A ``RequestFactory`` class which supports Django's ``contrib.messages``
framework via ``self.factory``.
* A ready-to-go request object via ``self.request``.
* The ability to override specific time data controls for easier testing.
* Several handy additional assertion methods.
# To force test failures when unmocked API calls are attempted, provide
# boolean variable to store failures
missing_mocks = False
def fake_conn_request(self):
# print a stacktrace to illustrate where the unmocked API call
# is being made from
# forcing a test failure for missing mock
self.missing_mocks = True
def setUp(self):
self._real_conn_request = HTTPConnection.connect
HTTPConnection.connect = self.fake_conn_request
self._real_context_processor = context_processors.openstack
context_processors.openstack = lambda request: self.context
self.patchers = _apply_panel_mocks()
super(TestCase, self).setUp()
def _setup_test_data(self):
super(TestCase, self)._setup_test_data()
self.context = {
'authorized_tenants': self.tenants.list(),
'JS_CATALOG': context_processors.get_js_catalog(settings),
def _setup_factory(self):
# For some magical reason we need a copy of this here.
self.factory = RequestFactoryWithMessages()
def _setup_user(self, **kwargs):
self._real_get_user = utils.get_user
tenants = self.context['authorized_tenants']
base_kwargs = {
'id': self.user.id,
'token': self.token,
'username': self.user.name,
'domain_id': self.domain.id,
'user_domain_name': self.domain.name,
'tenant_id': self.tenant.id,
'service_catalog': self.service_catalog,
'authorized_tenants': tenants
def _setup_request(self):
super(TestCase, self)._setup_request()
self.request.session['token'] = self.token.id
def tearDown(self):
HTTPConnection.connect = self._real_conn_request
context_processors.openstack = self._real_context_processor
utils.get_user = self._real_get_user
super(TestCase, self).tearDown()
# cause a test failure if an unmocked API call was attempted
if self.missing_mocks:
raise AssertionError("An unmocked API call was made.")
def setActiveUser(self, id=None, token=None, username=None, tenant_id=None,
service_catalog=None, tenant_name=None, roles=None,
authorized_tenants=None, enabled=True, domain_id=None,
def get_user(request):
ret = user.User(id=id,
ret._is_system_user = False
return ret
utils.get_user = get_user
def assertRedirectsNoFollow(self, response, expected_url):
"""Check for redirect.
Asserts that the given response issued a 302 redirect without
processing the view which is redirected to.
if django.VERSION >= (1, 9):
if response.has_header('location'):
loc = response['location']
loc = ''
loc = parse.unquote(loc)
expected_url = parse.unquote(expected_url)
self.assertEqual(loc, expected_url)
self.assertEqual(response._headers.get('location', None),
('Location', settings.TESTSERVER + expected_url))
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)
def assertNoFormErrors(self, response, context_name="form"):
"""Checks for no form errors.
Asserts that the response either does not contain a form in its
context, or that if it does, that form has no errors.
context = getattr(response, "context", {})
if not context or context_name not in context:
return True
errors = response.context[context_name]._errors
assert len(errors) == 0, \
"Unexpected errors were found on the form: %s" % errors
def assertFormErrors(self, response, count=0, message=None,
"""Check for form errors.
Asserts that the response does contain a form in its
context, and that form has errors, if count were given,
it must match the exact numbers of errors
context = getattr(response, "context", {})
assert (context and context_name in context), \
"The response did not contain a form."
errors = response.context[context_name]._errors
if count:
assert len(errors) == count, \
"%d errors were found on the form, %d expected" % \
(len(errors), count)
if message and message not in str(errors):
self.fail("Expected message not found, instead found: %s"
% ["%s: %s" % (key, [e for e in field_errors]) for
(key, field_errors) in errors.items()])
assert len(errors) > 0, "No errors were found on the form"
def assertStatusCode(self, response, expected_code):
"""Validates an expected status code.
Matches camel case of other assert functions
if response.status_code == expected_code:
self.fail('status code %r != %r: %s' % (response.status_code,
def assertItemsCollectionEqual(self, response, items_list):
self.assertEqual(response.json, {"items": items_list})
def getAndAssertTableRowAction(self, response, table_name,
action_name, row_id):
table = response.context[table_name + '_table']
rows = list(filter(lambda x: x.id == row_id,
self.assertEqual(1, len(rows),
"Did not find a row matching id '%s'" % row_id)
row_actions = table.get_row_actions(rows[0])
actions = list(filter(lambda x: x.name == action_name,
msg_args = (action_name, table_name, row_id)
len(actions), 0,
"No action named '%s' found in '%s' table for id '%s'" % msg_args)
1, len(actions),
"Multiple actions named '%s' found in '%s' table for id '%s'"
% msg_args)
return actions[0]
def getAndAssertTableAction(self, response, table_name, action_name):
table = response.context[table_name + '_table']
table_actions = table.get_table_actions()
actions = list(filter(lambda x: x.name == action_name,
msg_args = (action_name, table_name)
len(actions), 0,
"No action named '%s' found in '%s' table" % msg_args)
1, len(actions),
"More than one action named '%s' found in '%s' table" % msg_args)
return actions[0]
def mock_rest_request(**args):
mock_args = {
'user.is_authenticated.return_value': True,
'policy.check.return_value': True,
'body': ''
return mock.Mock(**mock_args)
class BaseAdminViewTests(TestCase):
"""Sets an active user with the "admin" role.
For testing admin-only views and functionality.
def setActiveUser(self, *args, **kwargs):
if "roles" not in kwargs:
kwargs['roles'] = [self.roles.admin._info]
super(BaseAdminViewTests, self).setActiveUser(*args, **kwargs)
def setSessionValues(self, **kwargs):
settings.SESSION_ENGINE = 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.file'
engine = import_module(settings.SESSION_ENGINE)
store = engine.SessionStore()
for key in kwargs:
store[key] = kwargs[key]
self.request.session[key] = kwargs[key]
self.session = store
self.client.cookies[settings.SESSION_COOKIE_NAME] = store.session_key
class APITestCase(TestCase):
"""Testing APIs.
For use with tests which deal with the underlying clients rather than
stubbing out the openstack_dashboard.api.* methods.
def setUp(self):
super(APITestCase, self).setUp()
def fake_keystoneclient(request, admin=False):
"""Returns the stub keystoneclient.
Only necessary because the function takes too many arguments to
conveniently be a lambda.
return self.stub_keystoneclient()
# Store the original clients
self._original_keystoneclient = project_api.keystone.keystoneclient
self._original_heatclient = api.heat.heatclient
# Replace the clients with our stubs.
project_api.keystone.keystoneclient = fake_keystoneclient
api.heat.heatclient = (lambda request, password=None:
def tearDown(self):
super(APITestCase, self).tearDown()
project_api.keystone.keystoneclient = self._original_keystoneclient
api.heat.heatclient = self._original_heatclient
def stub_keystoneclient(self):
if not hasattr(self, "keystoneclient"):
keystone_client.Client = mock.Mock()
# NOTE(saschpe): Mock properties, MockObject.__init__ ignores them:
keystone_client.Client.auth_token = 'foo'
keystone_client.Client.service_catalog = None
keystone_client.Client.tenant_id = '1'
keystone_client.Client.tenant_name = 'tenant_1'
keystone_client.Client.management_url = ""
keystone_client.Client.__dir__ = lambda: []
self.keystoneclient = keystone_client.Client
return self.keystoneclient
def stub_neutronclient(self):
if not hasattr(self, "neutronclient"):
neutron_client.Client = mock.Mock()
self.neutronclient = neutron_client.Client
return self.neutronclient
def stub_heatclient(self):
if not hasattr(self, "heatclient"):
heat_client.Client = mock.Mock()
self.heatclient = heat_client.Client
return self.heatclient
class RestAPITestCase(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
mock.patch('horizon.utils.http.is_ajax', return_value=True).start()
# Need this to test both Glance API V1 and V2 versions
class ResetImageAPIVersionMixin(object):
def setUp(self):
super(ResetImageAPIVersionMixin, self).setUp()
def tearDown(self):
super(ResetImageAPIVersionMixin, self).tearDown()