/* * Copyright 2016 Cray Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ (function() { 'use strict'; angular .module('horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic') .factory('horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.update-patch.service', updatePatchService); updatePatchService.$inject = [ '$log' ]; function updatePatchService($log) { var service = { UpdatePatch: UpdatePatch }; /* The pdatePatch class is used to construct a set of patch instructions that transform a base object into a specified target. */ function UpdatePatch() { this.patch = []; this.status = UpdatePatch.status.OK; } UpdatePatch.status = { OK: 0, ERROR: 1, UNKNOWN_TYPE: 2 }; /** * @description Update the status of the patch with a specified code * * @param {int} status - latest status code * @return {void} */ UpdatePatch.prototype._updateStatus = function(status) { this.status = Math.max(this.status, status); }; /** * @description Check whether an item is a property * * @param {object} item - item to be tested * @return {boolean} True if the item is a number, string, date, * or boolean. */ function isProperty(item) { return item === null || angular.isNumber(item) || angular.isString(item) || angular.isDate(item) || typeof item === 'boolean'; } /** * @description Check whether an item is a collection * * @param {object} item - item to be tested * @return {boolean} True if the item is an array or object */ function isCollection(item) { return angular.isArray(item) || angular.isObject(item); } /** * @description Add instructions to the patch for processing a * specified item * * @param {object} item - item to be added * @param {string} path - Path to the item being added * @param {string} op - add or remove * @return {void} */ UpdatePatch.prototype._processItem = function(item, path, op) { $log.info("UpdatePatch._processItem: " + path + " " + op); if (isProperty(item)) { this.patch.push({op: op, path: path, value: item}); } else if (isCollection(item)) { angular.forEach(item, function(partName, part) { this._processItem(part, path + "/" + partName, op); }); } else { this._updateStatus(UpdatePatch.status.UNKNOWN_TYPE); $log.error("Unable to process (" + op + ") item (" + path + "). " + " " + typeof item + " " + JSON.stringify(item)); } }; /** * @description Add instructions to the patch for adding a specified item * * @param {object} item - item to be added * @param {string} path - Path to the item being removed * @return {void} */ UpdatePatch.prototype._addItem = function(item, path) { this._processItem(item, path, "add"); }; /** * @description Add instructions to the patch for removing a specified item * * @param {object} item - item to be removed * @param {string} path - Path to the item being removed * @return {void} */ UpdatePatch.prototype._removeItem = function(item, path) { this._processItem(item, path, "remove"); }; /** * @description Determine the set of operations required to * transform a source version of an object into a target version, * and add them to a patch. * * @param {object} source - Source object * @param {object} target - Target object * @param {string} path - Pathname of the patched object * @return {void} */ UpdatePatch.prototype.buildPatch = function(source, target, path) { $log.info("UpdatePatch._buildPatch: " + path); var patcher = this; if (isProperty(source) && isProperty(target)) { if (source !== target) { if (target === null) { patcher.patch.push({op: "remove", path: path}); } else { patcher.patch.push({op: "replace", path: path, value: target}); } } } else if (isCollection(source) && isCollection(target)) { angular.forEach(source, function(sourceItem, sourceItemName) { if (angular.isDefined(target[sourceItemName])) { patcher.buildPatch(sourceItem, target[sourceItemName], path + '/' + sourceItemName); } else { patcher._removeItem(sourceItem, path + '/' + sourceItemName); } }); angular.forEach(target, function(targetItem, targetItemName) { if (angular.isUndefined(source[targetItemName])) { patcher._addItem(targetItem, path + '/' + targetItemName); } }); } else if (isProperty(source) && isCollection(target) || isCollection(source) && isProperty(target)) { patcher._removeItem(source, path); patcher._addItem(target, path); } else { patcher._updateStatus(UpdatePatch.status.ERROR); $log.error("Unable to patch " + path + " " + "source = " + JSON.stringify(source) + ", " + "target = " + JSON.stringify(target)); } }; /** * @description Get the patch * * @return {object} An object with two properties: * patch: Array of patch instructions compatible with the Ironic * node/port update commands * status: Code indicating whether patch creation was successful * */ UpdatePatch.prototype.getPatch = function() { return {patch: angular.copy(this.patch), status: this.status}; }; return service; } })();