Merge "pxe/ipxe: Move common calls out"
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,19 +17,22 @@
import os
import os
from ironic_lib import utils as ironic_utils
from ironic_lib import utils as ironic_utils
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import excutils
from oslo_utils import excutils
from oslo_utils import fileutils
from oslo_utils import fileutils
from ironic.common import dhcp_factory
from ironic.common import dhcp_factory
from ironic.common import exception
from ironic.common import exception
from ironic.common.glance_service import service_utils
from ironic.common.i18n import _
from ironic.common.i18n import _
from ironic.common import image_service as service
from ironic.common import images
from ironic.common import states
from ironic.common import utils
from ironic.common import utils
from ironic.conf import CONF
from ironic.drivers.modules import boot_mode_utils
from ironic.drivers.modules import boot_mode_utils
from ironic.drivers.modules import deploy_utils
from ironic.drivers.modules import deploy_utils
from ironic import objects
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@ -429,3 +432,373 @@ def get_path_relative_to_tftp_root(file_path):
:returns: The path relative to CONF.pxe.tftp_root
:returns: The path relative to CONF.pxe.tftp_root
return os.path.relpath(file_path, get_tftp_path_prefix())
return os.path.relpath(file_path, get_tftp_path_prefix())
def is_ipxe_enabled(task):
"""Return true if ipxe is set.
:param task: A TaskManager object
:returns: boolean true if ``[pxe]ipxe_enabled`` is configured
or if the task driver instance is the iPXE driver.
# TODO(TheJulia): Due to the order being shuffled of the patches,
# I'm mostly leaving this in place.
# NOTE(TheJulia): importutils used here as we seem to get in circular
# import weirdness otherwise, specifically when the classes that use
# the pxe interface as their parent.
# iPXEBoot = importutils.import_class(
# 'ironic.drivers.modules.ipxe.iPXEBoot')
# return CONF.pxe.ipxe_enabled or isinstance(task.driver.boot,
# iPXEBoot)
return CONF.pxe.ipxe_enabled
def parse_driver_info(node, mode='deploy'):
"""Gets the driver specific Node deployment info.
This method validates whether the 'driver_info' property of the
supplied node contains the required information for this driver to
deploy images to, or rescue, the node.
:param node: a single Node.
:param mode: Label indicating a deploy or rescue operation being
carried out on the node. Supported values are
'deploy' and 'rescue'. Defaults to 'deploy', indicating
deploy operation is being carried out.
:returns: A dict with the driver_info values.
:raises: MissingParameterValue
info = node.driver_info
params_to_check = KERNEL_RAMDISK_LABELS[mode]
d_info = {k: info.get(k) for k in params_to_check}
error_msg = _("Cannot validate PXE bootloader. Some parameters were"
" missing in node's driver_info")
deploy_utils.check_for_missing_params(d_info, error_msg)
return d_info
def get_instance_image_info(node, ctx):
"""Generate the paths for TFTP files for instance related images.
This method generates the paths for instance kernel and
instance ramdisk. This method also updates the node, so caller should
already have a non-shared lock on the node.
:param node: a node object
:param ctx: context
:returns: a dictionary whose keys are the names of the images (kernel,
ramdisk) and values are the absolute paths of them. If it's a whole
disk image or node is configured for localboot,
it returns an empty dictionary.
image_info = {}
# NOTE(pas-ha) do not report image kernel and ramdisk for
# local boot or whole disk images so that they are not cached
if (node.driver_internal_info.get('is_whole_disk_image')
or deploy_utils.get_boot_option(node) == 'local'):
return image_info
root_dir = get_root_dir()
i_info = node.instance_info
labels = ('kernel', 'ramdisk')
d_info = deploy_utils.get_image_instance_info(node)
if not (i_info.get('kernel') and i_info.get('ramdisk')):
glance_service = service.GlanceImageService(
version=CONF.glance.glance_api_version, context=ctx)
iproperties =['image_source'])['properties']
for label in labels:
i_info[label] = str(iproperties[label + '_id'])
node.instance_info = i_info
for label in labels:
image_info[label] = (
os.path.join(root_dir, node.uuid, label)
return image_info
def get_image_info(node, mode='deploy'):
"""Generate the paths for TFTP files for deploy or rescue images.
This method generates the paths for the deploy (or rescue) kernel and
deploy (or rescue) ramdisk.
:param node: a node object
:param mode: Label indicating a deploy or rescue operation being
carried out on the node. Supported values are 'deploy' and 'rescue'.
Defaults to 'deploy', indicating deploy operation is being carried out.
:returns: a dictionary whose keys are the names of the images
(deploy_kernel, deploy_ramdisk, or rescue_kernel, rescue_ramdisk) and
values are the absolute paths of them.
:raises: MissingParameterValue, if deploy_kernel/deploy_ramdisk or
rescue_kernel/rescue_ramdisk is missing in node's driver_info.
d_info = parse_driver_info(node, mode=mode)
return get_kernel_ramdisk_info(
node.uuid, d_info, mode=mode)
def build_deploy_pxe_options(task, pxe_info, mode='deploy'):
pxe_opts = {}
node = task.node
kernel_label = '%s_kernel' % mode
ramdisk_label = '%s_ramdisk' % mode
ipxe_enabled = is_ipxe_enabled(task)
for label, option in ((kernel_label, 'deployment_aki_path'),
(ramdisk_label, 'deployment_ari_path')):
if ipxe_enabled:
image_href = pxe_info[label][0]
if (CONF.pxe.ipxe_use_swift
and service_utils.is_glance_image(image_href)):
pxe_opts[option] = images.get_temp_url_for_glance_image(
task.context, image_href)
pxe_opts[option] = '/'.join([CONF.deploy.http_url, node.uuid,
pxe_opts[option] = get_path_relative_to_tftp_root(
if ipxe_enabled:
pxe_opts['initrd_filename'] = ramdisk_label
return pxe_opts
def build_instance_pxe_options(task, pxe_info):
pxe_opts = {}
node = task.node
for label, option in (('kernel', 'aki_path'),
('ramdisk', 'ari_path')):
if label in pxe_info:
if is_ipxe_enabled(task):
# NOTE(pas-ha) do not use Swift TempURLs for kernel and
# ramdisk of user image when boot_option is not local,
# as this breaks instance reboot later when temp urls
# have timed out.
pxe_opts[option] = '/'.join(
[CONF.deploy.http_url, node.uuid, label])
# It is possible that we don't have kernel/ramdisk or even
# image_source to determine if it's a whole disk image or not.
# For example, when transitioning to 'available' state
# for first time from 'manage' state.
pxe_opts[option] = get_path_relative_to_tftp_root(
# These are dummy values to satisfy elilo.
# image and initrd fields in elilo config cannot be blank.
pxe_opts.setdefault('aki_path', 'no_kernel')
pxe_opts.setdefault('ari_path', 'no_ramdisk')
i_info = task.node.instance_info
pxe_opts['ramdisk_opts'] = i_info['ramdisk_kernel_arguments']
except KeyError:
return pxe_opts
def build_extra_pxe_options():
# Enable debug in IPA according to CONF.debug if it was not
# specified yet
pxe_append_params = CONF.pxe.pxe_append_params
if CONF.debug and 'ipa-debug' not in pxe_append_params:
pxe_append_params += ' ipa-debug=1'
return {'pxe_append_params': pxe_append_params,
'tftp_server': CONF.pxe.tftp_server,
'ipxe_timeout': CONF.pxe.ipxe_timeout * 1000}
def build_pxe_config_options(task, pxe_info, service=False):
"""Build the PXE config options for a node
This method builds the PXE boot options for a node,
given all the required parameters.
The options should then be passed to pxe_utils.create_pxe_config to
create the actual config files.
:param task: A TaskManager object
:param pxe_info: a dict of values to set on the configuration file
:param service: if True, build "service mode" pxe config for netboot-ed
user image and skip adding deployment image kernel and ramdisk info
to PXE options.
:returns: A dictionary of pxe options to be used in the pxe bootfile
node = task.node
mode = deploy_utils.rescue_or_deploy_mode(node)
if service:
pxe_options = {}
elif (node.driver_internal_info.get('boot_from_volume')
and is_ipxe_enabled(task)):
pxe_options = get_volume_pxe_options(task)
pxe_options = build_deploy_pxe_options(task, pxe_info, mode=mode)
# NOTE(pas-ha) we still must always add user image kernel and ramdisk
# info as later during switching PXE config to service mode the
# template will not be regenerated anew, but instead edited as-is.
# This can be changed later if/when switching PXE config will also use
# proper templating instead of editing existing files on disk.
pxe_options.update(build_instance_pxe_options(task, pxe_info))
return pxe_options
def build_service_pxe_config(task, instance_image_info,
node = task.node
pxe_config_path = get_pxe_config_file_path(node.uuid)
# NOTE(pas-ha) if it is takeover of ACTIVE node or node performing
# unrescue operation, first ensure that basic PXE configs and links
# are in place before switching pxe config
if (node.provision_state in [states.ACTIVE, states.UNRESCUING]
and not os.path.isfile(pxe_config_path)):
pxe_options = build_pxe_config_options(task, instance_image_info,
pxe_config_template = deploy_utils.get_pxe_config_template(node)
create_pxe_config(task, pxe_options, pxe_config_template)
iwdi = node.driver_internal_info.get('is_whole_disk_image')
pxe_config_path, root_uuid_or_disk_id,
iwdi, deploy_utils.is_trusted_boot_requested(node),
deploy_utils.is_iscsi_boot(task), ramdisk_boot)
# TODO(TheJulia): Add with ipxe interface
# ipxe_enabled=is_ipxe_enabled(task))
def get_volume_pxe_options(task):
"""Identify volume information for iPXE template generation."""
def __return_item_or_first_if_list(item):
if isinstance(item, list):
return item[0]
return item
def __get_property(properties, key):
prop = __return_item_or_first_if_list(properties.get(key, ''))
if prop is not '':
return prop
return __return_item_or_first_if_list(properties.get(key + 's', ''))
def __generate_iscsi_url(properties):
"""Returns iscsi url."""
portal = __get_property(properties, 'target_portal')
iqn = __get_property(properties, 'target_iqn')
lun = __get_property(properties, 'target_lun')
if ':' in portal:
host, port = portal.split(':')
host = portal
port = ''
return ("iscsi:%(host)s::%(port)s:%(lun)s:%(iqn)s" %
{'host': host, 'port': port, 'lun': lun, 'iqn': iqn})
pxe_options = {}
node = task.node
boot_volume = node.driver_internal_info.get('boot_from_volume')
volume = objects.VolumeTarget.get_by_uuid(task.context,
properties =
if 'iscsi' in volume['volume_type']:
if 'auth_username' in properties:
pxe_options['username'] = properties['auth_username']
if 'auth_password' in properties:
pxe_options['password'] = properties['auth_password']
iscsi_initiator_iqn = None
for vc in task.volume_connectors:
if vc.type == 'iqn':
iscsi_initiator_iqn = vc.connector_id
{'iscsi_boot_url': __generate_iscsi_url(,
'iscsi_initiator_iqn': iscsi_initiator_iqn})
# NOTE(TheJulia): This may be the route to multi-path, define
# volumes via sanhook in the ipxe template and let the OS sort it out.
extra_targets = []
for target in task.volume_targets:
if target.boot_index != 0 and 'iscsi' in target.volume_type:
iscsi_url = __generate_iscsi_url(
username =['auth_username']
password =['auth_password']
extra_targets.append({'url': iscsi_url,
'username': username,
'password': password})
pxe_options.update({'iscsi_volumes': extra_targets,
'boot_from_volume': True})
# TODO(TheJulia): FibreChannel boot, i.e. wwpn in volume_type
# for FCoE, should go here.
return pxe_options
def validate_boot_parameters_for_trusted_boot(node):
"""Check if boot parameters are valid for trusted boot."""
boot_mode = boot_mode_utils.get_boot_mode_for_deploy(node)
boot_option = deploy_utils.get_boot_option(node)
is_whole_disk_image = node.driver_internal_info.get('is_whole_disk_image')
# 'is_whole_disk_image' is not supported by trusted boot, because there is
# no Kernel/Ramdisk to measure at all.
if (boot_mode != 'bios'
or is_whole_disk_image
or boot_option != 'netboot'):
msg = (_("Trusted boot is only supported in BIOS boot mode with "
"netboot and without whole_disk_image, but Node "
"%(node_uuid)s was configured with boot_mode: %(boot_mode)s, "
"boot_option: %(boot_option)s, is_whole_disk_image: "
"%(is_whole_disk_image)s: at least one of them is wrong, and "
"this can be caused by enable secure boot.") %
{'node_uuid': node.uuid, 'boot_mode': boot_mode,
'boot_option': boot_option,
'is_whole_disk_image': is_whole_disk_image})
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(msg)
def prepare_instance_pxe_config(task, image_info,
"""Prepares the config file for PXE boot
:param task: a task from TaskManager.
:param image_info: a dict of values of instance image
metadata to set on the configuration file.
:param iscsi_boot: if boot is from an iSCSI volume or not.
:param ramdisk_boot: if the boot is to a ramdisk configuration.
:returns: None
node = task.node
dhcp_opts = dhcp_options_for_instance(task)
provider = dhcp_factory.DHCPFactory()
provider.update_dhcp(task, dhcp_opts)
pxe_config_path = get_pxe_config_file_path(
if not os.path.isfile(pxe_config_path):
pxe_options = build_pxe_config_options(
task, image_info, service=ramdisk_boot)
pxe_config_template = (
task, pxe_options, pxe_config_template)
pxe_config_path, None,
boot_mode_utils.get_boot_mode_for_deploy(node), False,
iscsi_boot=iscsi_boot, ramdisk_boot=ramdisk_boot,
@ -28,9 +28,7 @@ from ironic.common import dhcp_factory
from ironic.common import exception
from ironic.common import exception
from ironic.common.glance_service import service_utils
from ironic.common.glance_service import service_utils
from ironic.common.i18n import _
from ironic.common.i18n import _
from ironic.common import image_service as service
from ironic.common import pxe_utils as pxe_utils
from ironic.common import images
from ironic.common import pxe_utils
from ironic.common import states
from ironic.common import states
from ironic.conductor import task_manager
from ironic.conductor import task_manager
from ironic.conductor import utils as manager_utils
from ironic.conductor import utils as manager_utils
@ -41,7 +39,6 @@ from ironic.drivers.modules import boot_mode_utils
from ironic.drivers.modules import deploy_utils
from ironic.drivers.modules import deploy_utils
from ironic.drivers.modules import image_cache
from ironic.drivers.modules import image_cache
from ironic.drivers import utils as driver_utils
from ironic.drivers import utils as driver_utils
from ironic import objects
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
METRICS = metrics_utils.get_metrics_logger(__name__)
METRICS = metrics_utils.get_metrics_logger(__name__)
@ -68,320 +65,28 @@ RESCUE_PROPERTIES = {
# TODO(TheJulia): The lines below are for compatability purposes,
# to enable a phased migration of related code over a series of
# patches instead of attempting to refactor large portions of the
# boot interface code in a single patch. These private method
# mappings should be removed as soon as reasonably possible.
def _parse_driver_info(node, mode='deploy'):
_parse_driver_info = pxe_utils.parse_driver_info
"""Gets the driver specific Node deployment info.
_get_instance_image_info = pxe_utils.parse_driver_info
_get_instance_image_info = pxe_utils.get_instance_image_info
_get_image_info = pxe_utils.get_image_info
_build_deploy_pxe_options = pxe_utils.build_instance_pxe_options
_build_instance_pxe_options = pxe_utils.build_instance_pxe_options
_build_extra_pxe_options = pxe_utils.build_extra_pxe_options
_build_pxe_config_options = pxe_utils.build_pxe_config_options
_build_service_pxe_config = pxe_utils.build_service_pxe_config
_get_volume_pxe_options = pxe_utils.get_volume_pxe_options
_prepare_instance_pxe_config = pxe_utils.prepare_instance_pxe_config
This method validates whether the 'driver_info' property of the
# NOTE(TheJulia): This was previously a public method to the code being
supplied node contains the required information for this driver to
# moved. This mapping should be removed in the T* cycle.
deploy images to, or rescue, the node.
validate_boot_parameters_for_trusted_boot = pxe_utils.validate_boot_parameters_for_trusted_boot # noqa
# NOTE(TheJulia): End section of mappings for migrated common pxe code.
:param node: a single Node.
:param mode: Label indicating a deploy or rescue operation being
carried out on the node. Supported values are
'deploy' and 'rescue'. Defaults to 'deploy', indicating
deploy operation is being carried out.
:returns: A dict with the driver_info values.
:raises: MissingParameterValue
info = node.driver_info
params_to_check = pxe_utils.KERNEL_RAMDISK_LABELS[mode]
d_info = {k: info.get(k) for k in params_to_check}
error_msg = _("Cannot validate PXE bootloader. Some parameters were"
" missing in node's driver_info")
deploy_utils.check_for_missing_params(d_info, error_msg)
return d_info
def _get_instance_image_info(node, ctx):
"""Generate the paths for TFTP files for instance related images.
This method generates the paths for instance kernel and
instance ramdisk. This method also updates the node, so caller should
already have a non-shared lock on the node.
:param node: a node object
:param ctx: context
:returns: a dictionary whose keys are the names of the images (kernel,
ramdisk) and values are the absolute paths of them. If it's a whole
disk image or node is configured for localboot,
it returns an empty dictionary.
image_info = {}
# NOTE(pas-ha) do not report image kernel and ramdisk for
# local boot or whole disk images so that they are not cached
if (node.driver_internal_info.get('is_whole_disk_image')
or deploy_utils.get_boot_option(node) == 'local'):
return image_info
root_dir = pxe_utils.get_root_dir()
i_info = node.instance_info
labels = ('kernel', 'ramdisk')
d_info = deploy_utils.get_image_instance_info(node)
if not (i_info.get('kernel') and i_info.get('ramdisk')):
glance_service = service.GlanceImageService(
version=CONF.glance.glance_api_version, context=ctx)
iproperties =['image_source'])['properties']
for label in labels:
i_info[label] = str(iproperties[label + '_id'])
node.instance_info = i_info
for label in labels:
image_info[label] = (
os.path.join(root_dir, node.uuid, label)
return image_info
def _get_image_info(node, mode='deploy'):
"""Generate the paths for TFTP files for deploy or rescue images.
This method generates the paths for the deploy (or rescue) kernel and
deploy (or rescue) ramdisk.
:param node: a node object
:param mode: Label indicating a deploy or rescue operation being
carried out on the node. Supported values are 'deploy' and 'rescue'.
Defaults to 'deploy', indicating deploy operation is being carried out.
:returns: a dictionary whose keys are the names of the images
(deploy_kernel, deploy_ramdisk, or rescue_kernel, rescue_ramdisk) and
values are the absolute paths of them.
:raises: MissingParameterValue, if deploy_kernel/deploy_ramdisk or
rescue_kernel/rescue_ramdisk is missing in node's driver_info.
d_info = _parse_driver_info(node, mode=mode)
return pxe_utils.get_kernel_ramdisk_info(
node.uuid, d_info, mode=mode)
def _build_deploy_pxe_options(task, pxe_info, mode='deploy'):
pxe_opts = {}
node = task.node
kernel_label = '%s_kernel' % mode
ramdisk_label = '%s_ramdisk' % mode
for label, option in ((kernel_label, 'deployment_aki_path'),
(ramdisk_label, 'deployment_ari_path')):
if CONF.pxe.ipxe_enabled:
image_href = pxe_info[label][0]
if (CONF.pxe.ipxe_use_swift
and service_utils.is_glance_image(image_href)):
pxe_opts[option] = images.get_temp_url_for_glance_image(
task.context, image_href)
pxe_opts[option] = '/'.join([CONF.deploy.http_url, node.uuid,
pxe_opts[option] = pxe_utils.get_path_relative_to_tftp_root(
if CONF.pxe.ipxe_enabled:
pxe_opts['initrd_filename'] = ramdisk_label
return pxe_opts
def _build_instance_pxe_options(task, pxe_info):
pxe_opts = {}
node = task.node
for label, option in (('kernel', 'aki_path'),
('ramdisk', 'ari_path')):
if label in pxe_info:
if CONF.pxe.ipxe_enabled:
# NOTE(pas-ha) do not use Swift TempURLs for kernel and
# ramdisk of user image when boot_option is not local,
# as this breaks instance reboot later when temp urls
# have timed out.
pxe_opts[option] = '/'.join(
[CONF.deploy.http_url, node.uuid, label])
# It is possible that we don't have kernel/ramdisk or even
# image_source to determine if it's a whole disk image or not.
# For example, when transitioning to 'available' state
# for first time from 'manage' state.
pxe_opts[option] = pxe_utils.get_path_relative_to_tftp_root(
# These are dummy values to satisfy elilo.
# image and initrd fields in elilo config cannot be blank.
pxe_opts.setdefault('aki_path', 'no_kernel')
pxe_opts.setdefault('ari_path', 'no_ramdisk')
i_info = task.node.instance_info
pxe_opts['ramdisk_opts'] = i_info['ramdisk_kernel_arguments']
except KeyError:
return pxe_opts
def _build_extra_pxe_options():
# Enable debug in IPA according to CONF.debug if it was not
# specified yet
pxe_append_params = CONF.pxe.pxe_append_params
if CONF.debug and 'ipa-debug' not in pxe_append_params:
pxe_append_params += ' ipa-debug=1'
return {'pxe_append_params': pxe_append_params,
'tftp_server': CONF.pxe.tftp_server,
'ipxe_timeout': CONF.pxe.ipxe_timeout * 1000}
def _build_pxe_config_options(task, pxe_info, service=False):
"""Build the PXE config options for a node
This method builds the PXE boot options for a node,
given all the required parameters.
The options should then be passed to pxe_utils.create_pxe_config to
create the actual config files.
:param task: A TaskManager object
:param pxe_info: a dict of values to set on the configuration file
:param service: if True, build "service mode" pxe config for netboot-ed
user image and skip adding deployment image kernel and ramdisk info
to PXE options.
:returns: A dictionary of pxe options to be used in the pxe bootfile
node = task.node
mode = deploy_utils.rescue_or_deploy_mode(node)
if service:
pxe_options = {}
elif (node.driver_internal_info.get('boot_from_volume')
and CONF.pxe.ipxe_enabled):
pxe_options = _get_volume_pxe_options(task)
pxe_options = _build_deploy_pxe_options(task, pxe_info, mode=mode)
# NOTE(pas-ha) we still must always add user image kernel and ramdisk
# info as later during switching PXE config to service mode the
# template will not be regenerated anew, but instead edited as-is.
# This can be changed later if/when switching PXE config will also use
# proper templating instead of editing existing files on disk.
pxe_options.update(_build_instance_pxe_options(task, pxe_info))
return pxe_options
def _build_service_pxe_config(task, instance_image_info,
node = task.node
pxe_config_path = pxe_utils.get_pxe_config_file_path(node.uuid)
# NOTE(pas-ha) if it is takeover of ACTIVE node or node performing
# unrescue operation, first ensure that basic PXE configs and links
# are in place before switching pxe config
if (node.provision_state in [states.ACTIVE, states.UNRESCUING]
and not os.path.isfile(pxe_config_path)):
pxe_options = _build_pxe_config_options(task, instance_image_info,
pxe_config_template = deploy_utils.get_pxe_config_template(node)
pxe_utils.create_pxe_config(task, pxe_options, pxe_config_template)
iwdi = node.driver_internal_info.get('is_whole_disk_image')
pxe_config_path, root_uuid_or_disk_id,
iwdi, deploy_utils.is_trusted_boot_requested(node),
deploy_utils.is_iscsi_boot(task), ramdisk_boot)
def _get_volume_pxe_options(task):
"""Identify volume information for iPXE template generation."""
def __return_item_or_first_if_list(item):
if isinstance(item, list):
return item[0]
return item
def __get_property(properties, key):
prop = __return_item_or_first_if_list(properties.get(key, ''))
if prop is not '':
return prop
return __return_item_or_first_if_list(properties.get(key + 's', ''))
def __generate_iscsi_url(properties):
"""Returns iscsi url."""
portal = __get_property(properties, 'target_portal')
iqn = __get_property(properties, 'target_iqn')
lun = __get_property(properties, 'target_lun')
if ':' in portal:
host, port = portal.split(':')
host = portal
port = ''
return ("iscsi:%(host)s::%(port)s:%(lun)s:%(iqn)s" %
{'host': host, 'port': port, 'lun': lun, 'iqn': iqn})
pxe_options = {}
node = task.node
boot_volume = node.driver_internal_info.get('boot_from_volume')
volume = objects.VolumeTarget.get_by_uuid(task.context,
properties =
if 'iscsi' in volume['volume_type']:
if 'auth_username' in properties:
pxe_options['username'] = properties['auth_username']
if 'auth_password' in properties:
pxe_options['password'] = properties['auth_password']
iscsi_initiator_iqn = None
for vc in task.volume_connectors:
if vc.type == 'iqn':
iscsi_initiator_iqn = vc.connector_id
{'iscsi_boot_url': __generate_iscsi_url(,
'iscsi_initiator_iqn': iscsi_initiator_iqn})
# NOTE(TheJulia): This may be the route to multi-path, define
# volumes via sanhook in the ipxe template and let the OS sort it out.
extra_targets = []
for target in task.volume_targets:
if target.boot_index != 0 and 'iscsi' in target.volume_type:
iscsi_url = __generate_iscsi_url(
username =['auth_username']
password =['auth_password']
extra_targets.append({'url': iscsi_url,
'username': username,
'password': password})
pxe_options.update({'iscsi_volumes': extra_targets,
'boot_from_volume': True})
# TODO(TheJulia): FibreChannel boot, i.e. wwpn in volume_type
# for FCoE, should go here.
return pxe_options
def validate_boot_parameters_for_trusted_boot(node):
"""Check if boot parameters are valid for trusted boot."""
boot_mode = boot_mode_utils.get_boot_mode_for_deploy(node)
boot_option = deploy_utils.get_boot_option(node)
is_whole_disk_image = node.driver_internal_info.get('is_whole_disk_image')
# 'is_whole_disk_image' is not supported by trusted boot, because there is
# no Kernel/Ramdisk to measure at all.
if (boot_mode != 'bios'
or is_whole_disk_image
or boot_option != 'netboot'):
msg = (_("Trusted boot is only supported in BIOS boot mode with "
"netboot and without whole_disk_image, but Node "
"%(node_uuid)s was configured with boot_mode: %(boot_mode)s, "
"boot_option: %(boot_option)s, is_whole_disk_image: "
"%(is_whole_disk_image)s: at least one of them is wrong, and "
"this can be caused by enable secure boot.") %
{'node_uuid': node.uuid, 'boot_mode': boot_mode,
'boot_option': boot_option,
'is_whole_disk_image': is_whole_disk_image})
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(msg)
@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ class PXEPrivateMethodsTestCase(db_base.DbTestCase):
@mock.patch.object(pxe.LOG, 'error', autospec=True)
@mock.patch.object(pxe_utils.LOG, 'error', autospec=True)
def test_validate_boot_parameters_for_trusted_boot_one(self, mock_log):
def test_validate_boot_parameters_for_trusted_boot_one(self, mock_log):
properties = {'capabilities': 'boot_mode:uefi'}
properties = {'capabilities': 'boot_mode:uefi'}
instance_info = {"boot_option": "netboot"}
instance_info = {"boot_option": "netboot"}
@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ class PXEPrivateMethodsTestCase(db_base.DbTestCase):
@mock.patch.object(pxe.LOG, 'error', autospec=True)
@mock.patch.object(pxe_utils.LOG, 'error', autospec=True)
def test_validate_boot_parameters_for_trusted_boot_two(self, mock_log):
def test_validate_boot_parameters_for_trusted_boot_two(self, mock_log):
properties = {'capabilities': 'boot_mode:bios'}
properties = {'capabilities': 'boot_mode:bios'}
instance_info = {"boot_option": "local"}
instance_info = {"boot_option": "local"}
@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ class PXEPrivateMethodsTestCase(db_base.DbTestCase):
@mock.patch.object(pxe.LOG, 'error', autospec=True)
@mock.patch.object(pxe_utils.LOG, 'error', autospec=True)
def test_validate_boot_parameters_for_trusted_boot_three(self, mock_log):
def test_validate_boot_parameters_for_trusted_boot_three(self, mock_log):
properties = {'capabilities': 'boot_mode:bios'}
properties = {'capabilities': 'boot_mode:bios'}
instance_info = {"boot_option": "netboot"}
instance_info = {"boot_option": "netboot"}
@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ class PXEPrivateMethodsTestCase(db_base.DbTestCase):
@mock.patch.object(pxe.LOG, 'error', autospec=True)
@mock.patch.object(pxe_utils.LOG, 'error', autospec=True)
def test_validate_boot_parameters_for_trusted_boot_pass(self, mock_log):
def test_validate_boot_parameters_for_trusted_boot_pass(self, mock_log):
properties = {'capabilities': 'boot_mode:bios'}
properties = {'capabilities': 'boot_mode:bios'}
instance_info = {"boot_option": "netboot"}
instance_info = {"boot_option": "netboot"}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user