Merge "Rework the standalone guide"
This commit is contained in:
@ -89,6 +89,8 @@ More deploy steps can be provided by the ramdisk, see
:ironic-python-agent-doc:`IPA hardware managers documentation
<admin/hardware_managers.html>` for a listing.
.. _standalone-deploy-steps:
Requesting steps
@ -109,7 +111,7 @@ An example by passing a JSON string:
.. code-block:: console
baremetal node deploy <node> \
--deloy-steps '[{"interface": "bios", "step": "apply_configuration", "args": {"settings": [{"name": "LogicalProc", "value": "Enabled"}]}, "priority": 150}]'
--deploy-steps '[{"interface": "bios", "step": "apply_configuration", "args": {"settings": [{"name": "LogicalProc", "value": "Enabled"}]}, "priority": 150}]'
Format of JSON for deploy steps argument is described in `Deploy step format`_
@ -92,6 +92,19 @@ For example,
--instance-info boot_iso=http://path/to/boot.iso
baremetal node deploy <NODE>
.. warning::
This feature, when utilized with the ``ipxe`` ``boot_interface``,
will only allow a kernel and ramdisk to be booted from the
supplied ISO file. Any additional contents, such as additional
ramdisk contents or installer package files will be unavailable
after the boot of the Operating System. Operators wishing to leverage
this functionality for actions such as OS installation should explore
use of the standard ``ramdisk`` ``deploy_interface`` along with the
``instance_info/kernel_append_params`` setting to pass arbitrary
settings such as a mirror URL for the initial ramdisk to load data from.
This is a limitation of iPXE and the overall boot process of the
operating system where memory allocated by iPXE is released.
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ Installation Guide
:maxdepth: 2
Upgrade Guide
@ -1,433 +1,13 @@
Using Bare Metal service as a standalone service
Service settings
This guide explains how to configure and use the Bare Metal service standalone,
i.e. without other OpenStack services. In this mode users are interacting with
the bare metal API directly, not though OpenStack Compute.
It is possible to use the Bare Metal service without other OpenStack services.
You should make the following changes to ``/etc/ironic/ironic.conf``:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 3
#. Choose an authentication strategy which supports standalone, one option is
Another option is ``http_basic`` where the credentials are stored in an
`Apache htpasswd format`_ file::
Only the ``bcrypt`` format is supported, and the Apache `htpasswd` utility can
be used to populate the file with entries, for example::
htpasswd -nbB myName myPassword >> /etc/ironic/htpasswd
#. If you want to disable the Networking service, you should have your network
pre-configured to serve DHCP and TFTP for machines that you're deploying.
To disable it, change the following lines::
.. note::
If you disabled the Networking service and the driver that you use is
supported by at most one conductor, PXE boot will still work for your
nodes without any manual config editing. This is because you know all
the DHCP options that will be used for deployment and can set up your
DHCP server appropriately.
If you have multiple conductors per driver, it would be better to use
Networking since it will do all the dynamically changing configurations
for you.
#. If you want to disable using a messaging broker between conductor and API
processes, switch to JSON RPC instead:
.. code-block:: ini
rpc_transport = json-rpc
JSON RPC also has its own authentication strategy. If it is not specified then
the stategy defaults to ``[DEFAULT]`` ``auth_strategy``. The following will
set JSON RPC to ``noauth``:
.. code-block:: ini
auth_strategy = noauth
For ``http_basic`` the conductor server needs a credentials file to validate
.. code-block:: ini
auth_strategy = http_basic
http_basic_auth_user_file = /etc/ironic/htpasswd-json-rpc
The API server also needs client-side credentials to be specified:
.. code-block:: ini
auth_type = http_basic
username = myName
password = myPassword
Preparing images
If you don't use Image service, it's possible to provide images to Bare Metal
service via a URL.
At the moment, only two types of URLs are acceptable instead of Image
service UUIDs: HTTP(S) URLs (for example, "")
and file URLs (file:///images/img).
There are however some limitations for different hardware interfaces:
* If you're using :ref:`direct-deploy` with HTTP(s) URLs, you have to provide
the Bare Metal service with the a checksum of your instance image.
MD5 is used by default for backward compatibility reasons. To compute an MD5
checksum, you can use the following command::
$ md5sum image.qcow2
ed82def8730f394fb85aef8a208635f6 image.qcow2
Alternatively, use a SHA256 checksum or any other algorithm supported by
the Python's hashlib_, e.g.::
$ sha256sum image.qcow2
9f6c942ad81690a9926ff530629fb69a82db8b8ab267e2cbd59df417c1a28060 image.qcow2
* :ref:`direct-deploy` started supporting ``file://`` images in the Victoria
release cycle, before that only HTTP(s) had been supported.
.. warning::
File images must be accessible to every conductor! Use a shared file
system if you have more than one conductor. The ironic CLI tool will not
transfer the file from a local machine to the conductor(s).
.. note::
The Bare Metal service tracks content changes for non-Glance images by
checking their modification date and time. For example, for HTTP image,
if 'Last-Modified' header value from response to a HEAD request to
"" is greater than cached image
modification time, Ironic will re-download the content. For "file://"
images, the file system modification time is used.
.. _hashlib:
Using CLI
To use the
:python-ironicclient-doc:`baremetal CLI <cli/osc_plugin_cli.html>`,
set up these environment variables. If the ``noauth`` authentication strategy is
being used, the value ``none`` must be set for OS_AUTH_TYPE. OS_ENDPOINT is
the URL of the ironic-api process.
For example::
export OS_AUTH_TYPE=none
export OS_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:6385/
If the ``http_basic`` authentication strategy is being used, the value
``http_basic`` must be set for OS_AUTH_TYPE. For example::
export OS_AUTH_TYPE=http_basic
export OS_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:6385/
export OS_USERNAME=myUser
export OS_PASSWORD=myPassword
Enrolling nodes
#. Create a node in Bare Metal service. At minimum, you must specify the driver
name (for example, ``ipmi``). You can also specify all the required
driver parameters in one command. This will return the node UUID::
baremetal node create --driver ipmi \
--driver-info \
--driver-info ipmi_username=user \
--driver-info ipmi_password=pass \
--driver-info deploy_kernel=file:///images/deploy.vmlinuz \
--driver-info deploy_ramdisk=
| Property | Value |
| uuid | be94df40-b80a-4f63-b92b-e9368ee8d14c |
| driver_info | {u'deploy_ramdisk': u'', |
| | u'deploy_kernel': u'file:///images/deploy.vmlinuz', u'ipmi_address': |
| | u'', u'ipmi_username': u'user', u'ipmi_password': |
| | u'******'} |
| extra | {} |
| driver | ipmi |
| chassis_uuid | |
| properties | {} |
Note that here deploy_kernel and deploy_ramdisk contain links to
images instead of Image service UUIDs.
#. As in case of Compute service, you can also provide ``capabilities`` to node
properties, but they will be used only by Bare Metal service (for example,
boot mode). Although you don't need to add properties like ``memory_mb``,
``cpus`` etc. as Bare Metal service will require UUID of a node you're
going to deploy.
#. Then create a port to inform Bare Metal service of the network interface
cards which are part of the node by creating a port with each NIC's MAC
address. In this case, they're used for naming of PXE configs for a node::
baremetal port create $MAC_ADDRESS --node $NODE_UUID
Populating instance_info
#. You also need to specify image information in the node's ``instance_info``
(see :doc:`creating-images`):
* ``image_source`` - URL of the whole disk or root partition image,
* ``root_gb`` - size of the root partition, required for partition images.
.. note::
Older versions of the Bare Metal service used to require a positive
integer for ``root_gb`` even for whole-disk images. You may want to set
it for compatibility.
* ``image_checksum`` - MD5 checksum of the image specified by
``image_source``, only required for ``http://`` images when using
.. note::
Additional checksum support exists via the ``image_os_hash_algo`` and
``image_os_hash_value`` fields. They may be used instead of the
``image_checksum`` field.
.. warning::
If your operating system is running in FIPS 140-2 mode, MD5 will not be
available, and you **must** use SHA256 or another modern algorithm.
Starting with the Stein release of ironic-python-agent can also be a URL
to a checksums file, e.g. one generated with:
.. code-block:: shell
cd /path/to/http/root
md5sum *.img > checksums
* ``kernel``, ``ramdisk`` - HTTP(s) or file URLs of the kernel and
initramfs of the target OS. Must be added **only** for partition images.
For example::
baremetal node set $NODE_UUID \
--instance-info image_source=$IMG \
--instance-info image_checksum=$MD5HASH \
--instance-info kernel=$KERNEL \
--instance-info ramdisk=$RAMDISK \
--instance-info root_gb=10
With a SHA256 hash::
baremetal node set $NODE_UUID \
--instance-info image_source=$IMG \
--instance-info image_os_hash_algo=sha256 \
--instance-info image_os_hash_value=$SHA256HASH \
--instance-info kernel=$KERNEL \
--instance-info ramdisk=$RAMDISK \
--instance-info root_gb=10
With a whole disk image::
baremetal node set $NODE_UUID \
--instance-info image_source=$IMG \
--instance-info image_checksum=$MD5HASH
#. When using low RAM nodes with ``http://`` images that are not in the RAW
format, you may want them cached locally, converted to raw and served from
the conductor's HTTP server::
baremetal node set $NODE_UUID \
--instance-info image_download_source=local
#. :ref:`Boot mode <boot_mode_support>` can be specified per instance::
baremetal node set $NODE_UUID \
--instance-info capabilities='{"boot_mode": "uefi"}'
Otherwise, the ``boot_mode`` capability from the node's ``properties`` will
be used.
.. warning::
The two settings must not contradict each other.
.. note::
This capability was introduced in the Wallaby release series,
previously ironic used a separate ``instance_info/deploy_boot_mode``
field instead.
#. To override the :ref:`boot option <local-boot-partition-images>` used for
this instance, set the ``boot_option`` capability::
baremetal node set $NODE_UUID \
--instance-info capabilities='{"boot_option": "local"}'
#. Starting with the Ussuri release, you can set :ref:`root device hints
<root-device-hints>` per instance::
baremetal node set $NODE_UUID \
--instance-info root_device='{"wwn": "0x4000cca77fc4dba1"}'
This setting overrides any previous setting in ``properties`` and will be
removed on undeployment.
#. For iLO drivers, fields that should be provided are:
* ``ilo_deploy_iso`` under ``driver_info``;
* ``ilo_boot_iso``, ``image_source``, ``root_gb`` under ``instance_info``.
#. For software RAID with whole-disk images, the root UUID of the root
partition has to be provided so that the bootloader can be correctly
baremetal node set $NODE_UUID \
--instance-info image_rootfs_uuid=<uuid>
Overriding a hardware interface
Non-admins with temporary access to a node, may wish to specify different node
interfaces. However, allowing them to set these interface values directly on
the node is problematic, as there is no automated way to ensure that the
original interface values are restored.
In order to temporarily override a hardware interface, simply set the
appropriate value in ``instance_info``. For example, if you'd like to
override a node's storage interface, run the following::
baremetal node set $NODE_UUID \
--instance-info storage_interface=cinder
``instance_info`` values persist until after a node is cleaned.
.. note::
This feature is available starting with the Wallaby release.
#. Validate that all parameters are correct::
baremetal node validate $NODE_UUID
| Interface | Result | Reason |
| boot | True | |
| console | False | Missing 'ipmi_terminal_port' parameter in node's driver_info. |
| deploy | True | |
| inspect | True | |
| management | True | |
| network | True | |
| power | True | |
| raid | True | |
| storage | True | |
#. Now you can start the deployment, run::
baremetal node deploy $NODE_UUID
Ramdisk booting
Advanced operators, specifically ones working with ephemeral workloads,
may find it more useful to explicitly treat a node as one that would always
boot from a Ramdisk.
This functionality is largely intended for network booting, however some
other boot interface, such as the ``redfish-virtual-media`` support enabling
the same basic functionality through the existing interfaces.
To use, a few different settings must be modified.
#. Change the ``deploy_interface`` on the node to ``ramdisk``::
baremetal node set $NODE_UUID \
--deploy-interface ramdisk
#. Set a kernel and ramdisk to be utilized::
baremetal node set $NODE_UUID \
--instance-info kernel=$KERNEL_URL \
--instance-info ramdisk=$RAMDISK_URL
#. Deploy the node::
baremetal node deploy $NODE_UUID
.. warning::
Configuration drives, also known as a configdrive, is not supported
with the ``ramdisk`` deploy interface. Please ensure your ramdisk
CPIO archive contains all necessary configuration and credentials.
This is as no disk image is written to the disk of the node being
provisioned with a ramdisk.
The node ramdisk components will then be assembled by the conductor,
appropriate configuration put in place, and the node will then be powered
on. From there, normal node booting will occur. Upon undeployment of the node,
normal cleaning proceedures will occur as configured with-in the conductor.
Ramdisk booting with ISO media
Currently supported for the use of ramdisks with the ``redfish-virtual-media``
and ``ipxe`` boot interfaces, an operator may request an explict ISO file to
be booted.
#. Store the URL to the ISO image to ``instance_info/boot_iso``,
instead of a ``kernel`` or ``ramdisk`` setting::
baremetal node set $NODE_UUID \
--instance-info boot_iso=$BOOT_ISO_URL
#. Deploy the node::
baremetal node deploy $NODE_UUID
.. warning::
This feature, when utilized with the ``ipxe`` ``boot_interface``,
will only allow a kernel and ramdisk to be booted from the
supplied ISO file. Any additional contents, such as additional
ramdisk contents or installer package files will be unavailable
after the boot of the Operating System. Operators wishing to leverage
this functionality for actions such as OS installation should explore
use of the standard ``ramdisk`` ``deploy_interface`` along with the
``instance_info/kernel_append_params`` setting to pass arbitrary
settings such as a mirror URL for the initial ramdisk to load data from.
This is a limitation of iPXE and the overall boot process of the
operating system where memory allocated by iPXE is released.
Other references
* :ref:`local-boot-without-compute`
.. _`Apache htpasswd format`:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
This guide covers manual configuration of the Bare Metal service in the
standalone mode. Alternatively, Bifrost_ can be used for automatic
.. _Bifrost:
Service settings
It is possible to use the Bare Metal service without other OpenStack services.
You should make the following changes to ``/etc/ironic/ironic.conf``:
#. Choose an authentication strategy which supports standalone, one option is
.. code-block:: ini
Another option is ``http_basic`` where the credentials are stored in an
`Apache htpasswd format`_ file:
.. code-block:: ini
Only the ``bcrypt`` format is supported, and the Apache `htpasswd` utility can
be used to populate the file with entries, for example:
.. code-block:: shell
htpasswd -nbB myName myPassword >> /etc/ironic/htpasswd
#. If you want to disable the Networking service, you should have your network
pre-configured to serve DHCP and TFTP for machines that you're deploying.
To disable it, change the following lines:
.. code-block:: ini
.. note::
If you disabled the Networking service and the driver that you use is
supported by at most one conductor, PXE boot will still work for your
nodes without any manual config editing. This is because you know all
the DHCP options that will be used for deployment and can set up your
DHCP server appropriately.
If you have multiple conductors per driver, it would be better to use
Networking since it will do all the dynamically changing configurations
for you.
#. If you want to disable using a messaging broker between conductor and API
processes, switch to JSON RPC instead:
.. code-block:: ini
rpc_transport = json-rpc
JSON RPC also has its own authentication strategy. If it is not specified then
the stategy defaults to ``[DEFAULT]`` ``auth_strategy``. The following will
set JSON RPC to ``noauth``:
.. code-block:: ini
auth_strategy = noauth
For ``http_basic`` the conductor server needs a credentials file to validate
.. code-block:: ini
auth_strategy = http_basic
http_basic_auth_user_file = /etc/ironic/htpasswd-json-rpc
The API server also needs client-side credentials to be specified:
.. code-block:: ini
auth_type = http_basic
username = myName
password = myPassword
Using CLI
To use the
:python-ironicclient-doc:`baremetal CLI <cli/osc_plugin_cli.html>`,
set up these environment variables. If the ``noauth`` authentication strategy is
being used, the value ``none`` must be set for OS_AUTH_TYPE. OS_ENDPOINT is
the URL of the ironic-api process.
For example:
.. code-block:: shell
export OS_AUTH_TYPE=none
export OS_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:6385/
If the ``http_basic`` authentication strategy is being used, the value
``http_basic`` must be set for OS_AUTH_TYPE. For example:
.. code-block:: shell
export OS_AUTH_TYPE=http_basic
export OS_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:6385/
export OS_USERNAME=myUser
export OS_PASSWORD=myPassword
.. _`Apache htpasswd format`:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
Populating instance_info
Image information
You need to specify image information in the node's ``instance_info``
(see :doc:`../creating-images`):
* ``image_source`` - URL of the whole disk or root partition image,
* ``root_gb`` - size of the root partition, required for partition images.
.. note::
Older versions of the Bare Metal service used to require a positive
integer for ``root_gb`` even for whole-disk images. You may want to set
it for compatibility.
* ``image_checksum`` - MD5 checksum of the image specified by
``image_source``, only required for ``http://`` images when using
.. note::
Additional checksum support exists via the ``image_os_hash_algo`` and
``image_os_hash_value`` fields. They may be used instead of the
``image_checksum`` field.
.. warning::
If your operating system is running in FIPS 140-2 mode, MD5 will not be
available, and you **must** use SHA256 or another modern algorithm.
Starting with the Stein release of ironic-python-agent can also be a URL
to a checksums file, e.g. one generated with:
.. code-block:: shell
cd /path/to/http/root
md5sum *.img > checksums
* ``kernel``, ``ramdisk`` - HTTP(s) or file URLs of the kernel and
initramfs of the target OS. Must be added **only** for partition images.
For example:
.. code-block:: shell
baremetal node set $NODE_UUID \
--instance-info image_source=$IMG \
--instance-info image_checksum=$MD5HASH \
--instance-info kernel=$KERNEL \
--instance-info ramdisk=$RAMDISK \
--instance-info root_gb=10
With a SHA256 hash:
.. code-block:: shell
baremetal node set $NODE_UUID \
--instance-info image_source=$IMG \
--instance-info image_os_hash_algo=sha256 \
--instance-info image_os_hash_value=$SHA256HASH \
--instance-info kernel=$KERNEL \
--instance-info ramdisk=$RAMDISK \
--instance-info root_gb=10
With a whole disk image:
.. code-block:: shell
baremetal node set $NODE_UUID \
--instance-info image_source=$IMG \
--instance-info image_checksum=$MD5HASH
.. note::
For iLO drivers, fields that should be provided are:
* ``ilo_deploy_iso`` under ``driver_info``;
* ``ilo_boot_iso``, ``image_source``, ``root_gb`` under ``instance_info``.
When using low RAM nodes with ``http://`` images that are not in the RAW
format, you may want them cached locally, converted to raw and served from
the conductor's HTTP server:
.. code-block:: shell
baremetal node set $NODE_UUID --instance-info image_download_source=local
For software RAID with whole-disk images, the root UUID of the root
partition has to be provided so that the bootloader can be correctly
.. code-block:: shell
baremetal node set $NODE_UUID --instance-info image_rootfs_uuid=<uuid>
* :ref:`Boot mode <boot_mode_support>` can be specified per instance:
.. code-block:: shell
baremetal node set $NODE_UUID \
--instance-info capabilities='{"boot_mode": "uefi"}'
Otherwise, the ``boot_mode`` capability from the node's ``properties`` will
be used.
.. warning::
The two settings must not contradict each other.
.. note::
This capability was introduced in the Wallaby release series,
previously ironic used a separate ``instance_info/deploy_boot_mode``
field instead.
* To override the :ref:`boot option <local-boot-partition-images>` used for
this instance, set the ``boot_option`` capability:
.. code-block:: shell
baremetal node set $NODE_UUID \
--instance-info capabilities='{"boot_option": "local"}'
* Starting with the Ussuri release, you can set :ref:`root device hints
<root-device-hints>` per instance:
.. code-block:: shell
baremetal node set $NODE_UUID \
--instance-info root_device='{"wwn": "0x4000cca77fc4dba1"}'
This setting overrides any previous setting in ``properties`` and will be
removed on undeployment.
Overriding a hardware interface
Non-admins with temporary access to a node, may wish to specify different node
interfaces. However, allowing them to set these interface values directly on
the node is problematic, as there is no automated way to ensure that the
original interface values are restored.
In order to temporarily override a hardware interface, simply set the
appropriate value in ``instance_info``. For example, if you'd like to
override a node's storage interface, run the following:
.. code-block:: shell
baremetal node set $NODE_UUID --instance-info storage_interface=cinder
``instance_info`` values persist until after a node is cleaned.
.. note::
This feature is available starting with the Wallaby release.
#. Validate that all parameters are correct:
.. code-block:: console
$ baremetal node validate $NODE_UUID
| Interface | Result | Reason |
| boot | True | |
| console | False | Missing 'ipmi_terminal_port' parameter in node's driver_info. |
| deploy | True | |
| inspect | True | |
| management | True | |
| network | True | |
| power | True | |
| raid | True | |
| storage | True | |
#. Now you can start the deployment, run:
.. code-block:: shell
baremetal node deploy $NODE_UUID
#. You can provide a configdrive as a JSON or as an ISO image, e.g.:
.. code-block:: shell
baremetal node deploy $NODE_UUID \
--config-drive '{"meta_data": {"public_keys": {"0": "ssh key contents"}}}'
See :doc:`/install/configdrive` for details.
#. Starting with the Wallaby release you can also request custom deploy steps,
see :ref:`standalone-deploy-steps` for details.
Ramdisk booting
Advanced operators, specifically ones working with ephemeral workloads,
may find it more useful to explicitly treat a node as one that would always
boot from a Ramdisk. See :doc:`/admin/ramdisk-boot` for details.
Other references
* :ref:`local-boot-without-compute`
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
Preparing images
If you don't use Image service, it's possible to provide images to Bare Metal
service via a URL.
At the moment, only two types of URLs are acceptable instead of Image
service UUIDs: HTTP(S) URLs (for example, "")
and file URLs (file:///images/img).
There are however some limitations for different hardware interfaces:
* If you're using :ref:`direct-deploy` with HTTP(s) URLs, you have to provide
the Bare Metal service with the a checksum of your instance image.
MD5 is used by default for backward compatibility reasons. To compute an MD5
checksum, you can use the following command:
.. code-block:: console
$ md5sum image.qcow2
ed82def8730f394fb85aef8a208635f6 image.qcow2
Alternatively, use a SHA256 checksum or any other algorithm supported by
the Python's hashlib_, e.g.:
.. code-block:: console
$ sha256sum image.qcow2
9f6c942ad81690a9926ff530629fb69a82db8b8ab267e2cbd59df417c1a28060 image.qcow2
* :ref:`direct-deploy` started supporting ``file://`` images in the Victoria
release cycle, before that only HTTP(s) had been supported.
.. warning::
File images must be accessible to every conductor! Use a shared file
system if you have more than one conductor. The ironic CLI tool will not
transfer the file from a local machine to the conductor(s).
.. note::
The Bare Metal service tracks content changes for non-Glance images by
checking their modification date and time. For example, for HTTP image,
if 'Last-Modified' header value from response to a HEAD request to
"" is greater than cached image
modification time, Ironic will re-download the content. For "file://"
images, the file system modification time is used.
.. _hashlib:
Enrolling nodes
#. Create a node in Bare Metal service. At minimum, you must specify the driver
name (for example, ``ipmi``). You can also specify all the required
driver parameters in one command. This will return the node UUID:
.. code-block:: console
$ baremetal node create --driver ipmi \
--driver-info \
--driver-info ipmi_username=user \
--driver-info ipmi_password=pass \
--driver-info deploy_kernel=file:///images/deploy.vmlinuz \
--driver-info deploy_ramdisk=
| Property | Value |
| uuid | be94df40-b80a-4f63-b92b-e9368ee8d14c |
| driver_info | {u'deploy_ramdisk': u'', |
| | u'deploy_kernel': u'file:///images/deploy.vmlinuz', u'ipmi_address': |
| | u'', u'ipmi_username': u'user', u'ipmi_password': |
| | u'******'} |
| extra | {} |
| driver | ipmi |
| chassis_uuid | |
| properties | {} |
Note that here deploy_kernel and deploy_ramdisk contain links to
images instead of Image service UUIDs.
#. As in case of Compute service, you can also provide ``capabilities`` to node
properties, but they will be used only by Bare Metal service (for example,
boot mode). Although you don't need to add properties like ``memory_mb``,
``cpus`` etc. as Bare Metal service will require UUID of a node you're
going to deploy.
#. Then create a port to inform Bare Metal service of the network interface
cards which are part of the node by creating a port with each NIC's MAC
address. In this case, they're used for naming of PXE configs for a node:
.. code-block:: shell
baremetal port create $MAC_ADDRESS --node $NODE_UUID
Reference in New Issue
Block a user