Merge "Add documentation on how to propose a release"
This commit is contained in:
@ -137,6 +137,97 @@ Things to do before releasing
Otherwise, once it is made, CI (the grenade job that tests new-release ->
master) will fail.
* Check for any open patches that are close to be merged or release critical.
This usually includes important bug fixes and/or features that we'd like to
release, including the related documentation.
How to propose a release
The steps that lead to a release proposal are mainly manual, while proposing
the release itself is almost a 100% automated process, accomplished by
following the next steps:
* Clone the `openstack/releases <>`_
repository. This is where deliverables are tracked and all the automation
* Under the ``deliverables`` directory you can see yaml files for each
deliverable (i.e. subproject) grouped by release cycles.
* The ``_independent`` directory contains yaml files for deliverables that
are not bound to (official) cycles (e.g. ironic-python-agent-builder).
* To check the changes we're about to release we can use the script
````, that can be found under the ``tools``
directory, with this syntax:
.. code-block:: bash
|||| <branch> <deliverable>
The ``branch`` argument is a branch, not a release series (i.e. master or
stable/train, not ussuri or train).
For example, assuming we're in the main directory of the releases repository,
to check the changes in the train branch for ironic-python-agent
.. code-block:: bash
./tools/ stable/train openstack/ironic-python-agent
* To update the deliverable file for the new release, we use a scripted process
in the form of a tox environment called ``new-release``.
To get familiar with it and see all the options, type:
.. code-block:: bash
tox -e venv -- new-release -h
Now, based on the list of changes we found in the precedent step, and the
release notes, we need to decide on whether the next version will be major,
minor (feature) or patch (bugfix).
Note that in this case ``series`` is a code name (train, ussuri), not a
The ``--stable-branch argument`` is used only for branching in the end of a
cycle, independent projects are not branched this way though.
To propose the release, use the script to update the deliverable file, then
commit the change, and propose it for review.
For example, to propose a minor release for ironic in the master branch use:
.. code-block:: bash
tox -e venv -- new-release -v master ironic feature
Remember to use a meaningful topic, usually using the name of the
deliverable, the new version and the branch, if applicable.
A good commit message title should also include the same, for example
"Release ironic 1.2.3 for ussuri"
* As an optional step, we can use ``tox -e list-changes`` to double-check the
changes before submitting them for review.
Also ``tox -e validate`` (it might take a while to run based on the number of
changes) does some some sanity-checks, but since everything is scripted,
there shouldn't be any issue.
All the scripts are designed and maintained by the release team; in case of
questions or doubts or if any errors should arise, you can reach to them in
the IRC channel ``#openstack-release``; all release liaisons should be
present there.
* After the change is up for review, the PTL or a release liaison will have to approve
it before it can get approved by the release team. Then, it will be processed
automatically by zuul.
Things to do after releasing
Reference in New Issue
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