Fix BaseBaremetalTest._assertExpected docstring

This updates the docstring for tempest plugin's
BaseBaremetalTest._assertExpected() so that it clarifies
what it is doing and what the parameters are.

Change-Id: Icd61bbbdc0f0633a93adef89652d54a87d835534
This commit is contained in:
Ruby Loo 2017-02-27 15:45:03 +00:00
parent 66797116c3
commit c10a7dfd10

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@ -119,7 +119,22 @@ class BaseBaremetalTest(api_version_utils.BaseMicroversionTest,
super(BaseBaremetalTest, cls).resource_cleanup()
def _assertExpected(self, expected, actual):
"""Check if not expected keys/values exist in actual response body."""
"""Check if expected keys/values exist in actual response body.
Check if the expected keys and values are in the actual response body.
It will not check the keys 'created_at' and 'updated_at', since they
will always have different values. Asserts if any expected key (or
corresponding value) is not in the actual response.
Note: this method has an underscore even though it is used outside of
this class, in order to distinguish this method from the more standard
assertXYZ methods.
:param expected: dict of key-value pairs that are expected to be in
'actual' dict.
:param actual: dict of key-value pairs.
for key, value in expected.items():
if key not in ('created_at', 'updated_at'):
self.assertIn(key, actual)