{ "share_physical_disks" : "Specifies whether other logical disks can share physical disks with this logical disk. By default, this is False. Optional.", "controller" : "Controller to use for this logical disk. If not specified, the driver will choose a suitable RAID controller on the bare metal node. Optional.", "disk_type" : "The type of disk preferred. Valid values are 'hdd' and 'ssd'. If this is not specified, disk type will not be a selection criterion for choosing backing physical disks. Optional.", "physical_disks" : "The physical disks to use for this logical disk. If not specified, the driver will choose suitable physical disks to use. Optional.", "volume_name" : "Name of the volume to be created. If this is not specified, it will be auto-generated. Optional.", "number_of_physical_disks" : "Number of physical disks to use for this logical disk. By default, the driver uses the minimum number of disks required for that RAID level. Optional.", "raid_level" : "RAID level for the logical disk. Valid values are '0', '1', '2', '5', '6', '1+0', '5+0' and '6+0'. Required.", "size_gb" : "Size in GiB (Integer) for the logical disk. Use 'MAX' as size_gb if this logical disk is supposed to use the rest of the space available. Required.", "interface_type" : "The interface type of disk. Valid values are 'sata', 'scsi' and 'sas'. If this is not specified, interface type will not be a selection criterion for choosing backing physical disks. Optional.", "is_root_volume" : "Specifies whether this disk is a root volume. By default, this is False. Optional." }