Deploying with anaconda deploy interface ======================================== Ironic supports deploying OS with anaconda installer in addition to IPA. This deploy interface supports ``pxe``, ``ipxe`` boot interfaces. Configuration ------------- The anaconda deploy interface is not enabled by default. To enable this, use the ``enabled_deploy_interfaces`` configuration option in ironic.conf .. code-block:: ini [DEFAULT] ... enabled_deploy_interfaces = direct,anaconda ... This change will not be effective until all Ironic conductors have been restarted. .. code-block:: shell baremetal node create --driver ipmi \ --deploy-interface anaconda \ --boot-interface ipxe You can also set ``--deploy-interface`` on an existing node: .. code-block:: shell baremetal node set --deploy-interface anaconda Creating an OS Image -------------------- While anaconda allows installing individual RPMs the default kickstart file expects a OS tarball to be used as the OS image. A baremetal.yum file that lists all yum/dnf commands that need to be run to generate the OS tarball. The commands normally install packages and package' groups that need to be in the image .. code-block:: ini group install 'Minimal Install' install cloud-init ts run An OS tarball can be created using following set of commands using above baremetal.yum file .. code-block:: shell export CHROOT=/home//os-image mkdir -p $(CHROOT) mkdir -p $(CHROOT)/{dev,proc,run,sys} chown -hR root:root $(CHROOT) mount --bind /var/cache/yum $(CHROOT)/var/cache/yum mount --bind /dev $(CHROOT)/dev mount -t proc proc $(CHROOT)/proc mount -t tmpfs tmpfs $(CHROOT)/run mount -t sysfs sysfs $(CHROOT)/sys dnf -y --installroot=$(CHROOT) makecache dnf -y --installroot=$(CHROOT) shell baremetal.yum rpm --root $(CHROOT) --import $(CHROOT)/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-* truncate -s 0 $(CHROOT)/etc/machine-id umount $(CHROOT)/var/cache/yum umount $(CHROOT)/dev umount $(CHROOT)/proc umount $(CHROOT)/run umount $(CHROOT)/sys tar cpzf os-image.tar.gz --xattrs --acls --selinux -C $(CHROOT) . Configuring the OS Image in glance ---------------------------------- Anaconda is a two stage installer - The stage1 consists of the kernel and ramdisk and the stage2 lives in a squashfs file. All these components can be found in the CentOS/RHEL/Fedora ISO images. The kernel and ramdisk can be found at ``/images/pxeboot/vmlinuz`` and ``/images/pxeboot/initrd.img`` respectively in the ISO. The stage2 squashfs image can be normally found at ``/LiveOS/squashfs.img`` or ``/images/install.img``. The OS tarball must be configured with following properties in glance to be used with anaconda deploy driver 1. ``kernel_id`` 2. ``ramdisk_id`` 3. ``stage2_id`` .. code-block:: shell openstack image create --file ./vmlinuz --container-format aki \ --disk-format aki --shared anaconda-kernel- openstack image create --file ./initrd.img --container-format ari \ --disk-format ari --shared anaconda-ramdisk- openstack image create --file ./squashfs.img --container-format ari \ --disk-format ari --shared anaconda-stage- openstack image create --file ./os-image.tar.gz --container-format \ compressed --disk-format raw --shared \ --property kernel_id= \ --property ramdisk_id= \ --property stage2_id= Creating a baremetal server --------------------------- Apart from uploading a custom kickstart template to glance and associating it to the OS Image as ``ks_template`` property in glance, operators can also set the kickstart template in instance_info. The kickstart template set in instance_info takes precedence over the one set in the glance image. If kickstart template is not found in instance_info or the glance image property the default kickstart template will be used to deploy the OS. .. code-block:: shell openstack baremetal node set $NODE_UUID \ --instance_info ks_template=glance://uuid Limitations ----------- This deploy interface has only been tested with Red Hat based operating systems that use anaconda. Other systems are not supported.