.. _irmc: =========== iRMC driver =========== Overview ======== The iRMC driver enables control FUJITSU PRIMERGY via ServerView Common Command Interface (SCCI). Support for FUJITSU PRIMERGY servers consists of the ``irmc`` hardware type and a few hardware interfaces specific for that hardware type. Prerequisites ============= * Install `python-scciclient `_ and `pysnmp `_ packages:: $ pip install "python-scciclient>=0.7.2" pysnmp Hardware Type ============= The ``irmc`` hardware type is available for FUJITSU PRIMERGY servers. For information on how to enable the ``irmc`` hardware type, see :ref:`enable-hardware-types`. Hardware interfaces ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``irmc`` hardware type overrides the selection of the following hardware interfaces: * bios Supports ``irmc`` and ``no-bios``. The default is ``irmc``. * boot Supports ``irmc-virtual-media``, ``irmc-pxe``, and ``pxe``. The default is ``irmc-virtual-media``. The ``irmc-virtual-media`` boot interface enables the virtual media based deploy with IPA (Ironic Python Agent). .. warning:: We deprecated the ``pxe`` boot interface when used with ``irmc`` hardware type. Support for this interface will be removed in the future. Instead, use ``irmc-pxe``. ``irmc-pxe`` boot interface was introduced in Pike. * console Supports ``ipmitool-socat``, ``ipmitool-shellinabox``, and ``no-console``. The default is ``ipmitool-socat``. * inspect Supports ``irmc``, ``inspector``, and ``no-inspect``. The default is ``irmc``. .. note:: :ironic-inspector-doc:`Ironic Inspector <>` needs to be present and configured to use ``inspector`` as the inspect interface. * management Supports only ``irmc``. * power Supports ``irmc``, which enables power control via ServerView Common Command Interface (SCCI), by default. Also supports ``ipmitool``. * raid Supports ``irmc``, ``no-raid`` and ``agent``. The default is ``no-raid``. For other hardware interfaces, ``irmc`` hardware type supports the Bare Metal reference interfaces. For more details about the hardware interfaces and how to enable the desired ones, see :ref:`enable-hardware-interfaces`. Here is a complete configuration example with most of the supported hardware interfaces enabled for ``irmc`` hardware type. .. code-block:: ini [DEFAULT] enabled_hardware_types = irmc enabled_bios_interfaces = irmc enabled_boot_interfaces = irmc-virtual-media,irmc-pxe enabled_console_interfaces = ipmitool-socat,ipmitool-shellinabox,no-console enabled_deploy_interfaces = direct enabled_inspect_interfaces = irmc,inspector,no-inspect enabled_management_interfaces = irmc enabled_network_interfaces = flat,neutron enabled_power_interfaces = irmc enabled_raid_interfaces = no-raid,irmc enabled_storage_interfaces = noop,cinder enabled_vendor_interfaces = no-vendor,ipmitool Here is a command example to enroll a node with ``irmc`` hardware type. .. code-block:: console baremetal node create \ --bios-interface irmc \ --boot-interface irmc-pxe \ --deploy-interface direct \ --inspect-interface irmc \ --raid-interface irmc Node configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Each node is configured for ``irmc`` hardware type by setting the following ironic node object's properties: - ``driver_info/irmc_address`` property to be ``IP address`` or ``hostname`` of the iRMC. - ``driver_info/irmc_username`` property to be ``username`` for the iRMC with administrator privileges. - ``driver_info/irmc_password`` property to be ``password`` for irmc_username. - ``properties/capabilities`` property to be ``boot_mode:uefi`` if UEFI boot is required. - ``properties/capabilities`` property to be ``secure_boot:true`` if UEFI Secure Boot is required. Please refer to `UEFI Secure Boot Support`_ for more information. * The following properties are also required if ``irmc-virtual-media`` boot interface is used: - ``driver_info/deploy_iso`` property to be either deploy iso file name, Glance UUID, or Image Service URL. - ``instance info/boot_iso`` property to be either boot iso file name, Glance UUID, or Image Service URL. This is optional property when ``boot_option`` is set to ``netboot``. .. note:: The ``deploy_iso`` and ``boot_iso`` properties used to be called ``irmc_deploy_iso`` and ``irmc_boot_iso`` accordingly before the Xena release. * The following properties are also required if ``irmc`` inspect interface is enabled and SNMPv3 inspection is desired. - ``driver_info/irmc_snmp_user`` property to be the SNMPv3 username. SNMPv3 functionality should be enabled for this user on iRMC server side. - ``driver_info/irmc_snmp_auth_password`` property to be the auth protocol pass phrase. The length of pass phrase should be at least 8 characters. - ``driver_info/irmc_snmp_priv_password`` property to be the privacy protocol pass phrase. The length of pass phrase should be at least 8 characters. * All of the nodes are configured by setting the following configuration options in the ``[irmc]`` section of ``/etc/ironic/ironic.conf``: - ``port``: Port to be used for iRMC operations; either 80 or 443. The default value is 443. Optional. - ``auth_method``: Authentication method for iRMC operations; either ``basic`` or ``digest``. The default value is ``basic``. Optional. - ``client_timeout``: Timeout (in seconds) for iRMC operations. The default value is 60. Optional. - ``sensor_method``: Sensor data retrieval method; either ``ipmitool`` or ``scci``. The default value is ``ipmitool``. Optional. * The following options are required if ``irmc-virtual-media`` boot interface is enabled: - ``remote_image_share_root``: Ironic conductor node's ``NFS`` or ``CIFS`` root path. The default value is ``/remote_image_share_root``. - ``remote_image_server``: IP of remote image server. - ``remote_image_share_type``: Share type of virtual media, either ``NFS`` or ``CIFS``. The default is ``CIFS``. - ``remote_image_share_name``: share name of ``remote_image_server``. The default value is ``share``. - ``remote_image_user_name``: User name of ``remote_image_server``. - ``remote_image_user_password``: Password of ``remote_image_user_name``. - ``remote_image_user_domain``: Domain name of ``remote_image_user_name``. * The following options are required if ``irmc`` inspect interface is enabled: - ``snmp_version``: SNMP protocol version; either ``v1``, ``v2c`` or ``v3``. The default value is ``v2c``. Optional. - ``snmp_port``: SNMP port. The default value is ``161``. Optional. - ``snmp_community``: SNMP community required for versions ``v1`` and ``v2c``. The default value is ``public``. Optional. - ``snmp_security``: SNMP security name required for version ``v3``. Optional. - ``snmp_auth_proto``: The SNMPv3 auth protocol. The valid value and the default value are both ``sha``. We will add more supported valid values in the future. Optional. - ``snmp_priv_proto``: The SNMPv3 privacy protocol. The valid value and the default value are both ``aes``. We will add more supported valid values in the future. Optional. .. warning:: We deprecated the ``snmp_security`` option when use SNMPv3 inspection. Support for this option will be removed in the future. Instead, set ``driver_info/irmc_snmp_user`` parameter for each node if SNMPv3 inspection is needed. * Each node can be further configured by setting the following ironic node object's properties which override the parameter values in ``[irmc]`` section of ``/etc/ironic/ironic.conf``: - ``driver_info/irmc_port`` property overrides ``port``. - ``driver_info/irmc_auth_method`` property overrides ``auth_method``. - ``driver_info/irmc_client_timeout`` property overrides ``client_timeout``. - ``driver_info/irmc_sensor_method`` property overrides ``sensor_method``. - ``driver_info/irmc_snmp_version`` property overrides ``snmp_version``. - ``driver_info/irmc_snmp_port`` property overrides ``snmp_port``. - ``driver_info/irmc_snmp_community`` property overrides ``snmp_community``. - ``driver_info/irmc_snmp_security`` property overrides ``snmp_security``. - ``driver_info/irmc_snmp_auth_proto`` property overrides ``snmp_auth_proto``. - ``driver_info/irmc_snmp_priv_proto`` property overrides ``snmp_priv_proto``. Optional functionalities for the ``irmc`` hardware type ======================================================= UEFI Secure Boot Support ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The hardware type ``irmc`` supports secure boot deploy, see :ref:`secure-boot` for details. .. warning:: Secure boot feature is not supported with ``pxe`` boot interface. .. _irmc_node_cleaning: Node Cleaning Support ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``irmc`` hardware type supports node cleaning. For more information on node cleaning, see :ref:`cleaning`. Supported **Automated** Cleaning Operations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The automated cleaning operations supported are: * ``restore_irmc_bios_config``: Restores BIOS settings on a baremetal node from backup data. If this clean step is enabled, the BIOS settings of a baremetal node will be backed up automatically before the deployment. By default, this clean step is disabled with priority ``0``. Set its priority to a positive integer to enable it. The recommended value is ``10``. .. warning:: ``pxe`` boot interface, when used with ``irmc`` hardware type, does not support this clean step. If uses ``irmc`` hardware type, it is required to select ``irmc-pxe`` or ``irmc-virtual-media`` as the boot interface in order to make this clean step work. Configuration options for the automated cleaning steps are listed under ``[irmc]`` section in ironic.conf :: clean_priority_restore_irmc_bios_config = 0 For more information on node automated cleaning, see :ref:`automated_cleaning` Boot from Remote Volume ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``irmc`` hardware type supports the generic PXE-based remote volume booting when using the following boot interfaces: * ``irmc-pxe`` * ``pxe`` In addition, the ``irmc`` hardware type supports remote volume booting without PXE. This is available when using the ``irmc-virtual-media`` boot interface. This feature configures a node to boot from a remote volume by using the API of iRMC. It supports iSCSI and FibreChannel. Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In addition to the configuration for generic drivers to :ref:`remote volume boot `, the iRMC driver requires the following configuration: * It is necessary to set physical port IDs to network ports and volume connectors. All cards including those not used for volume boot should be registered. The format of a physical port ID is: ``-`` where: - ````: could be ``LAN``, ``FC`` or ``CNA`` - ````: 0 indicates onboard slot. Use 1 to 9 for add-on slots. - ````: A port number starting from 1. These IDs are specified in a node's ``driver_info[irmc_pci_physical_ids]``. This value is a dictionary. The key is the UUID of a resource (Port or Volume Connector) and its value is the physical port ID. For example:: { "1ecd14ee-c191-4007-8413-16bb5d5a73a2":"LAN0-1", "87f6c778-e60e-4df2-bdad-2605d53e6fc0":"CNA1-1" } It can be set with the following command:: baremetal node set $NODE_UUID \ --driver-info irmc_pci_physical_ids={} \ --driver-info irmc_pci_physical_ids/$PORT_UUID=LAN0-1 \ --driver-info irmc_pci_physical_ids/$VOLUME_CONNECTOR_UUID=CNA1-1 * For iSCSI boot, volume connectors with both types ``iqn`` and ``ip`` are required. The configuration with DHCP is not supported yet. * For iSCSI, the size of the storage network is needed. This value should be specified in a node's ``driver_info[irmc_storage_network_size]``. It must be a positive integer < 32. For example, if the storage network is, use the following command:: baremetal node set $NODE_UUID --driver-info irmc_storage_network_size=22 Supported hardware ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The driver supports the PCI controllers, Fibrechannel Cards, Converged Network Adapters supported by `Fujitsu ServerView Virtual-IO Manager `_. Hardware Inspection Support ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``irmc`` hardware type provides the iRMC-specific hardware inspection with ``irmc`` inspect interface. .. note:: SNMP requires being enabled in ServerView® iRMC S4 Web Server(Network Settings\SNMP section). Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Hardware Inspection Support in the iRMC driver requires the following configuration: * It is necessary to set ironic configuration with ``gpu_ids`` and ``fpga_ids`` options in ``[irmc]`` section. ``gpu_ids`` and ``fpga_ids`` are lists of ``/`` where: - ````: 4 hexadecimal digits starts with '0x'. - ````: 4 hexadecimal digits starts with '0x'. Here are sample values for ``gpu_ids`` and ``fpga_ids``:: gpu_ids = 0x1000/0x0079,0x2100/0x0080 fpga_ids = 0x1000/0x005b,0x1100/0x0180 * The python-scciclient package requires pyghmi version >= 1.0.22 and pysnmp version >= 4.2.3. They are used by the conductor service on the conductor. The latest version of pyghmi can be downloaded from `here `__ and pysnmp can be downloaded from `here `__. Supported properties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The inspection process will discover the following essential properties (properties required for scheduling deployment): * ``memory_mb``: memory size * ``cpus``: number of cpus * ``cpu_arch``: cpu architecture * ``local_gb``: disk size Inspection can also discover the following extra capabilities for iRMC driver: * ``irmc_firmware_version``: iRMC firmware version * ``rom_firmware_version``: ROM firmware version * ``server_model``: server model * ``pci_gpu_devices``: number of gpu devices connected to the bare metal. Inspection can also set/unset node's traits with the following cpu type for iRMC driver: * ``CUSTOM_CPU_FPGA``: The bare metal contains fpga cpu type. .. note:: * The disk size is returned only when eLCM License for FUJITSU PRIMERGY servers is activated. If the license is not activated, then Hardware Inspection will fail to get this value. * Before inspecting, if the server is power-off, it will be turned on automatically. System will wait for a few second before start inspecting. After inspection, power status will be restored to the previous state. The operator can specify these capabilities in compute service flavor, for example:: openstack flavor set baremetal-flavor-name --property capabilities:irmc_firmware_version="iRMC S4-8.64F" openstack flavor set baremetal-flavor-name --property capabilities:server_model="TX2540M1F5" openstack flavor set baremetal-flavor-name --property capabilities:pci_gpu_devices="1" See :ref:`capabilities-discovery` for more details and examples. The operator can add a trait in compute service flavor, for example:: baremetal node add trait $NODE_UUID CUSTOM_CPU_FPGA A valid trait must be no longer than 255 characters. Standard traits are defined in the os_traits library. A custom trait must start with the prefix ``CUSTOM_`` and use the following characters: A-Z, 0-9 and _. RAID configuration Support ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``irmc`` hardware type provides the iRMC RAID configuration with ``irmc`` raid interface. .. note:: * RAID implementation for ``irmc`` hardware type is based on eLCM license and SDCard. Otherwise, SP(Service Platform) in lifecycle management must be available. * RAID implementation only supported for RAIDAdapter 0 in Fujitsu Servers. Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The RAID configuration Support in the iRMC drivers requires the following configuration: * It is necessary to set ironic configuration into Node with JSON file option:: $ baremetal node set \ --target-raid-config Here is some sample values for JSON file:: { "logical_disks": [ { "size_gb": 1000, "raid_level": "1" ] } or:: { "logical_disks": [ { "size_gb": 1000, "raid_level": "1", "controller": "FTS RAID Ctrl SAS 6G 1GB (D3116C) (0)", "physical_disks": [ "0", "1" ] } ] } .. note:: RAID 1+0 and 5+0 in iRMC driver does not support property ``physical_disks`` in ``target_raid_config`` during create raid configuration yet. See following example:: { "logical_disks": [ { "size_gb": "MAX", "raid_level": "1+0" } ] } See :ref:`raid` for more details and examples. Supported properties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The RAID configuration using iRMC driver supports following parameters in JSON file: * ``size_gb``: is mandatory properties in Ironic. * ``raid_level``: is mandatory properties in Ironic. Currently, iRMC Server supports following RAID levels: 0, 1, 5, 6, 1+0 and 5+0. * ``controller``: is name of the controller as read by the RAID interface. * ``physical_disks``: are specific values for each raid array in LogicalDrive which operator want to set them along with ``raid_level``. The RAID configuration is supported as a manual cleaning step. .. note:: * iRMC server will power-on after create/delete raid configuration is applied, FGI (Foreground Initialize) will process raid configuration in iRMC server, thus the operation will completed upon power-on and power-off when created RAID on iRMC server. See :ref:`raid` for more details and examples. BIOS configuration Support ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``irmc`` hardware type provides the iRMC BIOS configuration with ``irmc`` bios interface. .. warning:: ``irmc`` bios interface does not support ``factory_reset``. Starting from version ``0.10.0`` of ``python-scciclient``, the BIOS setting obtained may not be the latest. If you want to get the latest BIOS setting, you need to delete the existing BIOS profile in iRMC. For example:: curl -u user:pass -H "Content-type: application/json" -X DELETE -i Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The BIOS configuration in the iRMC driver supports the following settings: - ``boot_option_filter``: Specifies from which drives can be booted. This supports following options: ``UefiAndLegacy``, ``LegacyOnly``, ``UefiOnly``. - ``check_controllers_health_status_enabled``: The UEFI FW checks the controller health status. This supports following options: ``true``, ``false``. - ``cpu_active_processor_cores``: The number of active processor cores 1...n. Option 0 indicates that all available processor cores are active. - ``cpu_adjacent_cache_line_prefetch_enabled``: The processor loads the requested cache line and the adjacent cache line. This supports following options: ``true``, ``false``. - ``cpu_vt_enabled``: Supports the virtualization of platform hardware and several software environments, based on Virtual Machine Extensions to support the use of several software environments using virtual computers. This supports following options: ``true``, ``false``. - ``flash_write_enabled``: The system BIOS can be written. Flash BIOS update is possible. This supports following options: ``true``, ``false``. - ``hyper_threading_enabled``: Hyper-threading technology allows a single physical processor core to appear as several logical processors. This supports following options: ``true``, ``false``. - ``keep_void_boot_options_enabled``: Boot Options will not be removed from "Boot Option Priority" list. This supports following options: ``true``, ``false``. - ``launch_csm_enabled``: Specifies whether the Compatibility Support Module (CSM) is executed. This supports following options: ``true``, ``false``. - ``os_energy_performance_override_enabled``: Prevents the OS from overruling any energy efficiency policy setting of the setup. This supports following options: ``true``, ``false``. - ``pci_aspm_support``: Active State Power Management (ASPM) is used to power-manage the PCI Express links, thus consuming less power. This supports following options: ``Disabled``, ``Auto``, ``L0Limited``, ``L1only``, ``L0Force``. - ``pci_above_4g_decoding_enabled``: Specifies if memory resources above the 4GB address boundary can be assigned to PCI devices. This supports following options: ``true``, ``false``. - ``power_on_source``: Specifies whether the switch on sources for the system are managed by the BIOS or the ACPI operating system. This supports following options: ``BiosControlled``, ``AcpiControlled``. - ``single_root_io_virtualization_support_enabled``: Single Root IO Virtualization Support is active. This supports following options: ``true``, ``false``. The BIOS configuration is supported as a manual cleaning step. See :ref:`bios` for more details and examples. Supported platforms =================== This driver supports FUJITSU PRIMERGY RX M4 servers and above. When ``irmc`` power interface is used, Soft Reboot (Graceful Reset) and Soft Power Off (Graceful Power Off) are only available if `ServerView agents `_ are installed. See `iRMC S4 Manual `_ for more details. RAID configuration feature supports FUJITSU PRIMERGY servers with RAID-Ctrl-SAS-6G-1GB(D3116C) controller and above. For detail supported controller with OOB-RAID configuration, please see `the whitepaper for iRMC RAID configuration `_.