# This file lists all python libraries which are utilized by drivers, # but not listed in global-requirements. # It is intended to help package maintainers to discover additional # python projects they should package as optional dependencies for Ironic. # These are available on pypi proliantutils>=2.1.5 pyghmi>=0.8.0 pysnmp python-ironic-inspector-client python-oneviewclient>=2.0.0 python-scciclient>=0.2.0 python-seamicroclient>=0.4.0 UcsSdk== # The drac and amt driver import a python module called "pywsman", however, # this does not exist on pypi. # It is installed by the openwsman-python (on RH) or python-openwsman (on deb) # package, from https://github.com/Openwsman/openwsman/blob/master/bindings/python/Makefile.am#L29 # There is *also* a "wsman" module on pypi ... but I think that's the wrong one. # The iboot driver does not seem to have any available packages or pip modules, # but the source is available here: # https://github.com/darkip/python-iboot # 'pxe_vbox' and 'agent_vbox' drivers require pyremotevbox library. # Refer documentation on how to install and configure this: # http://docs.openstack.org/developer/ironic/drivers/vbox.html pyremotevbox>=0.5.0 # The CIMC drivers use the Cisco IMC SDK version 0.7.1, which is available from # https://communities.cisco.com/docs/DOC-37174