# # Copyright (c) 2015 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from tempest.common import utils from tempest import config from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils from tempest.lib import decorators from ironic_tempest_plugin import manager from ironic_tempest_plugin.tests.scenario import baremetal_manager CONF = config.CONF class BaremetalMultitenancy(baremetal_manager.BaremetalScenarioTest, manager.NetworkScenarioTest): """Check L2 isolation of baremetal instances in different tenants: * Create a keypair, network, subnet and router for the primary tenant * Boot 2 instances in the different tenant's network using the keypair * Associate floating ips to both instance * Verify there is no L3 connectivity between instances of different tenants * Verify connectivity between instances floating IP's * Delete both instances """ credentials = ['primary', 'alt', 'admin'] @classmethod def skip_checks(cls): super(BaremetalMultitenancy, cls).skip_checks() if not CONF.baremetal.use_provision_network: msg = 'Ironic/Neutron tenant isolation is not configured.' raise cls.skipException(msg) def create_tenant_network(self, clients, tenant_cidr): network = self._create_network( networks_client=clients.networks_client, tenant_id=clients.credentials.tenant_id) router = self._get_router( client=clients.routers_client, tenant_id=clients.credentials.tenant_id) result = clients.subnets_client.create_subnet( name=data_utils.rand_name('subnet'), network_id=network['id'], tenant_id=clients.credentials.tenant_id, ip_version=4, cidr=tenant_cidr) subnet = result['subnet'] clients.routers_client.add_router_interface(router['id'], subnet_id=subnet['id']) self.addCleanup(clients.subnets_client.delete_subnet, subnet['id']) self.addCleanup(clients.routers_client.remove_router_interface, router['id'], subnet_id=subnet['id']) return network, subnet, router def verify_l3_connectivity(self, source_ip, private_key, destination_ip, conn_expected=True): remote = self.get_remote_client(source_ip, private_key=private_key) remote.validate_authentication() cmd = 'ping %s -c4 -w4 || exit 0' % destination_ip success_substring = "64 bytes from %s" % destination_ip output = remote.exec_command(cmd) if conn_expected: self.assertIn(success_substring, output) else: self.assertNotIn(success_substring, output) @decorators.idempotent_id('26e2f145-2a8e-4dc7-8457-7f2eb2c6749d') @utils.services('compute', 'image', 'network') def test_baremetal_multitenancy(self): tenant_cidr = '' fixed_ip1 = '' fixed_ip2 = '' keypair = self.create_keypair() network, subnet, router = self.create_tenant_network( self.os_primary, tenant_cidr) # Boot 2 instances in the primary tenant network # and check L2 connectivity between them instance1, node1 = self.boot_instance( clients=self.os_primary, keypair=keypair, net_id=network['id'], fixed_ip=fixed_ip1 ) floating_ip1 = self.create_floating_ip( instance1, )['floating_ip_address'] self.check_vm_connectivity(ip_address=floating_ip1, private_key=keypair['private_key']) # Boot instance in the alt tenant network and ensure there is no # L2 connectivity between instances of the different tenants alt_keypair = self.create_keypair(self.os_alt.keypairs_client) alt_network, alt_subnet, alt_router = self.create_tenant_network( self.os_alt, tenant_cidr) alt_instance, alt_node = self.boot_instance( keypair=alt_keypair, clients=self.os_alt, net_id=alt_network['id'], fixed_ip=fixed_ip2 ) alt_floating_ip = self.create_floating_ip( alt_instance, client=self.os_alt.floating_ips_client )['floating_ip_address'] self.check_vm_connectivity(ip_address=alt_floating_ip, private_key=alt_keypair['private_key']) self.verify_l3_connectivity( alt_floating_ip, alt_keypair['private_key'], fixed_ip1, conn_expected=False ) self.verify_l3_connectivity( floating_ip1, keypair['private_key'], fixed_ip2, conn_expected=False ) self.verify_l3_connectivity( floating_ip1, keypair['private_key'], alt_floating_ip, conn_expected=True ) self.terminate_instance( instance=alt_instance, servers_client=self.os_alt.servers_client) self.terminate_instance(instance=instance1)