=========== SNMP driver =========== The SNMP hardware type enables control of power distribution units of the type frequently found in data centre racks. PDUs frequently have a management ethernet interface and SNMP support enabling control of the power outlets. The SNMP power interface works with the :ref:`pxe-boot` interface for network deployment and network-configured boot. .. note:: Unlike most of the other power interfaces, the SNMP power interface does not have a corresponding management interface. The SNMP hardware type uses the ``noop`` management interface instead. List of supported devices ========================= This is a non-exhaustive list of supported devices. Any device not listed in this table could possibly work using a similar driver. Please report any device status. ============== ========== ========== ===================== Manufacturer Model Supported? Driver name ============== ========== ========== ===================== APC AP7920 Yes apc_masterswitch APC AP9606 Yes apc_masterswitch APC AP9225 Yes apc_masterswitchplus APC AP7155 Yes apc_rackpdu APC AP7900 Yes apc_rackpdu APC AP7901 Yes apc_rackpdu APC AP7902 Yes apc_rackpdu APC AP7911a Yes apc_rackpdu APC AP7921 Yes apc_rackpdu APC AP7922 Yes apc_rackpdu APC AP7930 Yes apc_rackpdu APC AP7931 Yes apc_rackpdu APC AP7932 Yes apc_rackpdu APC AP7940 Yes apc_rackpdu APC AP7941 Yes apc_rackpdu APC AP7951 Yes apc_rackpdu APC AP7960 Yes apc_rackpdu APC AP7990 Yes apc_rackpdu APC AP7998 Yes apc_rackpdu APC AP8941 Yes apc_rackpdu APC AP8953 Yes apc_rackpdu APC AP8959 Yes apc_rackpdu APC AP8961 Yes apc_rackpdu APC AP8965 Yes apc_rackpdu Aten all? Yes aten CyberPower all? Untested cyberpower EatonPower all? Untested eatonpower Teltronix all? Yes teltronix BayTech MRP27 Yes baytech_mrp27 ============== ========== ========== ===================== Software Requirements ===================== - The PySNMP package must be installed, variously referred to as ``pysnmp`` or ``python-pysnmp`` Enabling the SNMP Hardware Type =============================== #. Add ``snmp`` to the list of ``enabled_hardware_types`` in ``ironic.conf``. Also update ``enabled_management_interfaces`` and ``enabled_power_interfaces`` in ``ironic.conf`` as shown below: .. code-block:: ini [DEFAULT] enabled_hardware_types = snmp enabled_management_interfaces = noop enabled_power_interfaces = snmp #. To set the default boot option, update ``default_boot_option`` in ``ironic.conf``: .. code-block:: ini [DEFAULT] default_boot_option = netboot .. note:: Currently the default value of ``default_boot_option`` is ``netboot`` but it will be changed to ``local`` in the future. It is recommended to set an explicit value for this option. .. note:: It is important to set ``boot_option`` to ``netboot`` as SNMP hardware type does not support setting of boot devices. One can also configure a node to boot using ``netboot`` by setting its ``capabilities`` and updating Nova flavor as described below: .. code-block:: console openstack baremetal node set --property capabilities="boot_option:netboot" openstack flavor set --property "capabilities:boot_option"="netboot" ironic-flavor #. Restart the Ironic conductor service. .. code-block:: bash service ironic-conductor restart Ironic Node Configuration ========================= Nodes configured to use the SNMP hardware type should have the ``driver`` field set to the hardware type ``snmp``. The following property values have to be added to the node's ``driver_info`` field: - ``snmp_driver``: PDU manufacturer driver name or ``auto`` to automatically choose ironic snmp driver based on ``SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID`` value as reported by PDU. - ``snmp_address``: the IPv4 address of the PDU controlling this node. - ``snmp_port``: (optional) A non-standard UDP port to use for SNMP operations. If not specified, the default port (161) is used. - ``snmp_outlet``: The power outlet on the PDU (1-based indexing). - ``snmp_version``: (optional) SNMP protocol version (permitted values ``1``, ``2c`` or ``3``). If not specified, SNMPv1 is chosen. - ``snmp_community``: (Required for SNMPv1/SNMPv2c unless ``snmp_community_read`` and/or ``snmp_community_write`` properties are present in which case the latter take over) SNMP community name parameter for reads and writes to the PDU. - ``snmp_community_read``: SNMP community name parameter for reads to the PDU. Takes precedence over the ``snmp_community`` property. - ``snmp_community_write``: SNMP community name parameter for writes to the PDU. Takes precedence over the ``snmp_community`` property. - ``snmp_user``: (Required for SNMPv3) SNMPv3 User-based Security Model (USM) user name. Synonym for now obsolete ``snmp_security`` parameter. - ``snmp_auth_protocol``: SNMPv3 message authentication protocol ID. Valid values include: ``none``, ``md5``, ``sha`` for all pysnmp versions and additionally ``sha224``, ``sha256``, ``sha384``, ``sha512`` for pysnmp versions 4.4.1 and later. Default is ``none`` unless ``snmp_auth_key`` is provided. In the latter case ``md5`` is the default. - ``snmp_auth_key``: SNMPv3 message authentication key. Must be 8+ characters long. Required when message authentication is used. - ``snmp_priv_protocol``: SNMPv3 message privacy (encryption) protocol ID. Valid values include: ``none``, ``des``, ``3des``, ``aes``, ``aes192``, ``aes256`` for all pysnmp version and additionally ``aes192blmt``, ``aes256blmt`` for pysnmp versions 4.4.3+. Note that message privacy requires using message authentication. Default is ``none`` unless ``snmp_priv_key`` is provided. In the latter case ``des`` is the default. - ``snmp_priv_key``: SNMPv3 message privacy (encryption) key. Must be 8+ characters long. Required when message encryption is used. - ``snmp_context_engine_id``: SNMPv3 context engine ID. Default is the value of authoritative engine ID. - ``snmp_context_name``: SNMPv3 context name. Default is an empty string. The following command can be used to enroll a node with the ``snmp`` hardware type: .. code-block:: bash openstack baremetal node create --os-baremetal-api-version=1.31 \ --driver snmp --driver-info snmp_driver= \ --driver-info snmp_address= \ --driver-info snmp_outlet= \ --driver-info snmp_community= \ --properties capabilities=boot_option:netboot