Adds a configuration option [deploy]disk_erasure_concurrency to define the size of thread pool, and pass it to IPA. The value defines the maximum number of threads can be utilized for parallel disk erasure at IPA side. Change-Id: Ie7fe8ac730e7ee161443b39a8c0fe79b2848fc87 Story: 1546949 Task: 26973
9 lines
478 B
9 lines
478 B
- Adds a configuration option ``[deploy]disk_erasure_concurrency`` to
define the target pool size used by Ironic Python Agent ramdisk to
erase disk devices. The number of threads created by IPA to erase
disk devices is the minimum value of target pool size and the number of
disks to be erased. This feature can greatly reduce the operation time
for baremetals with multiple disks. For the backwards compatibility,
the default value is 1. |