Dmitry Tantsur dc05d18b56 Start using in-band inspection
Start using in-band inspection with ironic-discoverd, but do not
instantiate the driver interface when discoverd support is disabled in
the config file.

* Check the CONF option prior to instantiating DiscoverdInspect class
  and binding it to any driver interface
* Updates unit tests to better test the loading (or lack thereof) of the
  driver.inspect interface, based on the CONF option

If in-band discovery is enabled by setting [discoverd] enabled=True in
the config file, then the following drivers will bind it to their
inspect interface:
* pxe_ssh
* pxe_ipmitool
* pxe_ipminative
* pxe_drac

This patch also fixes a few nits (copied from previous reviews).

The bug tagged below presently affects only the "fake" driver. Without
the above-mentioned changes, enabling discoverd for any
production-facing driver would have led to the problem described there.

Updated UnsupportedDriverExtension error message to suggest that
the extension might be disabled.

Co-authored-by: Devananda van der Veen <>

Closes-bug: #1431999
Implements: blueprint inband-properties-discovery
Change-Id: I1dd844525852b1ec806f286d01dfc95313c6ad94
2015-03-16 17:02:01 +01:00

267 lines
10 KiB

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
PXE Driver and supporting meta-classes.
from oslo_utils import importutils
from ironic.common import exception
from ironic.common.i18n import _
from ironic.drivers import base
from ironic.drivers.modules.amt import management as amt_management
from ironic.drivers.modules.amt import power as amt_power
from ironic.drivers.modules.amt import vendor as amt_vendor
from ironic.drivers.modules import discoverd
from ironic.drivers.modules import iboot
from ironic.drivers.modules.ilo import deploy as ilo_deploy
from ironic.drivers.modules.ilo import management as ilo_management
from ironic.drivers.modules.ilo import power as ilo_power
from ironic.drivers.modules import ipminative
from ironic.drivers.modules import ipmitool
from ironic.drivers.modules.irmc import management as irmc_management
from ironic.drivers.modules.irmc import power as irmc_power
from ironic.drivers.modules import pxe
from ironic.drivers.modules import seamicro
from ironic.drivers.modules import snmp
from ironic.drivers.modules import ssh
from ironic.drivers.modules import virtualbox
from ironic.drivers import utils
class PXEAndIPMIToolDriver(base.BaseDriver):
"""PXE + IPMITool driver.
This driver implements the `core` functionality, combining
:class:`ironic.drivers.ipmi.IPMI` for power on/off and reboot with
:class:`ironic.driver.pxe.PXE` for image deployment. Implementations are in
those respective classes; this class is merely the glue between them.
def __init__(self):
self.power = ipmitool.IPMIPower()
self.console = ipmitool.IPMIShellinaboxConsole()
self.deploy = pxe.PXEDeploy() = ipmitool.IPMIManagement()
self.vendor = pxe.VendorPassthru()
self.inspect = discoverd.DiscoverdInspect.create_if_enabled(
class PXEAndSSHDriver(base.BaseDriver):
"""PXE + SSH driver.
NOTE: This driver is meant only for testing environments.
This driver implements the `core` functionality, combining
:class:`ironic.drivers.ssh.SSH` for power on/off and reboot of virtual
machines tunneled over SSH, with :class:`ironic.driver.pxe.PXE` for image
deployment. Implementations are in those respective classes; this class is
merely the glue between them.
def __init__(self):
self.power = ssh.SSHPower()
self.deploy = pxe.PXEDeploy() = ssh.SSHManagement()
self.vendor = pxe.VendorPassthru()
self.inspect = discoverd.DiscoverdInspect.create_if_enabled(
class PXEAndIPMINativeDriver(base.BaseDriver):
"""PXE + Native IPMI driver.
This driver implements the `core` functionality, combining
:class:`ironic.drivers.modules.ipminative.NativeIPMIPower` for power
on/off and reboot with
:class:`ironic.driver.modules.pxe.PXE` for image deployment.
Implementations are in those respective classes;
this class is merely the glue between them.
def __init__(self):
if not importutils.try_import('pyghmi'):
raise exception.DriverLoadError(
reason=_("Unable to import pyghmi library"))
self.power = ipminative.NativeIPMIPower()
self.console = ipminative.NativeIPMIShellinaboxConsole()
self.deploy = pxe.PXEDeploy() = ipminative.NativeIPMIManagement()
self.vendor = pxe.VendorPassthru()
self.inspect = discoverd.DiscoverdInspect.create_if_enabled(
class PXEAndSeaMicroDriver(base.BaseDriver):
"""PXE + SeaMicro driver.
This driver implements the `core` functionality, combining
:class:`ironic.drivers.modules.seamicro.Power` for power
on/off and reboot with
:class:`ironic.driver.modules.pxe.PXE` for image deployment.
Implementations are in those respective classes;
this class is merely the glue between them.
def __init__(self):
if not importutils.try_import('seamicroclient'):
raise exception.DriverLoadError(
reason=_("Unable to import seamicroclient library"))
self.power = seamicro.Power()
self.deploy = pxe.PXEDeploy() = seamicro.Management()
self.seamicro_vendor = seamicro.VendorPassthru()
self.pxe_vendor = pxe.VendorPassthru()
self.mapping = {'pass_deploy_info': self.pxe_vendor,
'attach_volume': self.seamicro_vendor,
'set_node_vlan_id': self.seamicro_vendor}
self.vendor = utils.MixinVendorInterface(self.mapping)
self.console = seamicro.ShellinaboxConsole()
class PXEAndIBootDriver(base.BaseDriver):
"""PXE + IBoot PDU driver.
This driver implements the `core` functionality, combining
:class:`ironic.drivers.modules.iboot.IBootPower` for power
on/off and reboot with
:class:`ironic.driver.modules.pxe.PXE` for image deployment.
Implementations are in those respective classes;
this class is merely the glue between them.
def __init__(self):
if not importutils.try_import('iboot'):
raise exception.DriverLoadError(
reason=_("Unable to import iboot library"))
self.power = iboot.IBootPower()
self.deploy = pxe.PXEDeploy()
self.vendor = pxe.VendorPassthru()
class PXEAndIloDriver(base.BaseDriver):
"""PXE + Ilo Driver using IloClient interface.
This driver implements the `core` functionality using
:class:`ironic.drivers.modules.ilo.power.IloPower` for power management
:class:`ironic.drivers.modules.ilo.deploy.IloPXEDeploy` for image
def __init__(self):
if not importutils.try_import('proliantutils'):
raise exception.DriverLoadError(
reason=_("Unable to import proliantutils library"))
self.power = ilo_power.IloPower()
self.deploy = ilo_deploy.IloPXEDeploy()
self.vendor = ilo_deploy.IloPXEVendorPassthru()
self.console = ilo_deploy.IloConsoleInterface() = ilo_management.IloManagement()
class PXEAndSNMPDriver(base.BaseDriver):
"""PXE + SNMP driver.
This driver implements the 'core' functionality, combining
:class:`ironic.drivers.snmp.SNMP` for power on/off and reboot with
:class:`ironic.drivers.pxe.PXE` for image deployment. Implentations are in
those respective classes; this class is merely the glue between them.
def __init__(self):
# Driver has a runtime dependency on PySNMP, abort load if it is absent
if not importutils.try_import('pysnmp'):
raise exception.DriverLoadError(
reason=_("Unable to import pysnmp library"))
self.power = snmp.SNMPPower()
self.deploy = pxe.PXEDeploy()
self.vendor = pxe.VendorPassthru()
# PDUs have no boot device management capability.
# Only PXE as a boot device is supported. = None
class PXEAndIRMCDriver(base.BaseDriver):
"""PXE + iRMC driver using SCCI.
This driver implements the `core` functionality using
:class:`ironic.drivers.modules.irmc.power.IRMCPower` for power management
:class:`ironic.drivers.modules.pxe.PXEDeploy` for image deployment.
def __init__(self):
if not importutils.try_import('scciclient'):
raise exception.DriverLoadError(
reason=_("Unable to import python-scciclient library"))
self.power = irmc_power.IRMCPower()
self.console = ipmitool.IPMIShellinaboxConsole()
self.deploy = pxe.PXEDeploy() = irmc_management.IRMCManagement()
self.vendor = pxe.VendorPassthru()
class PXEAndVirtualBoxDriver(base.BaseDriver):
"""PXE + VirtualBox driver.
NOTE: This driver is meant only for testing environments.
This driver implements the `core` functionality, combining
:class:`ironic.drivers.virtualbox.VirtualBoxPower` for power on/off and
reboot of VirtualBox virtual machines, with :class:`ironic.driver.pxe.PXE`
for image deployment. Implementations are in those respective classes;
this class is merely the glue between them.
def __init__(self):
if not importutils.try_import('pyremotevbox'):
raise exception.DriverLoadError(
reason=_("Unable to import pyremotevbox library"))
self.power = virtualbox.VirtualBoxPower()
self.deploy = pxe.PXEDeploy() = virtualbox.VirtualBoxManagement()
self.vendor = pxe.VendorPassthru()
class PXEAndAMTDriver(base.BaseDriver):
"""PXE + AMT driver.
This driver implements the `core` functionality, combining
:class:`ironic.drivers.amt.AMTPower` for power on/off and reboot with
:class:`ironic.driver.pxe.PXE` for image deployment. Implementations are in
those respective classes; this class is merely the glue between them.
def __init__(self):
if not importutils.try_import('pywsman'):
raise exception.DriverLoadError(
reason=_("Unable to import pywsman library"))
self.power = amt_power.AMTPower()
self.deploy = pxe.PXEDeploy() = amt_management.AMTManagement()
self.vendor = amt_vendor.AMTPXEVendorPassthru()