Cirros partition images are not compatible with local boot since they don't ship grub (nor a normal root partition). This change adds a script that builds a partition image with UEFI artifacts present. It still cannot be booted in legacy mode, but it's a progress. Set the tempest plugin's partition_netboot option. We need it to inform the tempest plugin about the ability to do local boot. This option already exists but is never set. Also set the new default_boot_option parameter, which will be introduced and used in Iaba563a2ecbca029889bc6894b2a7f0754d27b88. Remove netboot from most of the UEFI jobs. Change-Id: I15189e7f5928126c6b336b1416ce6408a4950062
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# NOTE(TheJulia): This is a special bindep file which is independent of the
# project bindep file which is for general usage. This binde pfile is
# intended for execution from Devstack.
# The *primary* purpose being, devstack manages sql dependency mangement
# and credential setup, so they can't be included here or it is installed
# prematurely.
# these are needed to run ironic with default ipmitool and (i)PXE boot drivers
ipmitool [default]
ipxe [platform:dpkg default]
ipxe-bootimgs [platform:rpm default]
socat [default]
xinetd [default]
tftpd-hpa [platform:dpkg]
tftp-server [platform:rpm]
# Starting with Debian Jessie (and thus in Ubuntu Xenial too),
# pxelinux package provides the pxelinux.0 boot loader,
# but such package is absent from Debian Wheezy / Ubuntu Trusty.
# Make sure syslinux-common is installed for those distros as it provides
# *.c32 modules for syslinux
pxelinux [platform:dpkg]
syslinux-common [platform:dpkg]
isolinux [platform:dpkg]
socat [default]
# Grub2 files for boot loadingusing PXE/GRUB2
shim-signed [platform:dpkg]
grub-efi-amd64-signed [platform:dpkg]
libvirt-daemon [platform:dpkg]
libvirt-clients [platform:dpkg]
libvirt [platform:rpm]
libvirt-dev [platform:dpkg]
libvirt-devel [platform:rpm]
qemu [platform:dpkg]
qemu-kvm [platform:dpkg platform:rpm]
qemu-utils [platform:dpkg]
qemu-system-data [platform:dpkg]
sgabios [platform:rpm]
ipxe-qemu [platform:dpkg]
edk2-ovmf [platform:rpm]
ovmf [platform:dpkg]
ipxe-roms-qemu [platform:rpm]
openvswitch [platform:rpm]
iptables [default]
net-tools [platform:rpm]
# these are needed to compile Python dependencies from sources
python-dev [platform:dpkg test]
python3-all-dev [platform:dpkg !platform:ubuntu-precise test]
python3-devel [platform:rpm test]
build-essential [platform:dpkg test]
libssl-dev [platform:dpkg test]
libffi-dev [platform:dpkg test]
libffi-devel [platform:rpm test]
# these are needed by infra for python-* jobs
libpq-dev [platform:dpkg test]
libpq-devel [platform:rpm test]
postgresql-client [platform:dpkg]
# postgresql-devel [platform:rpm]
postgresql-server [platform:rpm]
mariadb [platform:rpm]
mariadb-server [platform:rpm]
# mariadb-devel [platform:rpm]
dev-db/mariadb [platform:gentoo]
# gettext and graphviz are needed by doc builds only. For transition,
# have them in both doc and test.
# TODO(jaegerandi): Remove test once infra scripts are updated.
# this is needed for compiling translations
gettext [test doc]
# this is needed to build the FSM diagram
graphviz [!platform:gentoo test doc]
# libsrvg2 is needed for sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter in docs builds.
librsvg2-tools [doc platform:rpm]
librsvg2-bin [doc platform:dpkg]
# For parsing of API response json
dosfstools [platform:dpkg]
# Metalsmith jobs
gdisk [platform:dpkg]
# these are needed to build a deploy ramdisk
# NOTE apparmor is an undeclared dependency for docker on ubuntu,
# see https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/9745
apparmor [platform:dpkg imagebuild]
gnupg [imagebuild]
squashfs-tools [platform:dpkg platform:redhat imagebuild]
squashfs [platform:suse imagebuild]
# For custom partition images
libguestfs0 [platform:dpkg imagebuild]
libguestfs [platform:rpm imagebuild]
libguestfs-tools [platform:dpkg]
python-guestfs [platform:dpkg imagebuild]
qemu-img [platform:rpm]
# for TinyIPA build
wget [imagebuild]
python-pip [imagebuild]
unzip [imagebuild]
sudo [imagebuild]
gawk [imagebuild]