Last week there was a change in how ssh_verification in done in tempest (see I76d818bf9e1bd26b1e499464fc9213764afee279) since those mechanisms are shared and used by Ironic's scenario test we should also update it. Change-Id: I68e9ee3faf747697cd5f50600ecadb15972cdd48
Ironic tempest plugin
This directory contains Tempest tests to cover the Ironic project, as well as a plugin to automatically load these tests into tempest.
See the tempest plugin docs for information on using it: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/tempest/plugin.html#using-plugins
To run all tests from this plugin, install ironic into your environment and run:
$ tox -e all-plugin -- ironic
To run a single test case, run with the test case name, for example:
$ tox -e all-plugin -- ironic_tempest_plugin.tests.scenario.test_baremetal_basic_ops.BaremetalBasicOps.test_baremetal_server_ops
To run all tempest tests including this plugin, run:
$ tox -e all-plugin