This file duplicages devstack's load of bindep for the ironic repository. As bindep is the authortative file, removing the legacy way of installing packages from ironic. Also revises the bindep file to explicitly remove the devstack group, as it is all devstack. Change-Id: Ida7ca230069fc0e4f54bde2fc6fffdc9eb0bdcc2
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104 lines
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# NOTE(TheJulia): This is a special bindep file which is independent of the
# project bindep file which is for general usage. This binde pfile is
# intended for execution from Devstack.
# The *primary* purpose being, devstack manages sql dependency mangement
# and credential setup, so they can't be included here or it is installed
# prematurely.
# these are needed to run ironic with default ipmitool and (i)PXE boot drivers
ipmitool [default]
ipxe [platform:dpkg default]
ipxe-bootimgs [platform:rpm default]
socat [default]
xinetd [default]
tftpd-hpa [platform:dpkg]
tftp-server [platform:rpm]
# Starting with Debian Jessie (and thus in Ubuntu Xenial too),
# pxelinux package provides the pxelinux.0 boot loader,
# but such package is absent from Debian Wheezy / Ubuntu Trusty.
# Also, in Debian Wheezy / Ubuntu Trusty 'syslinux' depends on syslinux-common,
# but only recommends it in Jessie/Xenial.
# Make sure syslinux-common is installed for those distros as it provides
# *.c32 modules for syslinux
# TODO remove distro pinning when Wheezy / Trusty are EOLed (May 2019)
# or DevStack stops supporting those.
# In the mean time, new Debian-based release codenames will have to be added
# as distros can not be pinned with 'if-later-than' specified.
pxelinux [platform:dpkg]
syslinux [platform:rpm platform:ubuntu-trusty platform:debian-wheezy]
syslinux-common [platform:dpkg]
socat [default]
# Grub2 files for boot loadingusing PXE/GRUB2
shim-signed [platform:dpkg]
grub-efi-amd64-signed [platform:dpkg]
libvirt-daemon [platform:dpkg]
libvirt-clients [platform:dpkg]
libvirt [platform:rpm]
libvirt-dev [platform:dpkg]
libvirt-devel [platform:rpm]
qemu [platform:dpkg]
qemu-kvm [platform:dpkg platform:rpm]
qemu-utils [platform:dpkg]
qemu-system-data [platform:dpkg]
sgabios [platform:rpm]
ipxe-qemu [platform:dpkg]
edk2-ovmf [platform:rpm]
ovmf [platform:dpkg]
ipxe-roms-qemu [platform:rpm]
openvswitch [platform:rpm]
iptables [default]
net-tools [platform:rpm]
# these are needed to compile Python dependencies from sources
python-dev [platform:dpkg test]
python3-all-dev [platform:dpkg !platform:ubuntu-precise test]
python3-devel [platform:rpm test]
build-essential [platform:dpkg test]
libssl-dev [platform:dpkg test]
libffi-dev [platform:dpkg test]
libffi-devel [platform:rpm test]
# these are needed by infra for python-* jobs
libpq-dev [platform:dpkg test]
libpq-devel [platform:rpm test]
postgresql-client [platform:dpkg]
# postgresql-devel [platform:rpm]
postgresql-server [platform:rpm]
mariadb [platform:rpm]
mariadb-server [platform:rpm]
# mariadb-devel [platform:rpm]
dev-db/mariadb [platform:gentoo]
# gettext and graphviz are needed by doc builds only. For transition,
# have them in both doc and test.
# TODO(jaegerandi): Remove test once infra scripts are updated.
# this is needed for compiling translations
gettext [test doc]
# this is needed to build the FSM diagram
graphviz [!platform:gentoo test doc]
# libsrvg2 is needed for sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter in docs builds.
librsvg2-tools [doc platform:rpm]
librsvg2-bin [doc platform:dpkg]
# For parsing of API response json
dosfstools [platform:dpkg]
# Metalsmith jobs
gdisk [platform:dpkg]
# these are needed to build a deploy ramdisk
# NOTE apparmor is an undeclared dependency for docker on ubuntu,
# see https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/9745
apparmor [platform:dpkg imagebuild]
gnupg [imagebuild]
squashfs-tools [platform:dpkg platform:redhat imagebuild]
squashfs [platform:suse imagebuild]
libguestfs0 [platform:dpkg imagebuild]
libguestfs [platform:rpm imagebuild]
python-guestfs [platform:dpkg imagebuild]
# for TinyIPA build
wget [imagebuild]
python-pip [imagebuild]
unzip [imagebuild]
sudo [imagebuild]
gawk [imagebuild]