This commit clears instance_info['ilo_boot_iso'] in iscsi_ilo driver for glance images before beginning deploy. This will make sure that in rebuild event with glance images, we don't end up using previously generated (or used) boot ISOs. It also ejects any virtual media devices connected to make sure that deploy images can be connected later on during deploy. The proliantutils version is updated to 2.1.1, which makes sure that we silently return on ilo_client.eject_vmedia_device() when virtual media is not connected (instead of raising an exception). Change-Id: I68fcfc2b62cb58dd1c16f312c3a6a2ebd383c170 Closes-Bug: 1466729
Ironic is an integrated OpenStack project which aims to provision bare metal machines instead of virtual machines, forked from the Nova Baremetal driver. It is best thought of as a bare metal hypervisor API and a set of plugins which interact with the bare metal hypervisors. By default, it will use PXE and IPMI in concert to provision and turn on/off machines, but Ironic also supports vendor-specific plugins which may implement additional functionality.
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