A long time ago, in a galaxy not so far away, the ironic comunity reached consensus that we should refactor the PXE interface such that we had separate PXE and iPXE interfaces. In looking at what it would take for something like a standalone deployment to have multiarchitecture support in their environment, it seems even more urgent and necessary that we begin to make this delineation. This is because while some ARM iPXE support exists, the binary is not a commonly shipped artifiact, so operators are largely only left with grubaa64.efi as their bootloader. A similar issue exists with ppc64le deployments where they must disable iPXE, as the ppc64le hardware expects reading a syslinux compatible file, similarlly no iPXE loader exists. To start this effort, we need to promote iPXE functionality to a dedicated interface, and remove the necessity of setting the [pxe]ipxe_enabled setting. Next steps, beyond this patch, would be to begin to tease out the common private method code in the underlying PXE interface that both the iPXE and PXE interfaces use, and appropriately relocate and refactor that code as necesary. During this process, we can create an [ipxe] configuration section, and migrate settings. Finally, once the deprecation cycle is complete, we will be able to remove the ipxe logic with-in the PXE interface. Change-Id: I392616417c48986e84e50a3ddc7567344bfe3571 Story: #1628069 Task: #10516