The default for SUBNETPOOL_PREFIX_V4 in devstack causes external connectivity to be mostly broken in osic-cloud1 nodes. IPA relies on external activity to build images, and osic-cloud1 is pretty prevalent for running CI jobs, therefore this breaks IPA CI. Setting this to the same range as FIXED_RANGE should eliminate this, or at least reduce the probability of it happening from 1:(size of /8) to 1:(size of /24). This should be reverted when the actual problem is fixed in devstack. Related-Bug: #1629133 Change-Id: I8f0e5405f3e2d6e35418c73f610ac6b779dd75e5
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452 B
11 lines
452 B
enable_service ironic ir-api ir-cond
# Neutron public network type was changed to flat by default recently:
# https://review.openstack.org/#/c/346282/
# TODO(vsaienko) remove once ironic-multitenant job variable and ironic
# developer documentation are updated.
# TODO(jroll) this hacks around a bug, remove when fixed in devstack
# https://bugs.launchpad.net/devstack/+bug/1629133