This will cause them to log a warning at startup, that it is unsupported and may be removed later. The drivers marked unsupported are any driver that uses: * SSHPower / SSHManagement * NativeIPMIPower / NativeIPMIManagement * seamicro.Power / seamicro.Management * IBootPower * SNMPPower * VirtualBoxPower / VirtualBoxManagement * AMTPower / AMTManagement * MSFTOCSPower / MSFTOCSManagement * WakeOnLanPower See the release note in this change for the full list of the setup.cfg names for the drivers. The remaining drivers are tested via OpenStack CI, and/or have a third-party CI listed here[0] and are making an honest effort toward having stable CI. [0] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ThirdPartySystems Closes-Bug: #1526410 Change-Id: I9c09be6b7a734426a4c0b18cb61ece5389428cd5
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The following drivers are marked as unsupported and therefore deprecated.
Some or all of these drivers may be removed in the Ocata cycle or later.
* ``agent_amt``
* ``agent_iboot``
* ``agent_pyghmi``
* ``agent_ssh``
* ``agent_vbox``
* ``agent_wol``
* ``fake_ipminative``
* ``fake_ssh``
* ``fake_seamicro``
* ``fake_iboot``
* ``fake_snmp``
* ``fake_vbox``
* ``fake_amt``
* ``fake_msftocs``
* ``fake_wol``
* ``pxe_ipminative``
* ``pxe_ssh``
* ``pxe_vbox``
* ``pxe_seamicro``
* ``pxe_iboot``
* ``pxe_snmp``
* ``pxe_amt``
* ``pxe_msftocs``
* ``pxe_wol``