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# Kayobe Kolla configuration.
# Kolla installation.
# Type of Kolla control installation. One of 'binary' or 'source'.
# Path to directory for kolla source code checkout.
# URL of Kolla source code repository if type is 'source'.
# Version (branch, tag, etc.) of Kolla source code repository if type is
# 'source'. Default is {{ openstack_branch }}.
# Path to virtualenv in which to install kolla.
# Path in which to generate kolla configuration.
# Kolla-ansible installation.
# Type of Kolla-ansible control installation. One of 'binary' or 'source'.
# Default is 'source'.
# Path to directory for kolla-ansible source code checkout.
# Default is $KOLLA_SOURCE_PATH, or $PWD/src/kolla-ansible if
# $KOLLA_SOURCE_PATH is not set.
# URL of Kolla Ansible source code repository if type is 'source'. Default is
# https://opendev.org/openstack/kolla-ansible.
# Version (branch, tag, etc.) of Kolla Ansible source code repository if type
# is 'source'. Default is {{ openstack_branch }}.
# Path to virtualenv in which to install kolla-ansible. Default is
# $KOLLA_VENV_PATH or $PWD/venvs/kolla-ansible if $KOLLA_VENV_PATH is not set.
# Extra requirements to install inside the kolla-ansible virtualenv.
# Pip requirement specifier for the ansible package. NOTE: This limits the
# version of ansible used by kolla-ansible to avoid new releases from breaking
# tested code. Changes to this limit should be tested.
# Path to Kolla-ansible configuration directory. Default is $KOLLA_CONFIG_PATH
# or /etc/kolla if $KOLLA_CONFIG_PATH is not set.
# Path to Kolla-ansible node custom configuration directory. Default is
# {{ kolla_config_path }}/config.
# Kolla configuration.
# Kolla base container image architecture. Options are "x86_64", "aarch64".
# Default is "{{ ansible_facts.architecture }}"
# Kolla base container image distribution. Options are "centos", "debian",
# "rocky", "ubuntu". Default is {{ os_distribution }}.
# Kolla base container image distribution version default map.
# Defines default versions for each distribution.
# Kolla base container image distribution version.
# Default is kolla_base_distro_version_default_map[kolla_base_distro].
# URL of docker registry to use for Kolla images. Default is not set, in which
# case Quay.io will be used.
# Docker namespace to use for Kolla images. Default is 'kolla'.
# Username to use to access a docker registry. Default is not set, in which
# case the registry will be used without authentication.
# Password to use to access a docker registry. Default is not set, in which
# case the registry will be used without authentication.
# Kolla OpenStack release version. This should be a Docker image tag.
# Default is {{ openstack_release }}.
# Docker tag applied to built container images. Default is {{
# kolla_openstack_release }}-{{ kolla_base_distro }}-{{
# kolla_base_distro_version }}.
# Dict mapping names of sources to their definitions.
# See kolla.common.config for details.
# Example:
# kolla_sources:
# ironic-base:
# type: git
# location: https://github.com/openstack/ironic
# reference: master
# Kolla image build configuration.
# Dict mapping Jinja2 block names in kolla's Docker images to their contents.
# Dict mapping image customization variable names to their values.
# Each variable takes the form:
# <image name>_<customization>_<operation>
# Hyphens in the image name must be replaced with underscores. The
# customization is most commonly packages. The operation should be one of
# override, append or remove. The value should be a list.
# Kolla-ansible inventory configuration.
# Full custom seed inventory contents.
# List of names of default host variables to pass through from kayobe hosts to
# the kolla-ansible seed host, if set. See also
# kolla_seed_inventory_pass_through_host_vars_map.
# List of names of additional host variables to pass through from kayobe hosts
# to the kolla-ansible seed host, if set. See also
# kolla_seed_inventory_pass_through_host_vars_map.
# List of names of host variables to pass through from kayobe hosts to
# the kolla-ansible seed host, if set. See also
# kolla_seed_inventory_pass_through_host_vars_map.
# Dict mapping names of default variables in
# kolla_seed_inventory_pass_through_host_vars to the variable to use in
# kolla-ansible. If a variable name is not in this mapping the kayobe name is
# used.
# Dict mapping names of extra variables in
# kolla_seed_inventory_pass_through_host_vars to the variable to use in
# kolla-ansible. If a variable name is not in this mapping the kayobe name is
# used.
# Dict mapping names of variables in
# kolla_seed_inventory_pass_through_host_vars to the variable to use in
# kolla-ansible. If a variable name is not in this mapping the kayobe name is
# used.
# Custom overcloud inventory containing a mapping from top level groups to
# hosts.
# Custom overcloud inventory containing a mapping from components to top level
# groups.
# Custom overcloud inventory containing a mapping from services to components.
# Full custom overcloud inventory contents. By default this will be the
# concatenation of the top level, component, and service inventories.
# Dict mapping from kolla-ansible groups to kayobe groups and variables. Each
# item is a dict with the following items:
# * groups: A list of kayobe ansible groups to map to this kolla-ansible group.
# * vars: A dict mapping variable names to values for hosts in this
# kolla-ansible group.
# List of names of top level kolla-ansible groups. Any of these groups which
# have no hosts mapped to them will be provided with an empty group definition.
# List of names of default host variables to pass through from kayobe hosts to
# kolla-ansible hosts, if set. See also
# kolla_overcloud_inventory_pass_through_host_vars_map.
# List of names of additional host variables to pass through from kayobe hosts
# to kolla-ansible hosts, if set. See also
# kolla_overcloud_inventory_pass_through_host_vars_map.
# List of names of host variables to pass through from kayobe hosts to
# kolla-ansible hosts, if set. See also
# kolla_overcloud_inventory_pass_through_host_vars_map.
# Dict mapping names of default variables in
# kolla_overcloud_inventory_pass_through_host_vars to the variable to use in
# kolla-ansible. If a variable name is not in this mapping the kayobe name is
# used.
# Dict mapping names of additional variables in
# kolla_overcloud_inventory_pass_through_host_vars to the variable to use in
# kolla-ansible. If a variable name is not in this mapping the kayobe name is
# used.
# Dict mapping names of variables in
# kolla_overcloud_inventory_pass_through_host_vars to the variable to use in
# kolla-ansible. If a variable name is not in this mapping the kayobe name is
# used.
# Kolla-ansible configuration.
# Virtualenv directory where Kolla-ansible's ansible modules will execute
# remotely on the target nodes. If None, no virtualenv will be used.
# Password to use to encrypt the kolla-ansible passwords.yml file.
# Hashi Vault
# Whether TLS is enabled for the external API endpoints. Default is 'no'.
# Whether TLS is enabled for the internal API endpoints. Default is 'no'.
# Whether debug logging is enabled. Default is 'false'.
# Upper constraints file for installation of Kolla.
# Default value is {{ pip_upper_constraints_file }}.
# User account to use for Kolla SSH access. Default is 'kolla'.
# Primary group of Kolla SSH user. Default is 'kolla'.
# Whether to use privilege escalation for all operations performed via Kolla
# Ansible. Default is 'false'.
# Whether to create a user account, configure passwordless sudo and authorise
# an SSH key for Kolla Ansible. Default is 'true'.
# Kolla feature flag configuration.
# Kolla custom config generation.
# Feature flag to add $KAYOBE_CONFIG_PATH to the list of search paths used
# when searching for Kolla custom service configuration. Only has an effect in
# a multiple environments setup. This allows you to configure merging between
# your environment and the base layer. Defaults to true. Set to false to for
# backwards compatability.
# Default value for kolla_openstack_custom_config_include_globs.
# Extra items to add to kolla_openstack_custom_config_include_globs_default
# to produce kolla_openstack_custom_config_include_globs.
# List of dictionaries with the following keys:
# glob: a glob pattern. Any files matching this pattern will be copied to the
# the kolla custom config directory
# enabled: boolean to disable the glob.
# This determines the list of files to copy to the generated kolla config
# directory.
# Kolla config generation rules. These operate on the list of files produced by
# applying kolla_openstack_custom_config_include_globs. Each of the paths in
# kolla_openstack_custom_config_paths is searched for files matching one of the
# globs. If a match is found, any files with the same relative path are grouped
# together. The rules determine what to do with these matching files e.g copy
# the most specific file without templating, merge the files with
# merge_configs, etc.
# List of dictionaries with the following keys:
# glob: A glob matching files for this rule to match on (relative to the
# search path)
# priority: The rules are processed in increasing priority order with the
# first rule matching taking effect.
# strategy: How to process the matched file. One of copy, concat, template,
# merge_configs, merge_yaml
# params: List of params to pass to module enacting the strategy
# Strategies:
# copy: Copy most specific file to kolla config without templating
# template: Template most specific file to kolla config
# concat: Concatenate files and copy the result to generated kolla config
# merge_configs: Use the merge_configs module to merge an ini file, before
# copying to the generated kolla-config.
# merge_yaml: Use the merge_yaml module to merge a file, before copying to
# the generated kolla-config.
# Whether to enable ini merging rules in
# kolla_openstack_custom_config_rules_default. Default is true.
# Whether to enable yaml merging rules in
# kolla_openstack_custom_config_rules_default. Default is true.
# Default merge strategy for ini files in
# kolla_openstack_custom_config_rules_default. Default is concat.
# Default value for kolla_openstack_custom_config_rules.
# List of globs to filter from kolla_openstack_custom_config_rules_default.
# Default is an empty list.
# Extra items to add to kolla_openstack_custom_config_rules_default
# to produce kolla_openstack_custom_config_rules.
# Passwords and credentials.
# Dictionary containing default custom passwords to add or override in the
# Kolla passwords file.
# Dictionary containing extra custom passwords to add or override in the Kolla
# passwords file.
# Dictionary containing custom passwords to add or override in the Kolla
# passwords file.
# OpenStack API addresses.
# Virtual IP address of OpenStack internal API. Default is the vip_address
# attribute of the internal network.
# Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of OpenStack internal API. Default is the
# fqdn attribute of the internal network if set, otherwise
# kolla_internal_vip_address.
# Virtual IP address of OpenStack external API. Default is the vip_address
# attribute of the external network.
# Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of OpenStack external API. Default is the
# fqdn attribute of the external network if set, otherwise
# kolla_external_vip_address.
# TLS certificate bundle management
# External API certificate bundle.
# When kolla_enable_tls_external is true, this should contain an X.509
# certificate bundle for the external API.
# Note that this should be formatted as a literal style block scalar.
# Path to a CA certificate file to use for the OS_CACERT environment variable
# in public-openrc.sh file when TLS is enabled, instead of Kolla-Ansible's
# default.
# Internal API certificate bundle.
# When kolla_enable_tls_internal is true, this should contain an X.509
# certificate bundle for the internal API.
# Note that this should be formatted as a literal style block scalar.
# Path to a CA certificate file to use for the OS_CACERT environment variable
# in admin-openrc.sh file when TLS is enabled, instead of Kolla-Ansible's
# default.
# Proxy configuration
# HTTP proxy URL (format: http(s)://[user:password@]proxy_name:port) used by
# Kolla. Default value is "{{ http_proxy }}".
# HTTPS proxy URL (format: http(s)://[user:password@]proxy_name:port) used by
# Kolla. Default value is "{{ https_proxy }}".
# List of domains, hostnames, IP addresses and networks for which no proxy is
# used. Default value is "{{ no_proxy }}".
# Dummy variable to allow Ansible to accept this file.
workaround_ansible_issue_8743: yes