--- - name: Set facts for repos.y[a]ml set_fact: repos_yaml_dest: "{{ kolla_build_config_path }}/repos.yml" repos_yaml_sources: "{{ kolla_build_config_paths | product(['/kolla/repos.yaml', '/kolla/repos.yml']) | map('join') | unique | list }}" - name: Check for the presence of any custom repos.y[a]ml file delegate_to: localhost stat: path: "{{ item }}" get_checksum: false mime: false with_items: "{{ repos_yaml_sources }}" register: repos_yaml_stat - name: Set kolla_build_repos_yaml_path if any custom repos.y[a]ml file exists set_fact: kolla_build_repos_yaml_path: "{{ repos_yaml_dest }}" when: repos_yaml_stat.results | map(attribute='stat.exists') | select | length > 0 - name: Ensure the Kolla repos.yaml configuration file exists merge_yaml: sources: "{{ repos_yaml_sources }}" dest: "{{ repos_yaml_dest }}" mode: "0644" when: kolla_build_repos_yaml_path is defined - name: Ensure the Kolla build configuration file exists merge_configs: sources: "{{ kolla_build_config_paths | product(['/kolla/kolla-build.conf']) | map('join') | unique | list }}" dest: "{{ kolla_build_config_path }}/kolla-build.conf" mode: "0644" - name: Ensure the Kolla build template overrides file exists template: src: template-override.j2.j2 dest: "{{ kolla_build_config_path }}/template-override.j2" mode: "0644" - name: Run multiarch/qemu-user-static image to support cross-arch build kayobe_container: command: "--reset -p yes" cleanup: true detach: false image: "docker.io/multiarch/qemu-user-static:7.2.0-1" name: "qemu_user_static" privileged: true state: "started" network_mode: "host" become: "{{ container_engine == 'podman' }}" when: ansible_facts.architecture != kolla_base_arch