.. _contributor-automated: =============== Automated Setup =============== This section provides information on the development tools provided by Kayobe to automate the deployment of various development environments. For a manual procedure, see :ref:`contributor-manual`. Overview ======== The Kayobe development environment automation tooling is built using simple shell scripts. Some minimal configuration can be applied by setting the environment variables in ``dev/config.sh``. Control plane configuration is typically provided via the `kayobe-config-dev `_ repository, although it is also possible to use your own Kayobe configuration. This allows us to build a development environment that is as close to production as possible. Environments ============ The following development environments are supported: * Overcloud (single OpenStack controller) * Seed The `Universe from Nothing `_ workshop may be of use for more advanced testing scenarios involving a seed hypervisor, seed VM, and separate control and compute nodes. .. _contributor-automated-overcloud: Overcloud ========= Preparation ----------- Clone the Kayobe repository: .. parsed-literal:: git clone \https://opendev.org/openstack/kayobe.git -b |current_release_git_branch_name| Change the current directory to the Kayobe repository:: cd kayobe Clone the ``kayobe-config-dev`` repository to ``config/src/kayobe-config`` .. parsed-literal:: mkdir -p config/src git clone \https://opendev.org/openstack/kayobe-config-dev.git config/src/kayobe-config -b |current_release_git_branch_name| Inspect the Kayobe configuration and make any changes necessary for your environment. If you want to test bare metal compute nodes as described in :ref:`testing_bare_metal_compute`, enable Ironic by adding the following to ``config/src/kayobe-config/etc/kayobe/kolla.yml``: .. code-block:: yaml kolla_enable_ironic: True If using Vagrant, follow the steps in :ref:`contributor-vagrant` to prepare your environment for use with Vagrant and bring up a Vagrant VM. If not using Vagrant, the default development configuration expects the presence of a bridge interface on the OpenStack controller host to carry control plane traffic. The bridge should be named ``breth1`` with a single port ``eth1``, and an IP address of ````. This can be modified by editing ``config/src/kayobe-config/etc/kayobe/inventory/group_vars/controllers/network-interfaces``. This can be added using the following commands:: sudo ip l add breth1 type bridge sudo ip l set breth1 up sudo ip a add dev breth1 sudo ip l add eth1 type dummy sudo ip l set eth1 up sudo ip l set eth1 master breth1 Configuration ------------- Enable TLS ^^^^^^^^^^ Apply the following configuration if you wish to enable TLS for the OpenStack API: Set the following option in ``config/src/kayobe-config/etc/kayobe/kolla.yml``: .. code-block:: yaml kolla_enable_tls_internal: "yes" Set the following options in ``config/src/kayobe-config/etc/kayobe/kolla/globals.yml``: .. code-block:: yaml kolla_copy_ca_into_containers: "yes" openstack_cacert: "{% if os_distribution == 'ubuntu' %}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt{% else %}/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt{% endif %}" kolla_admin_openrc_cacert: "{% if os_distribution == 'ubuntu' %}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt{% else %}/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt{% endif %}" Usage ----- If using Vagrant, SSH into the Vagrant VM and change to the shared directory:: vagrant ssh cd /vagrant If not using Vagrant, run the ``dev/install-dev.sh`` script to install Kayobe and its dependencies in a Python virtual environment:: ./dev/install-dev.sh .. note:: This will create an :ref:`editable install `. It is also possible to install Kayobe in a non-editable way, such that changes will not been seen until you reinstall the package. To do this you can run ``./dev/install.sh``. If you are using TLS and wish to generate self-signed certificates:: export KAYOBE_OVERCLOUD_GENERATE_CERTIFICATES=1 Run the ``dev/overcloud-deploy.sh`` script to deploy the OpenStack control plane:: ./dev/overcloud-deploy.sh Upon successful completion of this script, the control plane will be active. Testing ------- Scripts are provided for testing the creation of virtual and bare metal instances. Virtual Machines ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The control plane can be tested by running the ``dev/overcloud-test-vm.sh`` script. This will run the ``init-runonce`` setup script provided by Kolla Ansible that registers images, networks, flavors etc. It will then deploy a virtual server instance, and delete it once it becomes active:: ./dev/overcloud-test-vm.sh .. _testing_bare_metal_compute: Bare Metal Compute ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For a control plane with Ironic enabled, a "bare metal" instance can be deployed. We can use the `Tenks `__ project to create fake bare metal nodes. Clone the tenks repository:: git clone https://opendev.org/openstack/tenks.git Optionally, edit the Tenks configuration file, ``dev/tenks-deploy-config-compute.yml``. Run the ``dev/tenks-deploy-compute.sh`` script to deploy Tenks:: ./dev/tenks-deploy-compute.sh ./tenks Check that Tenks has created VMs called ``tk0`` and ``tk1``:: sudo virsh list --all Verify that VirtualBMC is running:: ~/tenks-venv/bin/vbmc list Configure the firewall to allow the baremetal nodes to access OpenStack services:: ./dev/configure-firewall.sh We are now ready to run the ``dev/overcloud-test-baremetal.sh`` script. This will run the ``init-runonce`` setup script provided by Kolla Ansible that registers images, networks, flavors etc. It will then deploy a bare metal server instance, and delete it once it becomes active:: ./dev/overcloud-test-baremetal.sh The machines and networking created by Tenks can be cleaned up via ``dev/tenks-teardown-compute.sh``:: ./dev/tenks-teardown-compute.sh ./tenks Upgrading --------- It is possible to test an upgrade from a previous release by running the ``dev/overcloud-upgrade.sh`` script:: ./dev/overcloud-upgrade.sh .. _contributor-automated-seed: Seed ==== These instructions cover deploying the seed services directly rather than in a VM. Preparation ----------- Clone the Kayobe repository: .. parsed-literal:: git clone \https://opendev.org/openstack/kayobe.git -b |current_release_git_branch_name| Change to the ``kayobe`` directory:: cd kayobe Clone the ``kayobe-config-dev`` repository to ``config/src/kayobe-config``: .. parsed-literal:: mkdir -p config/src git clone \https://opendev.org/openstack/kayobe-config-dev.git config/src/kayobe-config -b |current_release_git_branch_name| Inspect the Kayobe configuration and make any changes necessary for your environment. The default development configuration expects the presence of a bridge interface on the seed host to carry provisioning traffic. The bridge should be named ``breth1`` with a single port ``eth1``, and an IP address of ````. This can be modified by editing ``config/src/kayobe-config/etc/kayobe/inventory/group_vars/seed/network-interfaces``. Alternatively, this can be added using the following commands:: sudo ip l add breth1 type bridge sudo ip l set breth1 up sudo ip a add brd dev breth1 sudo ip l add eth1 type dummy sudo ip l set eth1 up sudo ip l set eth1 master breth1 Usage ----- Run the ``dev/install.sh`` script to install Kayobe and its dependencies in a Python virtual environment:: ./dev/install.sh Run the ``dev/seed-deploy.sh`` script to deploy the seed services:: export KAYOBE_SEED_VM_PROVISION=0 ./dev/seed-deploy.sh Upon successful completion of this script, the seed will be active. Testing ------- The seed services may be tested using the `Tenks `__ project to create fake bare metal nodes. If your seed has a non-standard MTU, you should set it via ``aio_mtu`` in ``etc/kayobe/networks.yml``. Clone the tenks repository:: git clone https://opendev.org/openstack/tenks.git Optionally, edit the Tenks configuration file, ``dev/tenks-deploy-config-overcloud.yml``. Run the ``dev/tenks-deploy-overcloud.sh`` script to deploy Tenks:: ./dev/tenks-deploy-overcloud.sh ./tenks Check that Tenks has created a VM called ``controller0``:: sudo virsh list --all Verify that VirtualBMC is running:: ~/tenks-venv/bin/vbmc list It is now possible to discover, inspect and provision the controller VM:: source dev/environment-setup.sh kayobe overcloud inventory discover kayobe overcloud hardware inspect kayobe overcloud provision The controller VM is now accessible via SSH as the bootstrap user (``centos`` or ``ubuntu``) at ````. The machines and networking created by Tenks can be cleaned up via ``dev/tenks-teardown-overcloud.sh``:: ./dev/tenks-teardown-overcloud.sh ./tenks Upgrading --------- It is possible to test an upgrade by running the ``dev/seed-upgrade.sh`` script:: ./dev/seed-upgrade.sh