* add os_release variable * build CentOS stream overcloud root disk images * build CentOS stream IPA images Story: 2008795 Task: 42417 Change-Id: I3d231076052fbfa8416f34c038c02fd10a1c37f2
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# Kayobe configuration for Bifrost.
# Bifrost installation.
# URL of Bifrost source code repository.
kolla_bifrost_source_url: "https://opendev.org/openstack/bifrost"
# Version (branch, tag, etc.) of Bifrost source code repository. Default is
# {{ openstack_branch }}.
kolla_bifrost_source_version: "{{ openstack_branch }}"
# Firewalld zone used by Bifrost. Default is "trusted", to avoid blocking other
# services running on the seed host.
kolla_bifrost_firewalld_internal_zone: trusted
# Diskimage-builder configuration.
# DIB base OS element. Default is {{ os_distribution }}.
kolla_bifrost_dib_os_element: "{{ os_distribution }}"
# DIB image OS release. Default is {{ os_release }}.
kolla_bifrost_dib_os_release: "{{ os_release }}"
# List of default DIB elements. Default is ["disable-selinux",
# "enable-serial-console", "vm"] when os_distribution is "centos", or
# ["enable-serial-console", "vm"] otherwise.
- "{% if os_distribution == 'centos' %}disable-selinux{% endif %}"
- "enable-serial-console"
- "vm"
# List of additional DIB elements.
kolla_bifrost_dib_elements_extra: []
# List of all DIB elements.
kolla_bifrost_dib_elements: "{{ kolla_bifrost_dib_elements_default | select | list + kolla_bifrost_dib_elements_extra }}"
# DIB init element.
kolla_bifrost_dib_init_element: "cloud-init-datasources"
# DIB default environment variables.
# DIB additional environment variables.
kolla_bifrost_dib_env_vars_extra: {}
# DIB environment variables.
kolla_bifrost_dib_env_vars: "{{ kolla_bifrost_dib_env_vars_default | combine(kolla_bifrost_dib_env_vars_extra) }}"
# List of DIB packages to install.
kolla_bifrost_dib_packages: []
# Ironic configuration.
# List of hardware types to enable for Bifrost's Ironic.
- ipmi
# List of extra kernel parameters for Bifrost's Ironic PXE configuration.
# Default is empty.
kolla_bifrost_extra_kernel_options: []
# Ironic Inspector configuration.
# List of of inspector processing plugins.
kolla_bifrost_inspector_processing_hooks: "{{ inspector_processing_hooks }}"
# Which MAC addresses to add as ports during introspection. One of 'all',
# 'active' or 'pxe'.
kolla_bifrost_inspector_port_addition: "{{ inspector_add_ports }}"
# List of extra kernel parameters for the inspector default PXE configuration.
kolla_bifrost_inspector_extra_kernel_options: "{{ inspector_extra_kernel_options }}"
# List of introspection rules for Bifrost's Ironic Inspector service.
kolla_bifrost_inspector_rules: "{{ inspector_rules }}"
# Ironic inspector IPMI username to set.
kolla_bifrost_inspector_ipmi_username: "{{ ipmi_username }}"
# Ironic inspector IPMI password to set.
kolla_bifrost_inspector_ipmi_password: "{{ ipmi_password }}"
# Ironic inspector network interface name on which to check for an LLDP switch
# port description to use as the node's name.
kolla_bifrost_inspector_lldp_switch_port_interface: "{{ inspector_lldp_switch_port_interface_default }}"
# Ironic inspector deployment kernel location.
kolla_bifrost_inspector_deploy_kernel: "http://{{ provision_oc_net_name | net_ip }}:8080/ipa.kernel"
# Ironic inspector deployment ramdisk location.
kolla_bifrost_inspector_deploy_ramdisk: "http://{{ provision_oc_net_name | net_ip }}:8080/ipa.initramfs"
# Timeout of hardware inspection on overcloud nodes, in seconds. Default is
# {{ inspector_inspection_timeout }}.
kolla_bifrost_inspection_timeout: "{{ inspector_inspection_timeout }}"
# Ironic Python Agent (IPA) configuration.
# URL of Ironic Python Agent (IPA) kernel image.
kolla_bifrost_ipa_kernel_upstream_url: "{{ inspector_ipa_kernel_upstream_url }}"
# URL of checksum of Ironic Python Agent (IPA) kernel image.
kolla_bifrost_ipa_kernel_checksum_url: "{{ inspector_ipa_kernel_checksum_url }}"
# Algorithm of checksum of Ironic Python Agent (IPA) kernel image.
kolla_bifrost_ipa_kernel_checksum_algorithm: "{{ inspector_ipa_kernel_checksum_algorithm }}"
# URL of Ironic Python Agent (IPA) ramdisk image.
kolla_bifrost_ipa_ramdisk_upstream_url: "{{ inspector_ipa_ramdisk_upstream_url }}"
# URL of checksum of Ironic Python Agent (IPA) ramdisk image.
kolla_bifrost_ipa_ramdisk_checksum_url: "{{ inspector_ipa_ramdisk_checksum_url }}"
# Algorithm of checksum of Ironic Python Agent (IPA) ramdisk image.
kolla_bifrost_ipa_ramdisk_checksum_algorithm: "{{ inspector_ipa_ramdisk_checksum_algorithm }}"
# Inventory configuration.
# Server inventory for Bifrost.
kolla_bifrost_servers: {}