Radosław Piliszek a52b3b27be Optimise order of inspector_processing_hooks
Ironic Inspector docs [1] recommend to use lldp_basic before
It is also how TripleO applies them.

[1] https://docs.openstack.org/ironic-inspector/wallaby/user/usage.html#plugins

Change-Id: I4613e8973ccaef4534e44e3c79e910de5041add0
2021-06-04 10:13:57 +00:00

347 lines
13 KiB

# General configuration of inspection.
# Timeout of hardware inspection on baremetal compute nodes, in seconds.
# Default is 1200.
inspector_inspection_timeout: 1200
# Ironic inspector PXE configuration.
# List of extra kernel parameters for the inspector default PXE configuration.
inspector_extra_kernel_options: "{{ ipa_kernel_options }}"
# URL of Ironic Python Agent (IPA) kernel image.
inspector_ipa_kernel_upstream_url: "{{ ipa_kernel_upstream_url }}"
# URL of checksum of Ironic Python Agent (IPA) kernel image.
inspector_ipa_kernel_checksum_url: "{{ ipa_kernel_checksum_url }}"
# Algorithm of checksum of Ironic Python Agent (IPA) kernel image.
inspector_ipa_kernel_checksum_algorithm: "{{ ipa_kernel_checksum_algorithm }}"
# URL of Ironic Python Agent (IPA) ramdisk image.
inspector_ipa_ramdisk_upstream_url: "{{ ipa_ramdisk_upstream_url }}"
# URL of checksum of Ironic Python Agent (IPA) ramdisk image.
inspector_ipa_ramdisk_checksum_url: "{{ ipa_ramdisk_checksum_url }}"
# Algorithm of checksum of Ironic Python Agent (IPA) ramdisk image.
inspector_ipa_ramdisk_checksum_algorithm: "{{ ipa_ramdisk_checksum_algorithm }}"
# Ironic inspector processing configuration.
# List of of default inspector processing plugins.
- ramdisk_error
- scheduler
- validate_interfaces
- capabilities
- pci_devices
- lldp_basic
- local_link_connection
# List of of additional inspector processing plugins.
inspector_processing_hooks_extra: []
# List of of additional inspector processing plugins.
inspector_processing_hooks: >
{{ inspector_processing_hooks_default + inspector_processing_hooks_extra }}
# Which MAC addresses to add as ports during introspection. One of 'all',
# 'active' or 'pxe'.
inspector_add_ports: "pxe"
# Which ports to keep after introspection. One of 'all', 'present', or 'added'.
inspector_keep_ports: "added"
# Whether to enable discovery of nodes not managed by Ironic.
inspector_enable_discovery: True
# The Ironic driver with which to register newly discovered nodes.
inspector_discovery_enroll_node_driver: "ipmi"
# Ironic inspector configuration.
# Ironic inspector IPMI username to set.
inspector_ipmi_username: "{{ ipmi_username }}"
# Ironic inspector IPMI password to set.
inspector_ipmi_password: "{{ ipmi_password }}"
# Ironic inspector default network interface name on which to check for an LLDP
# switch port description to use as the node's name.
inspector_lldp_switch_port_interface_default: eth0
# Ironic inspector map from hostname to network interface name on which to
# check for an LLDP switch port description to use as the node's name.
inspector_lldp_switch_port_interface_map: {}
# Ironic inspector introspection rules configuration.
# IPMI username referenced by inspector rule.
# IPMI password referenced by inspector rule.
# Ironic inspector rule to set IPMI credentials.
description: "Set IPMI driver_info if no credentials"
- field: "node://driver_info.ipmi_username"
op: "is-empty"
- field: "node://driver_info.ipmi_password"
op: "is-empty"
- action: "set-attribute"
path: "driver_info/ipmi_username"
value: "{{ inspector_rule_var_ipmi_username }}"
- action: "set-attribute"
path: "driver_info/ipmi_password"
value: "{{ inspector_rule_var_ipmi_password }}"
# Deployment kernel referenced by inspector rule.
# Ironic inspector rule to set deployment kernel.
description: "Set deploy kernel"
- field: "node://driver_info.deploy_kernel"
op: "is-empty"
- action: "set-attribute"
path: "driver_info/deploy_kernel"
value: "{{ inspector_rule_var_deploy_kernel }}"
# Deployment ramdisk referenced by inspector rule.
# Ironic inspector rule to set deployment ramdisk.
description: "Set deploy ramdisk"
- field: "node://driver_info.deploy_ramdisk"
op: "is-empty"
- action: "set-attribute"
path: "driver_info/deploy_ramdisk"
value: "{{ inspector_rule_var_deploy_ramdisk }}"
# Ironic inspector rule to set local boot capability
description: "Set local boot capability"
conditions: []
- action: "set-capability"
name: "boot_option"
value: "local"
# Ironic inspector rule to initialise root device hints.
description: "Initialise root device hint"
- field: "node://properties.root_device"
op: "is-empty"
# Inspector can't combine references to introspection data with non-string
# types, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic-inspector/+bug/1670768. We
# must therefore first set the root_device property to an empty dict, then
# update the fields within it.
- action: "set-attribute"
path: "properties/root_device"
value: {}
# Ironic inspector rule to set serial root device hint.
description: "Set serial root device hint"
- field: "data://root_disk.serial"
op: "is-empty"
invert: True
- action: "set-attribute"
path: "properties/root_device/serial"
value: "{data[root_disk][serial]}"
# Ironic inspector rule to set the interface on which the node PXE booted.
description: "Set node PXE interface MAC address"
- field: "data://boot_interface"
op: "is-empty"
invert: True
- action: "set-attribute"
path: "extra/pxe_interface_mac"
value: "{data[boot_interface]}"
# Name of network interface to use for LLDP referenced by switch port
# description rule.
# Ironic inspector rule to set the node's name from an interface's LLDP switch
# port description.
description: "Set node name from {{ inspector_rule_var_lldp_switch_port_interface }} LLDP switch port description"
# Check for the existence of the switch_port_description field.
- field: "data://all_interfaces.{{ inspector_rule_var_lldp_switch_port_interface }}"
op: "is-empty"
invert: True
- field: "data://all_interfaces.{{ inspector_rule_var_lldp_switch_port_interface }}.lldp_processed"
op: "is-empty"
invert: True
- field: "data://all_interfaces.{{ inspector_rule_var_lldp_switch_port_interface }}.lldp_processed.switch_port_description"
op: "is-empty"
invert: True
# Filter out switch port descriptions using the switch's interface names.
# On some switches (including Dell Network OS 9.10(0.1) and some Ruckus
# switches), the port description TLV is sent but contains the interface
# name rather than the interface's description. Dell switches use a space
# character between port type and port number, while Ruckus switches don't.
- field: "data://all_interfaces.{{inspector_rule_var_lldp_switch_port_interface}}.lldp_processed.switch_port_description"
op: "matches"
value: "^GigabitEthernet ?([0-9/]*)$"
invert: True
- field: "data://all_interfaces.{{inspector_rule_var_lldp_switch_port_interface}}.lldp_processed.switch_port_description"
op: "matches"
value: "^TenGigabitEthernet ?([0-9/]*)$"
invert: True
- field: "data://all_interfaces.{{inspector_rule_var_lldp_switch_port_interface}}.lldp_processed.switch_port_description"
op: "matches"
value: "^fortyGigE ?([0-9/]*)$"
invert: True
- field: "data://all_interfaces.{{inspector_rule_var_lldp_switch_port_interface}}.lldp_processed.switch_port_description"
op: "matches"
value: "^Port-channel ?([0-9/]*)$"
invert: True
- action: "set-attribute"
path: "name"
value: "{data[all_interfaces][{{ inspector_rule_var_lldp_switch_port_interface }}][lldp_processed][switch_port_description]}"
# Ironic inspector rule to initialise system vendor data in the node's metadata.
description: "Initialise system vendor data in Ironic node metadata"
- field: "data://inventory.system_vendor"
op: "is-empty"
invert: True
- field: "node://extra.system_vendor"
op: "is-empty"
- action: "set-attribute"
path: "extra/system_vendor"
value: {}
# Ironic inspector rule to save system vendor manufacturer data in the node's
# metadata.
description: "Save system vendor manufacturer data in Ironic node metadata"
- field: "data://inventory.system_vendor"
op: "is-empty"
invert: True
- field: "data://inventory.system_vendor.manufacturer"
op: "is-empty"
invert: True
- action: "set-attribute"
path: "extra/system_vendor/manufacturer"
value: "{data[inventory][system_vendor][manufacturer]}"
# Ironic inspector rule to save system vendor serial number in the node's
# metadata.
description: "Save system vendor serial number in Ironic node metadata"
- field: "data://inventory.system_vendor"
op: "is-empty"
invert: True
- field: "data://inventory.system_vendor.serial_number"
op: "is-empty"
invert: True
- action: "set-attribute"
path: "extra/system_vendor/serial_number"
value: "{data[inventory][system_vendor][serial_number]}"
# Ironic inspector rule to save system vendor product name in the node's
# metadata.
description: "Save system vendor product name in Ironic node metadata"
- field: "data://inventory.system_vendor"
op: "is-empty"
invert: True
- field: "data://inventory.system_vendor.product_name"
op: "is-empty"
invert: True
- action: "set-attribute"
path: "extra/system_vendor/product_name"
value: "{data[inventory][system_vendor][product_name]}"
# Ironic inspector rule to save introspection data to the node.
description: "Save introspection data to Ironic node"
conditions: []
- action: "set-attribute"
path: "extra/introspection_data"
value: "{data}"
# List of default ironic inspector rules.
- "{{ inspector_rule_ipmi_credentials }}"
- "{{ inspector_rule_deploy_kernel }}"
- "{{ inspector_rule_deploy_ramdisk }}"
- "{{ inspector_rule_local_boot }}"
- "{{ inspector_rule_root_hint_init }}"
- "{{ inspector_rule_root_hint_serial }}"
- "{{ inspector_rule_set_pxe_interface_mac }}"
- "{{ inspector_rule_lldp_switch_port_desc_to_name }}"
- "{{ inspector_rule_save_system_vendor_init }}"
- "{{ inspector_rule_save_system_vendor_manufacturer }}"
- "{{ inspector_rule_save_system_vendor_serial_number }}"
- "{{ inspector_rule_save_system_vendor_product_name }}"
# List of additional ironic inspector rules.
inspector_rules_extra: []
# List of all ironic inspector rules.
inspector_rules: "{{ inspector_rules_default + inspector_rules_extra }}"
# Dell switch LLDP workaround configuration.
# Some Dell switch OSs (including Dell Network OS 9.10(0.1)) do not support
# sending interface port description TLVs correctly. Instead of sending the
# interface description, they send the interface name (e.g. TenGigabitEthernet
# 1/1/1). This breaks the discovery process which relies on Ironic node
# introspection data containing the node's name in the interface port
# description. We work around this here by creating an introspection rule for
# each ironic node that matches against the switch system and the relevant
# interface name, then sets the node's name appropriately.
# Ansible group containing switch hosts to which the workaround should be
# applied.
# Inspection store configuration.
# The inspection store provides a Swift-like service for storing inspection
# data which may be useful in environments without Swift.
# Whether the inspection data store is enabled.
inspector_store_enabled: "{{ kolla_enable_ironic | bool and not kolla_enable_swift | bool }}"
# Port on which the inspection data store should listen.
inspector_store_port: 8080