The IPA ramdisk fails to boot on UEFI compute nodes with iPXE. We see the following error on the console, followed by a kernel panic: Fix kernel panic-not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown block(0,0) The cause is the lack of an initrd=ironic-agent.initramfs kernel argument in inspector.ipxe. The initrd argument is present in the kolla-ansible version of inspector.ipxe, and now contains all parameters that we need (since Rocky), so this change simply removes our custom template, and passes through the extra kernel argument option configuration value. Story: 2006214 Task: 35804 Story: 2006213 Task: 35803 Depends-On: https://review.opendev.org/670566 Change-Id: I8a103b7c6d3dd1f0433f922ae90deae9b92c0c78
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- name: Set interfaces for overcloud hosts
hosts: overcloud
- config
- config-validation
- kolla-ansible
gather_facts: False
require_provider_networks: >-
{{ kolla_enable_neutron | bool and
(inventory_hostname in groups['network'] or
(kolla_enable_neutron_provider_networks | bool and inventory_hostname in groups['compute'])) }}
- name: Set API network interface
kolla_network_interface: "{{ internal_net_name | net_interface | replace('-', '_') }}"
kolla_api_interface: "{{ internal_net_name | net_interface | replace('-', '_') }}"
when: internal_net_name in network_interfaces
- name: Set storage network interface
kolla_storage_interface: "{{ storage_net_name | net_interface | replace('-', '_') }}"
when: storage_net_name in network_interfaces
- name: Set cluster network interface
kolla_cluster_interface: "{{ storage_mgmt_net_name | net_interface | replace('-', '_') }}"
when: storage_mgmt_net_name in network_interfaces
- name: Set Ceph storage network interface
kolla_ceph_storage_interface: "{{ ceph_storage_net_name | net_interface | replace('-', '_') }}"
when: ceph_storage_net_name in network_interfaces
- name: Set Ceph cluster network interface
kolla_ceph_cluster_interface: "{{ ceph_storage_mgmt_net_name | net_interface | replace('-', '_') }}"
when: ceph_storage_mgmt_net_name in network_interfaces
- name: Set Swift storage network interface
kolla_swift_storage_interface: "{{ swift_storage_net_name | net_interface | replace('-', '_') }}"
when: swift_storage_net_name in network_interfaces
- name: Set Swift cluster network interface
kolla_swift_replication_interface: "{{ swift_storage_replication_net_name | net_interface | replace('-', '_') }}"
when: swift_storage_replication_net_name in network_interfaces
- name: Set provision network interface
kolla_provision_interface: "{{ provision_wl_net_name | net_interface | replace('-', '_') }}"
when: provision_wl_net_name in network_interfaces
- name: Set inspector dnsmasq network interface
kolla_inspector_dnsmasq_interface: "{{ inspection_net_name | net_interface | replace('-', '_') }}"
when: inspection_net_name in network_interfaces
- name: Set DNS network interface
kolla_dns_interface: "{{ public_net_name | net_interface | replace('-', '_') }}"
when: public_net_name in network_interfaces
- name: Set tunnel network interface
kolla_tunnel_interface: "{{ tunnel_net_name | net_interface | replace('-', '_') }}"
when: tunnel_net_name in network_interfaces
- name: Set external VIP interface
kolla_external_vip_interface: "{{ public_net_name | net_interface | replace('-', '_') }}"
when: public_net_name in network_interfaces
- name: Initialise facts containing the network host interfaces
# Initialise the following lists.
kolla_neutron_bridge_interfaces: []
kolla_neutron_bridge_names: []
kolla_neutron_external_interfaces: []
# When these networks are VLANs, we need to use the underlying tagged
# bridge interface rather than the untagged interface. We therefore
# strip the .<vlan> suffix of the interface name. We use a union here
# as a single tagged interface may be shared between these networks.
- name: Set a fact containing the bridges to be patched to the Neutron OVS bridges
kolla_neutron_bridge_interfaces: >
{{ kolla_neutron_bridge_interfaces |
union([item | net_interface | replace('.' ~ item | net_vlan | default('!nomatch!'), '')]) |
list }}
with_items: "{{ [provision_wl_net_name, cleaning_net_name] + external_net_names | unique | list }}"
when: item in network_interfaces
- name: Set facts containing the Neutron bridge and interface names
kolla_neutron_bridge_names: >
{{ kolla_neutron_bridge_names +
[item ~ network_bridge_suffix_ovs] }}
kolla_neutron_external_interfaces: >
{{ kolla_neutron_external_interfaces +
[network_patch_prefix ~ item ~ network_patch_suffix_ovs] }}
with_items: "{{ kolla_neutron_bridge_interfaces }}"
- name: Validate overcloud host Kolla Ansible network configuration
msg: >
The Kolla Ansible variable {{ item.var_name }}
({{ item.description }}) is invalid. Value:
"{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname][item.var_name] | default('<undefined>') }}".
- item.required | bool
- hostvars[inventory_hostname][item.var_name] is not defined or not hostvars[inventory_hostname][item.var_name]
- var_name: "kolla_api_interface"
description: "API network interface name"
required: True
- var_name: "kolla_external_vip_interface"
description: "External network interface name"
required: "{{ inventory_hostname in groups['network'] }}"
- var_name: "kolla_provision_interface"
description: "Bare metal provisioning network interface name"
required: "{{ kolla_enable_ironic | bool and inventory_hostname in groups['controllers'] }}"
- var_name: "kolla_inspector_dnsmasq_interface"
description: "Bare metal introspection network interface name"
required: "{{ kolla_enable_ironic | bool and inventory_hostname in groups['controllers'] }}"
- var_name: "kolla_neutron_bridge_names"
description: "List of Neutron bridge names"
required: "{{ require_provider_networks }}"
- var_name: "kolla_neutron_external_interfaces"
description: "List of Neutron interface names"
required: "{{ require_provider_networks }}"
- name: Validate Kolla Ansible Neutron bridge and interface configuration
msg: >
The Kolla Ansible variable {{ item.0.var_name }}
({{ item.0.description }}) is invalid. Value:
"{{ item.1 | default('<undefined>') }}".
- item.0.required | bool
- item.1 is not defined or not item.1
- - var_name: "kolla_neutron_bridge_names"
value: "{{ kolla_neutron_bridge_names }}"
description: "List of Neutron bridge names"
required: "{{ require_provider_networks }}"
- var_name: "kolla_neutron_external_interfaces"
value: "{{ kolla_neutron_external_interfaces }}"
description: "List of Neutron interface names"
required: "{{ require_provider_networks }}"
- value
# Kolla ansible expects these variables to be comma-separated lists.
- name: Update facts containing the Neutron bridge and interface names
kolla_neutron_bridge_names: "{{ kolla_neutron_bridge_names | join(',') }}"
kolla_neutron_external_interfaces: "{{ kolla_neutron_external_interfaces | join(',') }}"
- name: Set interfaces for the seed host
hosts: seed
- config
- config-validation
- kolla-ansible
gather_facts: False
- name: Set bifrost network interface
kolla_bifrost_network_interface: "{{ provision_oc_net_name | net_interface | replace('-', '_') }}"
when: provision_oc_net_name in network_interfaces
- name: Validate seed Kolla Ansible network configuration
msg: >
The Kolla Ansible variable {{ item.var_name }}
({{ item.description }}) is invalid. Value:
"{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname][item.var_name] | default('<undefined>') }}".
- item.required | bool
- hostvars[inventory_hostname][item.var_name] is not defined or not hostvars[inventory_hostname][item.var_name]
- var_name: "kolla_bifrost_network_interface"
description: "Bifrost network interface name"
required: True
# Strictly api_interface is not required but kolla-ansible currently
# references it in prechecks.
- name: Set API network interface
kolla_api_interface: "{{ kolla_bifrost_network_interface }}"
- name: Validate configuration options for kolla-ansible
hosts: localhost
- kolla-ansible
- config-validation
- name: Validate serial console configuration
- name: Check ipmitool-socat is in enabled in kolla_ironic_enabled_console_interfaces
msg: >
kolla_ironic_enabled_console_interfaces must contain ipmitool-socat if you set
ironic_serial_console_autoenable to true
- kolla_ironic_enabled_console_interfaces is defined
- "'ipmitool-socat' not in kolla_ironic_enabled_console_interfaces"
when: ironic_serial_console_autoenable | bool
- name: Ensure Kolla Ansible is configured
hosts: localhost
- kolla-ansible
gather_facts: true
# We need to reference configuration for the network node.
# We pick the first host from the group for this. It is possible that at
# this point these groups have no hosts in, and we should handle that case
# gracefully.
network_host: "{{ groups['network'][0] }}"
# Configuration of extra user-provided Kolla globals.
- block:
- name: Check whether a Kolla extra globals configuration file exists
path: "{{ kayobe_config_path ~ '/kolla/globals.yml' }}"
get_checksum: False
get_md5: False
mime: False
register: globals_stat
- name: Read the Kolla extra globals configuration file
kolla_extra_globals: "{{ lookup('template', kayobe_config_path ~ '/kolla/globals.yml') | from_yaml }}"
when: globals_stat.stat.exists
- config
# Configuration and validation of network host networking.
- block:
- name: Set facts containing the VIP addresses and FQDNs
kolla_internal_vip_address: "{{ internal_net_name | net_vip_address }}"
kolla_internal_fqdn: "{{ internal_net_name | net_fqdn or internal_net_name | net_vip_address }}"
kolla_external_vip_address: "{{ public_net_name | net_vip_address }}"
kolla_external_fqdn: "{{ public_net_name | net_fqdn or public_net_name | net_vip_address }}"
when: kolla_enable_haproxy | bool
- name: Set facts containing the VIP addresses and FQDNs
kolla_internal_vip_address: "{{ internal_net_name | net_ip(network_host) }}"
kolla_internal_fqdn: "{{ internal_net_name | net_ip(network_host) }}"
kolla_external_vip_address: "{{ public_net_name | net_ip(network_host) }}"
kolla_external_fqdn: "{{ public_net_name | net_ip(network_host) }}"
when: not kolla_enable_haproxy | bool
- name: Validate Kolla Ansible API address configuration
msg: >
The Kolla Ansible variable {{ item.var_name }}
({{ item.description }}) is invalid. Value:
"{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname][item.var_name] | default('<undefined>') }}".
- item.required | bool
- hostvars[inventory_hostname][item.var_name] is not defined or not hostvars[inventory_hostname][item.var_name]
- var_name: "kolla_internal_vip_address"
description: "Internal API VIP address"
required: True
- var_name: "kolla_internal_fqdn"
description: "Internal API Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)"
required: True
- var_name: "kolla_external_vip_address"
description: "external API VIP address"
required: True
- var_name: "kolla_external_fqdn"
description: "External API Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)"
required: True
when: groups['network'] | length > 0
- config
- config-validation
- import_role:
name: kolla-ansible
kolla_ansible_install_epel: "{{ yum_install_epel }}"
kolla_external_fqdn_cert: "{{ kolla_config_path }}/certificates/haproxy.pem"
kolla_ansible_passwords_path: "{{ kayobe_config_path }}/kolla/passwords.yml"
# NOTE: This differs from the default SELinux mode in kolla ansible,
# which is permissive. The justification for using this mode is twofold:
# 1. it avoids filling up the audit log
# 2. it avoids an issue seen when using diskimage-builder in the bifrost
# container.
# We could look at making the SELinux mode configurable in future.
kolla_selinux_state: disabled
kolla_inspector_dhcp_pool_start: "{{ inspection_net_name | net_inspection_allocation_pool_start }}"
kolla_inspector_dhcp_pool_end: "{{ inspection_net_name | net_inspection_allocation_pool_end }}"
kolla_inspector_default_gateway: "{{ inspection_net_name | net_inspection_gateway or inspection_net_name | net_gateway }}"
kolla_inspector_extra_kernel_options: "{{ inspector_extra_kernel_options }}"
# While kayobe has its own support for installing an NTP daemon, the
# kolla-ansible baremetal role does a one-time sync which is useful.
kolla_enable_host_ntp: "{{ ntp_service_enabled }}"