Kayobe uses a number of virtual environments on the remote hosts for python dependencies such as shade, python-openstackclient, docker, etc. By default these are stored in /opt/kayobe/venvs/. Typically we do not provide version restrictions when installing these packages, so over the course of time they may become stale and incompatible. This change installs the latest version of packages allowed by OpenStack upper constraints. It also adds a new variable, 'pip_upper_constraints_file', to set the upper constraints file. The existing variable 'kolla_upper_constraints_file' now defaults to the value of 'pip_upper_constraints_file'. Change-Id: I8d2956f95bbc44b5a9e88e7569372048a62f12f5 Story: 2005923 Task: 34193
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- name: Check whether Ironic is enabled
hosts: controllers
- introspection-rules
- name: Create controllers group with ironic enabled
key: "controllers_for_introspection_rules_{{ kolla_enable_ironic | bool }}"
- name: Ensure introspection rules are registered in Ironic Inspector
# Only required to run on a single host.
hosts: controllers_for_introspection_rules_True[0]
gather_facts: False
- introspection-rules
venv: "{{ virtualenv_path }}/shade"
- name: Validate OpenStack password authentication parameters
msg: >
Required OpenStack authentication parameter {{ item }} is
{% if item in openstack_auth %}empty{% else %}not present{% endif %}
in openstack_auth. Have you sourced the environment file?
- openstack_auth_type == 'password'
- item not in openstack_auth or not openstack_auth[item]
with_items: "{{ openstack_auth_password_required_params }}"
- config-validation
- name: Ensure the openstack client is installed
name: stackhpc.os-openstackclient
os_openstackclient_venv: "{{ venv }}"
os_openstackclient_install_epel: "{{ yum_install_epel }}"
os_openstackclient_state: latest
os_openstackclient_upper_constraints_file: "{{ pip_upper_constraints_file }}"
- name: Retrieve the IPA kernel Glance image UUID
shell: >
source {{ venv }}/bin/activate &&
openstack image show '{{ ipa_images_kernel_name }}' -f value -c id
changed_when: False
register: ipa_kernel_id
environment: "{{ openstack_auth_env }}"
- name: Retrieve the IPA ramdisk Glance image UUID
shell: >
source {{ venv }}/bin/activate &&
openstack image show '{{ ipa_images_ramdisk_name }}' -f value -c id
changed_when: False
register: ipa_ramdisk_id
environment: "{{ openstack_auth_env }}"
- role: ironic-inspector-rules
os_shade_install_epel: "{{ yum_install_epel }}"
os_shade_state: latest
ironic_inspector_venv: "{{ venv }}"
ironic_inspector_upper_constraints_file: "{{ pip_upper_constraints_file }}"
ironic_inspector_auth_type: "{{ openstack_auth_type }}"
ironic_inspector_auth: "{{ openstack_auth }}"
ironic_inspector_cacert: "{{ openstack_cacert }}"
ironic_inspector_rules: "{{ inspector_rules }}"
# These variables may be referenced in the introspection rules.
inspector_rule_var_ipmi_username: "{{ inspector_ipmi_username }}"
inspector_rule_var_ipmi_password: "{{ inspector_ipmi_password }}"
inspector_rule_var_lldp_switch_port_interface: "{{ inspector_lldp_switch_port_interface_default }}"
inspector_rule_var_deploy_kernel: "{{ ipa_kernel_id.stdout }}"
inspector_rule_var_deploy_ramdisk: "{{ ipa_ramdisk_id.stdout }}"