Since Ansible 2.5, the use of jinja tests as filters has been deprecated. I've run the script provided by the ansible team to 'fix' the jinja filters to conform to the newer syntax. This fixes the deprecation warnings. Change-Id: I775c849c944f82bdfc779c8c530346e7ebedbd2a
Inspection Store
Ironic inspector can make use of Swift to store introspection data. Not all OpenStack deployments feature Swift, so it may be useful to provide a minimal HTTP interface that emulates Swift for storing ironic inspector's introspection data. This role deploys such an interface using nginx. Note that no authentication mechanism is provided.
The host executing the role has the following requirements:
- Docker engine
- Python
docker >= 2.0.0
Role Variables
Example Playbook
The following playbook deploys an inspection store.
- hosts: all
- role: inspection-store
Author Information
- Mark Goddard (mark@stackhpc.com)