Currently we filter out networks that are set to None. However, we should also filter out networks set to an empty string. This affects the overcloud ironic networks that were disabled in I300d0ef136224126f25d2c70a80a42afeea5f586 when ironic is disabled. Story: 2008207 Task: 41076 Change-Id: Iba16d6232e1a6ef069cd3ccb870e5bfa89cd913c
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# Storage node configuration.
# User with which to access the storages via SSH during bootstrap, in order
# to setup the Kayobe user account.
storage_bootstrap_user: "{{ lookup('env', 'USER') }}"
# Storage network interface configuration.
# List of networks to which storage nodes are attached.
storage_network_interfaces: >
{{ (storage_default_network_interfaces +
storage_extra_network_interfaces +
if storage_needs_swift_network else []) +
if storage_needs_swift_replication_network else [])) | select | unique | list }}
# List of default networks to which storage nodes are attached.
storage_default_network_interfaces: >
{{ [admin_oc_net_name,
storage_net_name] | select | unique | list }}
# List of extra networks to which storage nodes are attached.
storage_extra_network_interfaces: []
# Whether this host requires access to Swift networks.
storage_needs_swift_network: >-
{{ kolla_enable_swift | bool and
inventory_hostname in query('inventory_hostnames', swift_hosts) }}
storage_needs_swift_replication_network: >-
{{ kolla_enable_swift | bool and
inventory_hostname in query('inventory_hostnames', swift_hosts) }}
# Storage node BIOS configuration.
# Dict of storage BIOS options. Format is same as that used by stackhpc.drac
# role.
storage_bios_config: "{{ storage_bios_config_default | combine(storage_bios_config_extra) }}"
# Dict of default storage BIOS options. Format is same as that used by
# stackhpc.drac role.
storage_bios_config_default: {}
# Dict of additional storage BIOS options. Format is same as that used by
# stackhpc.drac role.
storage_bios_config_extra: {}
# Storage node RAID configuration.
# List of storage RAID volumes. Format is same as that used by stackhpc.drac
# role.
storage_raid_config: "{{ storage_raid_config_default + storage_raid_config_extra }}"
# List of default storage RAID volumes. Format is same as that used by
# stackhpc.drac role.
storage_raid_config_default: []
# List of additional storage RAID volumes. Format is same as that used by
# stackhpc.drac role.
storage_raid_config_extra: []
# Storage node software RAID configuration.
# List of software RAID arrays. See mrlesmithjr.mdadm role for format.
storage_mdadm_arrays: []
# Storage node encryption configuration.
# List of block devices to encrypt. See stackhpc.luks role for format.
storage_luks_devices: []
# Storage node LVM configuration.
# List of storage volume groups. See mrlesmithjr.manage-lvm role for
# format.
storage_lvm_groups: "{{ storage_lvm_groups_default + storage_lvm_groups_extra }}"
# Default list of storage volume groups. See mrlesmithjr.manage-lvm role for
# format.
storage_lvm_groups_default: "{{ [storage_lvm_group_data] if storage_lvm_group_data_enabled | bool else [] }}"
# Additional list of storage volume groups. See mrlesmithjr.manage-lvm role
# for format.
storage_lvm_groups_extra: []
# Whether a 'data' LVM volume group should exist on storage hosts. By default
# this contains a 'docker-volumes' logical volume for Docker volume storage. It
# will also be used for Docker container and image storage if
# 'docker_storage_driver' is set to 'devicemapper'. Default is true if
# 'docker_storage_driver' is set to 'devicemapper', or false otherwise.
storage_lvm_group_data_enabled: "{{ docker_storage_driver == 'devicemapper' }}"
# Storage LVM volume group for data. See mrlesmithjr.manage-lvm role for
# format.
vgname: data
disks: "{{ storage_lvm_group_data_disks }}"
create: True
lvnames: "{{ storage_lvm_group_data_lvs }}"
# List of disks for use by storage LVM data volume group. Default to an
# invalid value to require configuration.
- changeme
# List of LVM logical volumes for the data volume group.
- "{{ storage_lvm_group_data_lv_docker_volumes }}"
# Docker volumes LVM backing volume.
lvname: docker-volumes
size: "{{ storage_lvm_group_data_lv_docker_volumes_size }}"
create: True
filesystem: "{{ storage_lvm_group_data_lv_docker_volumes_fs }}"
mount: True
mntp: /var/lib/docker/volumes
# Size of docker volumes LVM backing volume.
storage_lvm_group_data_lv_docker_volumes_size: 75%VG
# Filesystem for docker volumes LVM backing volume. ext4 allows for shrinking.
storage_lvm_group_data_lv_docker_volumes_fs: ext4
# Storage node sysctl configuration.
# Dict of sysctl parameters to set.
storage_sysctl_parameters: {}
# Storage node user configuration.
# List of users to create. This should be in a format accepted by the
# singleplatform-eng.users role.
storage_users: "{{ users_default }}"