Will Szumski c75a32e72f Pass through kolla inventories as is
Previously, we only supported passing through group_vars. Passing
through the inventory as is allows you to use other features of ansible
inventory such as host vars. It also simplifies the logic of merging
multiple inventories as we can just pass the inventory to ansible and
let ansible take care of the rest. This is useful for the multiple
environments feature.

Change-Id: I28f5d73d414d405d67f5fc92ab371aa2e28a4ce3
Story: 2002009
Task: 42910
Depends-On: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/802863
2023-05-30 18:42:24 +02:00

245 lines
6.5 KiB

# Path to Kolla Ansible installation directory.
kolla_ansible_install_dir: "{{ kolla_ansible_venv }}/share/kolla-ansible"
# Inventory configuration.
# Full default seed inventory contents.
kolla_seed_inventory_default: |
# This file is managed by Ansible. Do not edit.
{{ lookup('template', "seed.j2") }}
# Full seed inventory contents.
kolla_seed_inventory: "{{ kolla_seed_inventory_custom or kolla_seed_inventory_default }}"
# Default overcloud inventory containing a mapping from top level groups to
# hosts.
kolla_overcloud_inventory_default_top_level: "{{ lookup('template', 'overcloud-top-level.j2') }}"
# Overcloud inventory containing a mapping from top level groups to hosts.
kolla_overcloud_inventory_top_level: "{{ kolla_overcloud_inventory_custom_top_level or kolla_overcloud_inventory_default_top_level }}"
# Default overcloud inventory containing a mapping from components to top level
# groups.
kolla_overcloud_inventory_default_components: "{{ lookup('template', 'overcloud-components.j2') }}"
# Overcloud inventory containing a mapping from components to top level groups.
kolla_overcloud_inventory_components: "{{ kolla_overcloud_inventory_custom_components or kolla_overcloud_inventory_default_components }}"
# Default overcloud inventory containing a mapping from services to components.
kolla_overcloud_inventory_default_services: "{{ lookup('template', 'overcloud-services.j2') }}"
# Overcloud inventory containing a mapping from services to components.
kolla_overcloud_inventory_services: "{{ kolla_overcloud_inventory_custom_services or kolla_overcloud_inventory_default_services }}"
# Full default overcloud inventory contents. By default this will be the
# concatenation of the top level, component, and service inventories.
kolla_overcloud_inventory_default: |
# This file is managed by Ansible. Do not edit.
# Overcloud inventory file for kolla-ansible.
{{ kolla_overcloud_inventory_top_level }}
{{ kolla_overcloud_inventory_components }}
{{ kolla_overcloud_inventory_services }}
# Full overcloud inventory contents. By default this will be the concatenation
# of the top level, component, and service inventories.
kolla_overcloud_inventory: "{{ kolla_overcloud_inventory_custom or kolla_overcloud_inventory_default }}"
# List of names of all top level groups in the inventory.
kolla_overcloud_top_level_groups: >
{{ kolla_overcloud_inventory_top_level_group_map.values() |
selectattr('groups', 'defined') |
map(attribute='groups') |
sum(start=[]) |
unique |
list }}
# Path to the kolla ansible seed inventory directory.
kolla_seed_inventory_path: "{{ kolla_config_path }}/inventory/seed"
# Path to the kolla ansible overcloud inventory directory.
kolla_overcloud_inventory_path: "{{ kolla_config_path }}/inventory/overcloud"
# Path to pass-through inventories. These are layered on top of kayobe
# generated one.
kolla_extra_inventories_path: "{{ kolla_config_path }}/extra-inventories"
# Feature configuration.
# List of features supported by Kolla as enable_* flags.
- aodh
- barbican
- blazar
- ceilometer
- ceilometer_horizon_policy_file
- ceilometer_ipmi
- ceilometer_prometheus_pushgateway
- cells
- central_logging
- ceph_rgw
- ceph_rgw_loadbalancer
- cinder
- cinder_backend_hnas_nfs
- cinder_backend_iscsi
- cinder_backend_lvm
- cinder_backend_nfs
- cinder_backend_pure_fc
- cinder_backend_pure_iscsi
- cinder_backend_pure_roce
- cinder_backend_quobyte
- cinder_backup
- cinder_horizon_policy_file
- cloudkitty
- collectd
- container_healthchecks
- cyborg
- designate
- destroy_images
- etcd
- external_api_firewalld
- external_mariadb_load_balancer
- fluentd
- freezer
- glance
- glance_horizon_policy_file
- glance_image_cache
- gnocchi
- gnocchi_statsd
- grafana
- grafana_external
- hacluster
- haproxy
- haproxy_memcached
- heat
- heat_horizon_policy_file
- horizon
- horizon_blazar
- horizon_cloudkitty
- horizon_designate
- horizon_freezer
- horizon_heat
- horizon_ironic
- horizon_magnum
- horizon_manila
- horizon_masakari
- horizon_mistral
- horizon_murano
- horizon_neutron_vpnaas
- horizon_octavia
- horizon_sahara
- horizon_senlin
- horizon_solum
- horizon_tacker
- horizon_trove
- horizon_vitrage
- horizon_watcher
- horizon_zun
- influxdb
- ironic
- ironic_neutron_agent
- ironic_pxe_uefi
- iscsid
- keepalived
- keystone
- keystone_federation
- keystone_horizon_policy_file
- kuryr
- loadbalancer
- magnum
- manila
- manila_backend_cephfs_native
- manila_backend_cephfs_nfs
- manila_backend_generic
- manila_backend_glusterfs_nfs
- manila_backend_hnas
- mariabackup
- mariadb
- masakari
- masakari_hostmonitor
- masakari_instancemonitor
- memcached
- mistral
- multipathd
- murano
- neutron
- neutron_agent_ha
- neutron_bgp_dragent
- neutron_dvr
- neutron_horizon_policy_file
- neutron_infoblox_ipam_agent
- neutron_metering
- neutron_mlnx
- neutron_packet_logging
- neutron_port_forwarding
- neutron_provider_networks
- neutron_qos
- neutron_segments
- neutron_sfc
- neutron_sriov
- neutron_trunk
- neutron_vpnaas
- nova
- nova_fake
- nova_horizon_policy_file
- nova_libvirt_container
- nova_serialconsole_proxy
- nova_ssh
- octavia
- octavia_driver_agent
- opensearch
- opensearch_dashboards
- opensearch_dashboards_external
- openstack_core
- openvswitch
- osprofiler
- outward_rabbitmq
- ovn
- ovs_dpdk
- placement
- prometheus
- prometheus_alertmanager
- prometheus_alertmanager_external
- prometheus_blackbox_exporter
- prometheus_cadvisor
- prometheus_ceph_mgr_exporter
- prometheus_elasticsearch_exporter
- prometheus_etcd_integration
- prometheus_fluentd_integration
- prometheus_haproxy_exporter
- prometheus_libvirt_exporter
- prometheus_memcached_exporter
- prometheus_msteams
- prometheus_mysqld_exporter
- prometheus_node_exporter
- prometheus_openstack_exporter
- prometheus_openstack_exporter_external
- prometheus_rabbitmq_exporter
- prometheus_server
- proxysql
- rabbitmq
- redis
- sahara
- senlin
- skyline
- solum
- swift
- swift_recon
- swift_s3api
- tacker
- telegraf
- trove
- trove_singletenant
- venus
- vitrage
- vitrage_prometheus_datasource
- watcher
- zun