Mark Goddard e6cf6ca985 Remove tasks for Ansible <= 2.3
The minimum version of ansible is 2.4, so these tasks are no longer

Change-Id: Ied933d18e438955c23ad3eeff80e3377b5633a7c
2018-11-29 15:50:35 +00:00

85 lines
2.8 KiB

- name: Fail when the storage driver is invalid
msg: >
Storage driver {{ docker_storage_driver }} is invalid. Valid drivers
include 'devicemapper' and 'overlay'.
when: docker_storage_driver not in ['devicemapper', 'overlay']
- name: Set a fact about the virtualenv on the remote system
virtualenv: "{{ ansible_python_interpreter | dirname | dirname }}"
- ansible_python_interpreter is defined
- not ansible_python_interpreter.startswith('/bin/')
- not ansible_python_interpreter.startswith('/usr/bin/')
- name: Ensure docker SDK for python is installed
name: docker
state: latest
extra_args: "{% if docker_upper_constraints_file %}-c {{ docker_upper_constraints_file }}{% endif %}"
virtualenv: "{{ virtualenv is defined | ternary(virtualenv, omit) }}"
become: "{{ virtualenv is not defined }}"
- name: Ensure user is in the docker group
name: "{{ ansible_user_id }}"
groups: docker
append: yes
register: group_result
become: True
# After adding the user to the docker group, we need to log out and in again to
# pick up the group membership. We do this by removing the SSH ControlPersist
# connection.
# NOTE: Ideally we'd use a meta task with the reset_connection option but due
# to this does not work
# (checked in Ansible Instead, we use the heavy handed method of
# removing all ansible control sockets. Limitation: if this user is running
# another ansible process, we will kill its connections.
- name: Find persistent SSH connection control sockets
module: find
file_type: any
path: "~/.ansible/cp/"
patterns: '[a-f0-9]{10}'
use_regex: True
register: cp_sockets
run_once: True
- group_result|changed
- name: Drop all persistent SSH connections to activate the new group membership
module: shell ssh -O stop None -o ControlPath={{ item.path }}
with_items: "{{ cp_sockets.files }}"
run_once: True
when: not cp_sockets|skipped
- name: Ensure Docker daemon is started
name: docker
state: started
become: True
- name: Query docker daemon information
command: "docker info"
register: docker_info
changed_when: False
- name: Fail when loopback-mode containers or images exist
msg: >
Not configuring docker storage in {{ docker_storage_driver }} mode as
loopback-backed containers or images exist.
- "'Data loop file' in docker_info.stdout or docker_storage_driver not in docker_info.stdout"
- "'Images: 0' not in docker_info.stdout or 'Containers: 0' not in docker_info.stdout"
- include: storage.yml
when: "'Data loop file' in docker_info.stdout or docker_storage_driver not in docker_info.stdout"
- include: config.yml