CentOS cloud images come with net.ifnames=0 on the kernel command line, which disables consistent network device naming. This does not provide a good experience on bare metal because NIC ordering can vary. This is specific to cloud images: an ISO installation would use consistent network device naming. We now set net.ifnames=1 in the DIB default environment to use consistent network device naming. The parameters `nofb nomodeset gfxpayload=text` are also set to preserve defaults from DIB. To restore the existing behaviour, set DIB_BOOTLOADER_DEFAULT_CMDLINE to `nofb nomodeset gfxpayload=text net.ifnames=0` in the kolla_bifrost_dib_env_vars_extra dictionary. Change-Id: I20465eab4e0aec6620578a92d3bdbddcec0954df