When using delegate_to with an IP address, ansible does use the corresponding host in the inventory, and so not respect the ansible_user variable of the delegate host. Here we revert to using the delegate host's inventory hostname, and force ansible to respect the ansible_host variable of that host by setting the variable in the task explicitly.
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# Update the Bifrost inventory with the IP allocation and other variables.
- name: Ensure the Bifrost overcloud inventory is initialised
hosts: seed
gather_facts: no
- name: Ensure the Bifrost host variables directory exists
path: "/etc/kolla/bifrost/inventory/host_vars"
state: directory
become: True
- name: Ensure the Bifrost inventory exists
path: "/etc/kolla/bifrost/inventory/bifrost_inventory.py"
src: "/bifrost/playbooks/inventory/bifrost_inventory.py"
state: link
# This file should only exist within the bifrost_deploy container.
force: True
become: True
- name: Ensure the Bifrost overcloud inventory is populated
hosts: overcloud
gather_facts: no
seed_host: "{{ groups['seed'][0] }}"
# Also supports vlan_id and network_mtu.
addressing_mode: static
ipv4_interface_mac: "{% raw %}{{ extra.pxe_interface_mac | default }}{% endraw %}"
ipv4_address: "{{ provision_oc_net_name | net_ip }}"
ipv4_subnet_mask: "{{ provision_oc_net_name | net_cidr | ipaddr('netmask') }}"
# If the provisioning network does not have a gateway defined, use the
# seed as a gateway to allow external access until other networks have
# been configured.
ipv4_gateway: "{{ provision_oc_net_name | net_gateway or provision_oc_net_name | net_ip(seed_host) }}"
ipv4_nameserver: "{{ resolv_nameservers[0] }}"
- name: Ensure the Bifrost host variable files exist
content: |
# This file is managed via Ansible. Do not edit.
# Bifrost host variables for {{ inventory_hostname }}
{{ bifrost_hostvars | to_nice_yaml }}
dest: "/etc/kolla/bifrost/inventory/host_vars/{{ inventory_hostname }}"
delegate_to: "{{ seed_host }}"
# NOTE: Without this, the seed's ansible_host variable will not be
# respected when using delegate_to.
ansible_host: "{{ hostvars[seed_host].ansible_host | default(seed_host) }}"
become: True