Since Ansible 2.5, the use of jinja tests as filters has been deprecated. I've run the script provided by the ansible team to 'fix' the jinja filters to conform to the newer syntax. This fixes the deprecation warnings. Change-Id: I775c849c944f82bdfc779c8c530346e7ebedbd2a
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44 lines
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- name: Ensure veth sysconfig network control scripts exist
src: "{{ item }}"
dest: "{{ network_scripts_dir }}/{{ item }}"
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0755
- "ifup-veth"
- "ifdown-veth"
become: True
register: ctl_result
- name: Ensure veth sysconfig network interface files exist
src: ifcfg-veth.j2
dest: "{{ network_scripts_dir }}/ifcfg-{{ item.device }}"
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0644
with_items: "{{ veth_interfaces }}"
become: True
register: veth_result
- name: Ensure veth peer sysconfig network interface files exist
src: ifcfg-peer.j2
dest: "{{ network_scripts_dir }}/ifcfg-{{ item.peer_device }}"
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0644
with_items: "{{ veth_interfaces }}"
become: True
register: peer_result
- name: Bounce veth interfaces
shell: ifdown {{ item[0].item.device }} ; ifup {{ item[0].item.device }}
- "{{ veth_result.results }}"
- "{{ peer_result.results }}"
when: ctl_result is changed or item[0] is changed or item[1] is changed
become: True