Adds a new CI job, kayobe-seed-centos, that deploys a single VM as a seed host. The VM provided by Zuul is configured as the seed, rather than a seed hypervisor that provisions a seed VM using nested virt. This approach should be more reliable, faster, and easier to get working, at the expense of not testing the seed hypervisor code paths. Currently the seed services are deployed, but not tested. A future change could test discovery and provisioning of an overcloud host using the seed. Change-Id: Iefe16215af6f1a9fb8ec78094cd6bd76a82a040a Story: 2001655 Task: 6683
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- hosts: primary
logs_dir: "/tmp/logs"
kayobe_src_dir: "{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}"
kayobe_config_src_dir: "{{ kayobe_src_dir }}/config/src/kayobe-config"
- role: kayobe-diagnostics
kayobe_diagnostics_phase: "pre"
kayobe_diagnostics_log_dir: "{{ logs_dir }}"
- name: Install dbus for debian system
name: dbus
- ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
become: true
- block:
# NOTE(mgoddard): The CentOS image used in CI has epel-release installed,
# but the configure-mirrors role used by Zuul disables epel. Since we
# install epel-release and expect epel to be enabled, enable it here.
- name: Ensure yum-utils is installed
name: yum-utils
state: installed
- name: Enable the EPEL yum repository
command: yum-config-manager --enable epel
when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
become: true
- name: Ensure kayobe-config directory exists
path: "{{ kayobe_config_src_dir }}"
state: directory
- name: Ensure kayobe-config repository is cloned
repo: https://github.com/stackhpc/dev-kayobe-config
dest: "{{ kayobe_config_src_dir }}"
# NOTE(mgoddard): Use the name zz-overrides.yml to ensure this takes
# precedence over the standard config files.
- name: Ensure kayobe-config override config file exists
src: overrides.yml.j2
dest: "{{ kayobe_config_src_dir }}/etc/kayobe/zz-overrides.yml"
- name: Ensure bifrost overrides directory exists
path: "{{ kayobe_config_src_dir }}/etc/kayobe/kolla/config/bifrost"
state: "directory"
- name: Ensure bifrost overrides file exists
src: bifrost-overrides.yml.j2
dest: "{{ kayobe_config_src_dir }}/etc/kayobe/kolla/config/bifrost/bifrost.yml"
# NOTE(mgoddard): Create a loopback device backed by a file for docker
# storage. We do this since the overlay driver doesn't work with the
# ansible template module until ansible 2.4.0, and this is required by
# bifrost.
- name: Ensure a docker storage backing file exists
command: truncate -s 20G /tmp/docker-storage
- name: Ensure the docker storage loopback device is created
command: losetup /dev/loop0 /tmp/docker-storage
become: true
# NOTE(mgoddard): The kayobe dev config by default expects a bridge -
# breth1 - to exist on the seed with an IP address of
- name: Ensure all-in-one network bridge interface exists
command: "{{ item }}"
become: true
- "ip l add breth1 type bridge"
- "ip l set breth1 up"
- "ip a add dev breth1"
- name: Ensure kayobe is installed
cmd: dev/install.sh > {{ logs_dir }}/ansible/install
chdir: "{{ kayobe_src_dir }}"